Title : A Simple Story

Pairing : KakaIru / KakaOC (depends on your liking)

Words : 1594 words


A/N :

Hello all, I know it has been a long long period of years. Just edited this small story again, hope you like it!

- Izky, MD

Chapter 01 – The Accident

They had never believed love at the first sight. It had been an accident after all.

He had been drunk and exhausted after a mission and a night in the bar. She walked home alone after a tiring day filled by mission reports in the mission room. They met in the middle of lone street in midnight. He barely could walk straight due to alcohol when she concernedly help him to walk along due to her too good nature.

She brought him to her small apartment because she didn't know his address. As she just closed the door, her back suddenly pressed to the door when unfamiliar lips covered hers. Hands trailed everywhere along her tanned skin as she moaned softly against that pale neck. Tanned hand gripping those pale silver hair, knowing it was useless to fight the obviously stronger jounin. They ended up in bed after a few minutes struggling to let go of their uniforms.

They finished disturbing the neighbors at three o'clock in the morning. She fainted due to tiredness and he slept on due to the drunkenness, tightly wrapping her into pale skin.

Came the morning. He had a hangover and she barely could walk after a rough night. Having aspirin for him and taking a warm bath for the cramps on her part, they talked.

It was an accident and they agreed it wouldn't mean anything more than a one night stand, a fling.

Neither was romantic enough to realize they will build something out of it. He opened the door and she closed it.

They didn't meet again after that.





Months later, she knew something went wrong with her body. She vomited in the morning and she had cramps all over her muscles. She got tired easily when teaching in the class and her co-workers told her to take a break for a while.

She visited the hospital and a polite doctor said she had to watch herself and the baby inside hers. She blinked at that. Apparently that one night stand gave her something more. She wondered if he ever used condom that night.

It didn't matter though.

She barely knew him beside him using mask and his silver hair. And of course, why would the infamous copy nin would want to do anything with a common chuunin working in the mission room besides having a good lay for a night? She could raise the child alone. After all, she was an orphan and she could take care of herself alone for these ten years period after her parents get killed by the kyuubi incident.

She was still young, barely twenty one year old. And her job in the mission room didn't earn enough money for two. She decided to take teachers exam. The job was exhausting but the pay was pretty good. She passed the test and got a few classes to teach every week. She liked it better than working in the mission room all day.

She sold her old apartment and moved into a smaller one in a far silent area. She needed to save up for her baby.



She was already in her second trimester when suddenly they met again in the book store. She bought a maternity book for her when he read some adult books in the adult area. She bowed slightly at him, having a bit difficulty with her pregnancy. He just blinked at her and her obviously large stomach.

'You married?' He asked.

She shook her head, turning away to the cashier. 'No.' She didn't want to see him anymore. She walked out the store quickly, gripping the book tightly on her chest.

'Who's the father?' Came a monotone voice behind her. He followed.

'No one.' She answered.

'You weren't in that house when I looked for you.' He said in lazy tone.

'I moved. Sold it.' She didn't want to talk anymore with him.

'You haven't been in the mission room either.' He continued.

'I went to different job.' She answered.


'Why you're following me?' She grimaced.

'Let's get married.' He said.

She just blinked, finally turning to face him. 'Huh?'

He shrugged, staring down at her with something more – she didn't want to decipher it. 'That's mine, right? I don't want him/her grow up without a father.'

She just nodded, knowing that was the best thing to do, for now. 'Okay.'





They slept on different place. He was on her not-so-big couch and she was on her single bed. She refused to move into his bigger house and he didn't object.

He had always been there though. He practically lived in that couch, reading that porn despite her hate to it. (He was a pervert, she mournfully realized inside)

She made him breakfast and dinner and washed his clothes and feed his summon dogs and went to teach children in academy. He did the dishes and filled the refrigerator and guarded her home and left for missions (A or S missions, she realized). They rarely talked to each other, except when she was treating his wounds after bleeding too long on that couch after those long missions.

'You don't have to do this' She whispered one night, unbandaging the bleeding wound on his arm. It was nearly nine months and her time nearly up.

'What do you mean?' He raised his eyebrow, icha-icha book under his nose. Silent as she cleaned up his wounds.

'We could get divorced and the baby would stay with me. You don't need to do anything.' She said in neutral tone.

'I don't want to have my child fatherless.' He said.

'She or he could have your last name. That's what you want, right? A successor?' She asked out of desperation.

'I do.'

'You could have her/him then. I would go away after giving birth to him/her.' She sighed, turning her head away to the window after done with his wounds.

'You're not a burden to me.' He went up from his couch, walking closer to her standing form.

'I don't want your pity.' She finally admitted that.

'I don't pity you.' He growled.

She went silent.





The next day she vanished from the village, right after he went for his mission (he got too many for her comfort). She told the Hokage that she need a long break and could he gave her permission to leave village…for a while? And please, don't tell him about her whereabouts.

She went that same day, going to the country where her parents were born. It was a beautiful country. She stayed at small cottage (her parents') facing a lone and calm sea on a remote beach.



A few weeks later she gave birth, being helped by a kind nurse staying near her cottage. It was a boy. He had her dark brown eyes and his silver hair. She named him 'Yuki' cause it was winter and everything was white with the snow.

The beach was really beautiful in white. Snow fell into the cold and hard surface of thin ice. She liked it. She often walked along the beach with her Yuki in her arms.

Yuki was a silent baby boy. He rarely cried and often seemed to like sleeping than crying.

He reminded her of him.



It was a few weeks later when suddenly she was woken up from her sleep. In reflex, she aimed the kunai under her pillow to whoever dared to attack her and her baby.

A hand closed around her kunai, stopping her in seconds.


Quickly she turned her head beside to see her boy. The cradle was still silent; a silent tiny breath was heard from it.

Wearily, she turned to face her captor above her. Whoever it was, he/she managed to keep both of her hands up to her head and her legs under his/hers. She was trapped and she feared for her Yuki's fate.

'You left the house.' A familiar baritone voice was heard above her.

She gasped, finally recognizing that silver hair glinting with the moonlight from the window.

'You… What are you doing here?' She gulped.

'What are you thinking!?' That single grey eye stared hard at her, angry.

'What…?' She confused. She had never seen him angry before.

'You could have been dead without any protection here! You ... and the baby!' The eye still stared at her; anger and tension filled his frame.

'I…don't want to be your burden.' She managed to whisper it out.

'As I said before. You're not.' Came the dry voice.

'What do you want?' Finally she asked.

'You. And our baby.'

She didn't expect a pair of soft lips crushed against hers hardly, forcing her to open her mouth with his tongue. She finally complied. She moaned into the kiss, feeling his body fell down, crushing her smaller form into the single bed.


'He's sleeping-'

'We can't-'

'I put a silence jutsu over this bed-'



She didn't dare to breath as he kissed down, down onto the valley of her breasts. Those strong hands gripped hers, unwilling to let her move at all.

How long since the last time he touch her like this? She gasped as her too sensitive nipple being consumed by his hungry lips.

He was too damn good at this.

That was her last thinking moment before she finally succumbed to the desire running through her body.

He managed to take her a few times (she cursed and blessed that jounin stamina), before they collapsed into the soft mattress. She was too tired to move when he snuggled into the crook of her neck. His arms wrapped tightly around her body, not wanting to let her go.

'I've always wanted to do this every night with you' He managed to whisper it to her ear and kissed her neck.

'Really?' She snuggled more into his arms, enjoying the warmth of the other's skin. It reminded her of their first night. She could feel him smiling into her skin.

She smiled back, running her hand over that soft silver hair. 'Good night.' And she slept.





The next day, he whispered his question to her, still wrapping her inside his arms, refusing to let her rise for the day. Yuki still slept silently in his cradle.

'Stay with me.'


"I didn't do it right before, but now I want to.'

'What do you mean?'

'Stay with me, forever, will you?'

She was silent for a while, brushing the soft silver bangs out of his eyes.

'You sure won't regret it?'

'Why do you think I will?'

She was silent for a while, and finally -much to his relief – smiled.

'I will.'

They still didn't believe in love at the first sight.

It had been accident after all.

But they wouldn't have it any other ways.



End (?)