A/N This is set around New Moon but as you will see the birthday party is a little different. This is a new pairing for me but I like the dynamic that could happen between them. In this story Bella is a little more coarse and at the start a little depressed but she will get more confident as the story goes on. Please R&R and let me know what you think.

How did I get here? I look around at my surroundings, I had been walking for about an hour, my mind stuck in the clouds wondering why they all left me? The tears begin to fall down my cheeks and I sink to the ground.

Wrapping my arms around my legs, I begin to question whether anyone will even realize that I'm gone, would either of them know or care? I doubt it, they made it very clear that I meant nothing to them, was it me? Was I that horrible and unlovable a person, I felt sobs rack my body as I thought back to the past few months.

It was time for my birthday party, god I was 18 could this be any worse, I was a year older than Edward, if he only he wasn't being such a asshole about changing me. He took me to the Cullen's house where as I had fully expected Alice had went overboard with decorations and food. The party was more pleasant than I had thought it would be though Edward was being quiet and off with me all night, I could see Jasper watching him critically with Carlisle occasionally throwing him disapproving looks.

I pulled Esme to the side "Esme, I need to know, is something going on with Edward?"

A look of shame passed on her face, so quick that I knew I wasn't supposed to see it but I did, she patted my cheek "Not that I know of Bella sweetheart" her voice had a guilty tone to it.

What the hell was going on? I knew they were keeping something from me, I studied the Cullen's and noticed a change in the family dynamic, Alice and Jasper seemed angry at Edward whereas Rosalie and Emmett were ignoring him completely with Rosalie even flashing pitying smiles at me , since was she nice to me? Carlisle and Esme seemed ashamed of him, I began to tire of the atmosphere, on the verge of anger when a wave of calm over came me, I looked at Jasper who smiled slightly at me.

I watched him, looking in his amber eyes I could see something there, as though he wanted to say something but was stopping himself, Alice watched us both and shook her head frowning before saying something quiet to him. He nodded and she made her way over to me and took my hand "Do you fancy some air Bella?" she asked.

I looked at her in confusion until it clicked, she wanted to talk, nodding "Sure" she grinned at me and led me outside with Jasper following closely behind, I looked at Edward who was staring at the ceiling, his beautiful face contorted as though in pain, I was about to stop and ask what was wrong but Alice kept a tight grip on me and pulled me through the back door. We reached a quiet spot in the garden when I spun around to face the two vampires "Ok what the fuck is going on here guys?" I demanded.

They both shared a look before facing me "Its not for us to tell you Bella, this for Edward to tell you"

"Why did you bring me out here then?" I was beginning to feel frustrated at the secrets.

Jasper put his hand on my arm "Bella I understand your angry, I know this sucks all you want is answers and we aren't giving you them. Me and Alice thought you might have benefited from the fresh air, I could feel your anger boiling"

I nodded and sank to the bench in the garden, my mind spinning, what was going on? I closed my eyes and let the cool air roll over my body before getting to my feet and holding my hands out to Jasper and Alice "Right I'm ready to go in" they both smiled at me sadly and led me indoors.

I could see the Cullen's studying my face when I came in, I kept a calm mask in place although my body was screaming in pain, I walked towards Edward who had a look of nervousness on his features, he flicked a look behind me before relaxing visibly, I touched his arm and whispered "Can you take me home please?" I was starting to feel exhausted, I didn't know what was going on but I knew it couldn't be good.

He nodded and helped me with my jacket and I took turns hugging the family noting the extra long hug from Rosalie and half hearted squeeze from Emmett who was to busy glaring at my boyfriend. When I hugged Carlisle he held me longer than normal and whispered happy birthday but the one embrace that terrified me was Esme, she flung her arms around me "I love you Bella, your part of this family, never forget that ok?" I nodded in confusion as Edward pulled me from her arms and out of the door.

We drove in silence until we were nearly at my house "Could we go for a walk up the trail at the back of your house?" he asked quietly.

I put my hand on his and felt a slight flinch from him, I looked at him hurt as I whispered "Sure but I'll need to let Charlie know"

He smiled at me "Good idea" All to soon we had parked in front of the house and I had let Charlie know where I was going. We wandered up the trail and a little bit off it, I had no idea where we were, Edward stopped and looked down at me "We need to talk Bella" those five words sent a cold chill through my body as he continued "I am leaving tonight with the rest of the family, your not going to see us again, though there not very happy with that idea" he said coldly.

I felt my heart split in two, he was leaving with out me? "What…wh..y? I stuttered.

He visibly grimaced "Bella your only a human, never enough to satisfy me, I met someone else unfortunately Rosalie caught me with her and told the rest of the family. They don't want to leave but I'm making them come with me, there not safe for you to be around especially Jasper"

Tears spilled over my cheeks as his words sank in, they all knew, that why they were being so quiet, a surge of anger passed through me that they hadnt told me and at that Edward was making them leave, but surely they could stay if they really wanted to?

I looked at him, feeling betrayed "You cheated on me?" I sobbed.

He nodded "I never loved you Bella, I only got together with you as a test to my self control, now I have to go, we are leaving now" He touched my cheek briefly before disappearing.

I sank to my knees sobbing "Noooo" I lay on my side shaking with despair, how could he do this to me? All I was to him was a game…shit that hurt, I really loved him. I closed my eyes when I remembered I had no idea where I was, great I was probably going to get eaten by a bear or something.

I pulled my coat around my body as the cold air swirled around me, part of me didn't care if I froze though, part of me had died when he walked away. I had no idea how long I lay there with my eyes closed and my teeth chattering when I felt a pair of arms lift me up, there was nice and warm, I tried to open my eyes but it was to much effort when I heard a deep voice say "Your ok Bella" he sounded familiar.

I opened my mouth sounding raspy "Who are you?" I still couldn't open my eyes.

He chuckled "Its Jake Bella, your safe now" I attempted a smile as I buried closer into his chest.

Thinking back to that horrific night, I can feel as though my heart is ripping in half again, Edward had meant so much to me, I had been willing to give up my mortality for him and he had dumped me. That was six months ago, six months filled with Jacob Black until a few weeks ago, he hurt me more than Edward, just thinking about my best friend sent a fresh wave of sobs racking through my body.

After realising that Edward had made a fool of me I sank into a deep depression, I lost all my friends at school apart from Angela who stuck with me. She came over every weekend and would sit with me in silence just waiting for me to utter a word. Charlie was at the end of his tether with me, ready to send me back to my mum when one Saturday I was doing my usual ritual of laying in bed pondering on why they had betrayed me, I felt angry at all the Cullen's for not staying, they could have told Edward where to go when someone barged into my room and pushed me out my bed.

I landed on the floor and screamed "What the fuck"

I looked up and saw Jake smirking at me "Get your lazy ass up Swan, your dad told me you have been moping since we found you, your needing to get out, get a shower and dressed, we are going to the beach"

I sat for a few seconds just watching him before smiling slightly and nodding "Ok" I flinched, the sound of my own voice foreign. He grinned and went downstairs as I got showered and dressed, a smile playing across my face, this is what I needed, someone to push me over and tell me what to do. I ran downstairs as my father watched me in shock, I walked over to him and hugged him tightly "Thanks dad"

He grinned widely and looked at Jake "Thanks son"

I took Jake's arm who led me to his rabbit, our car journey quiet as I took in the scenery, when we reached the beach I jumped out and walked across the sand with Jake and sat down in front of the water, he leaned back on his arms watching me "So how you really doing Bella?"

I sighed and fidgeted with the buttons on my cardigan "Not good, you know that." I looked out over the water as I spoke "I cant tell you everything Jake, I wish I could but know this, he made a fool of me and took them all away from me"

Tears began to roll down my cheeks when he gently wiped them away "Aww hell Bella, don't cry please, there not worth it. If you want me, I will be here for you, I know they all hurt you especially him but I wont do that to you ok"

I nodded and leaned into his body, he was roasting "Fuck Jake, your so hot" he smirked at me and I blushed "I didn't mean that, your temperature is hot" I stuck my tongue out at him as he chuckled.

We sat talking, I felt calm and happy in his presence, I instinctively knew that he would never hurt me when we heard voices behind us. "Hey Jacob"

I saw Jacob's body stiffen as he got to his feet and turning to face the speaker, he helped me to my feet and I saw 4 boys who looked vaguely familiar, one in particular caught my attention, I felt as though my breath had been ripped away. He was tan with short spiky black hair and eyes like molten chocolate…. How I wanted to lose myself in his eyes, he stood watching me as though I was a piece of art, normally I would have been uncomfortable under such scrutiny but with him it was different, I wanted to know his name when my attention was pulled away by Jacob mumbling "Hey Sam" I watched my friend looking increasingly uncomfortable, what was going on?

We stood in silence for a few minutes when my mystery man spoke "So who's you friend Jacob?" he flashed me a heart warming smile.

"This is Bella Swan, Paul" he answered looking at the ground.

I smiled at Paul who returned it cockily when Sam who appeared to be the leader turned to me "Swan?? You're the Cullen girl aren't you?"

A wave of pain shot through me as I felt tears fill my eyes, I looked at all the boys and nodded, Paul who was still smiling suddenly frowned and studied me critically. The tears were at the corners of my eyes ready to fall when Jacob wrapped his arm around my waist "Sorry guys we need to go"

He led me away as we heard Sam shout "We will see you soon"

We went back to the Blacks where he told me about Sam and his gang, he was scared of them, they always had a look of superiority around Jake as though they knew something he didn't. I found out the other two boys Jared and Embry were friends of Jacob when they suddenly vanished to hang with Sam and Paul.

I asked subtle questions about Paul but Jacob didn't know to much about him. I began to hang out with Jake more and more, we became best friends, even Angela commented on how much I had improved in the last few months. Jacob promised that he would never leave me, that he would always be my friend.

I thumped the ground in anger, I had believed him like the fool I was, why hadn't I learned that with Edward?

A few weeks ago Jake disappeared off the face of the earth, his father Billy told me he was ill. I waited two weeks and he still didn't contact me, my hands were tied, I went to see him. As I parked outside his house, I saw him wandering about in nothing but a pair of shorts, he had sprouted about a foot and he had muscles that weren't there before…what the fuck?

I got out my car and slammed it angrily "Thought you were ill Jake, you don't seem sick"

He looked at me, a look of disgust on his face "Get away from me Bella, I don't want to talk to you right now"

My face fell "What the hell is up with you"

He stormed over to me and grasped my chin in his hands "Go home right now, do not ever come back. I'm not good for you Bella and your not the person I thought you were"

I gasped in shock "What do you mean?"

He opened his mouth to answer when we heard a shout, turning to the side I saw Sam and his gang wandering to us, my eyes searching for Paul, he was watching me with a mixture of concern and anger on his face. Jake looked at them and down at me again "You loved a leech Bella, how could you? Why didn't you tell me?" his voice held a hurt tone.

"Would you have believed me if I told you?" I asked quietly

Sam walked over to us as Jake spoke "It doesn't matter anymore Bella, we are not friends ok, like I said go home and don't come near me again" I looked at him deep into his eyes when I saw a flash of reluctance, I shook my head and walked to the truck feeling a gaze follow me, looking up I saw Paul still watching me as Jacob walked towards them, they all turned and headed to the woods.

I watched my friends retreating back as I whispered "You promised you wouldn't leave me or hurt me, you lied" his shoulders fell as though he heard me, Sam put his hand on Jakes back pushing him towards the trees.

I pounded the ground even harder screaming in frustration, why me? I remembered Sam pulling Jake away, I felt a sense of resentment towards him. He took my best friend away, Jacob promised to be there but he's not. The tears are free falling from cheeks onto the ground. It has to be me… Edward told me he that I was a game, Jacob lied to me, he had brought me back to life only to send me spiralling down again.

As I hit the ground, a sense of resolve overcame me, I was going to get through this, I couldn't do that to Charlie again. I got to my feet when I saw five men walking through the trees, it was Paul and the rest of them. Jacob looked at me before averting his gaze to the ground, my anger boiled over and I launched myself at him "You son of a bitch.. you promised…you fucking lied" I screamed at him.

I pounded his bare chest with my fists sobbing when Sam grabbed my hands and pulled me to face him "Calm down Bella"

I looked at incredously "Don't fucking tell me what to do" I wrenched myself from his grasp and faced Jake "Why?? Jake… Edward broke me, does it make you happy to know that you broke me to" at Edwards name they all growled, as I continued "I hate you Jacob, I hate all of you"

I felt a hand at my shoulder "you need to calm the fuck down Bella" I lost my temper as my fist connected with the voice. I jumped back as I saw it was Paul, he began to shake violently, I moved forward as he held his hand out "I'm sorry for this but move the fuck away"

I felt hurt at his words but looking in his eyes I knew he was sorry, he had a look of worry and concern along with…wait love? No it couldn't be when my attention was grabbed my Jake's grip on my wrist yanking me away from Paul. "What's going on?" I yelled as Paul's shaking was even worse.

"Jacob help" Sam shouted.

Jacob pushed me away causing me to fall on my ass, I watched the men try and calm down Paul when suddenly they jumped away from him… my eyes widened in shock as Paul transformed into a wolf.
