Title : A Simple Story…Not Too Simple Eventually.

Pairing : KakaaIru / KakaOC

Words : 1,434 words

A/N : I can't believe I finally update this little story... –blinks-

Chapter Two – The New Family



They moved to his much bigger house. She finally accepted his family name (for real now) and got around arranging her things between his.

They didn't celebrate because things were dangerous for a shinobi his level to announce his two (one in the way) new weaknesses to the world. Still, it felt nice to show up at the Hokage office to see the old man blinked at them stupidly.

'Huh? You don't come to get divorce papers?'

'No. Just want your signatures over some property ownership papers, Hokage-sama' She answered politely.

'She moved into my house.' He said, shrugging. His arm went to circle her waist gently.

'So….this's not about Hatake Yuki only, is it?' The Hokage grinned.

He shook his head, brushing the long bangs off his eyes. She had to talk to him to cut it later. 'No, Hokage-sama.'

They get all papers arranged and get Yuki back from his friend in his apartment.

The smoking bearded jounin grinned them both. 'You get a real catch, hound. Congratulations, man.'

She decided she liked the carefree guy enough that she smiled back, hugging their baby in her arms. 'Thank you again, Asuma-san.'

They get back to his –now their- house and discussed what to do from now. Both agreed, she was keeping her job in academy only. She liked teaching the children and it wasn't time consuming or tiring as working in the mission room so she still could take care of their little boy.

He got to do what usually he did for his job, except one thing. 'I don't care about your missions, but you have to get back safely – however long it'll be.' She asked.

He didn't promise. 'I'll try.'





It wasn't easy.

She often overworked in academy for a woman who just recovered from her pregnancy period. She thanked some of her friends who didn't mind taking care of Yuki for a moment while she had taught the children.

He often returned in midnight, exhausted from A or S missions – thankfully still alive. Dinner was already cold. Yuki slept peacefully in his cradle. She already slept out of exhaustion in their bed. He took cold shower. Heated the dinner. Kissed their son on his forehead. And snuggled against her neck.

'Okaeri.' She mumbled sleepily against his silver bangs.

'Tadaima.' He kissed her, too tired to do anything more than cradling her into his arms.

Some days, he come home full of injuries & she used to wash the bloody carpet & his ruined clothes in the morning. He refused to go to the hospital & she struggled to stitch his open wounds while he fainted out of the blood loss.

The other days, she came home with full headache, stressed and high tempered after a long day full of kids. He wasn't home and Yuki was being difficult.

Her friends noticed her tiredness after a few weeks repeating the same.

'Talk to him.' They advised.

'He's busy enough. I don't want to disturb him more.' She said. He was in the middle of some A missions who required him in some cities for over a month now.

'You're too overworked. Maybe you should take a break from the job.' They advised more.

She didn't agree and kept working.

It was until she fainted in the middle of teaching that finally the Hokage himself meddled.

'You're taking a month break. No teaching for a while, sensei.' The old man decided.

'But I-'

'Yuki is barely a year old, he needs her mother than your students need you.'

She went silent at that.





She came to pick Yuki up from the red eyed jounin's house, his and her friend.

'He's a good boy. He rarely cries and seems like to sleep more, sensei.' The jounin joked, her hand brushed fondly on the silver hair.

She smiled. 'He is. He takes after his father.'

'Still no word from him?' The jounin asked.

'No. But Hokage-sama said he would finish in a week or two.' She kissed her silver haired baby, who just giggled in return at his mother's affection.

'You're really too good for a busy lazy guy like him, don't you know?' Red eyes stared back at her.

She sighed, shaking her head. 'No. Konoha needs him more.'

She returned back to their empty house and played the whole afternoon with Yuki. Their only child was growing, she could see that.



It was five days later when he came home. In midnight as usual.


She smiled in relief, taking off his bloody & torn clothes as he kissed her gently. She immediately pushed him to the bathroom, warm bath already prepared (she had taken a habit to prepare a warm bath in the midnight thanks to her husband). 'Go take a bath. I'll prepare the dinner.'

'Where's Yuki?'

'He's in cradle, sleeping I'm afraid.'

He took a bath when she made the dinner.

She got a glimpse of him staring down at their sleeping son in the darkness of their room. She smiled at his rather gentle chakra, wrapping around their son protectively.

He ate the dinner and she accompanied him.

'How's the mission?'

'Tiring. But it's finished now.'

'Good.' She was too smart to ask more.

She was washing the dishes when suddenly he came behind her, now familiar long arms wrapped around her smaller form.

'I miss you.' He whispered.

'Miss you too.' She leaned back against his, closing her eyes.

'Do you have to go early for academy tomorrow?' He asked.

'No. I get a break.' She could feel he surprised with what she said.

'How long?'

'A month. A week ago Hokage-sama told me personally to take one.' She sighed.

'You were overworking yourself then.'

'I'm not.'

'You were.'

She disagreed no more, already learning how stubborn her husband could be if he wanted to. They were silent for few minutes, until she felt the familiar pale hands wandering under her night gown.

Her breath was nearly stopped when the words whispered straight into her ear. 'May I ...?'

They hadn't done it since that certain night in the small cottage, where he had finally found them. He was too considerate about her post-labor condition (the few times at that said night was an exception apparently.) And she didn't argue.

And now? She thought she was recovered enough.

'You didn't have to ask anymore.' She simply whispered back, leaning back against the hard chest, dishes already forgotten.

His breath hitched.

'It's your right.' She continued, guiding his hand toward her naked breast under her sleeping gown.

He didn't wait anymore, turning her and crushing his lips into hers. Desperation, passion and longing filled his kisses. He was no man of words, but he sure paid it with actions. And she didn't mind, letting him do anything to her as passion filled her senses.

They did it more than a few times. On the wall, on the kitchen table, on the couch, and last on the bed. He was sure a patient and calm man outside, but in the bedroom he was different man entirely, she realized that as he thrust into her for how many times that night. They barely finished when the morning sun was rising, him with a groan and her with a tired sigh, muffled by his lips.

'You know... I don't think we can do this every night.' She finally said with cracked voice, words muffled against pale neck. She didn't know if she wanted to thank or curse his jounin stamina for their hours of passionate sex.

'And why not?' He yawned, tightening his arms around her smaller frame. One hand possessively squeezed her now sore breast.

'I don't think I can stand the next day. And I need to stand to teach on the board' She answered dryly.

He chuckled, pulling her tighter into his chest. 'Then just sit and teach those brats on your desk, dear.'

Now it was her turn to laugh. 'You are an animal!'





'Should you go to missions right now?' She threw a glance at the alarm clock beside their bed, still too tired to begin her day thanks to the jounin currently leaning on their bed with Yuki on his lap.

'Nope. I've requested a few days off. I deserve it.' He answered, holding and playing with Yuki. The boy was awake just now, but she was too tired to move her cramped muscles, thus the duty fell to him to change the diapers.

Sometimes his stamina astounded her.

'Huh? Why?'

He grinned at her. 'I want to spend more time with my family.'

She blinked, before finally giving into the growing feeling inside her chest. Ignoring the protest of her body (her husband really did know how to work at it), she pulled the sheet around her naked figure and slowly crawled into him and their son.

The jounin blinked as she pulled down his face and finally kissed those thin lips with the feeling she sure felt growing each day.

As he kissed back, Yuki giggling in her lap, she was finally sure.

She loved this man.




The End (?)

A/N : Writing this story makes me relax for some weird unknown reason... Please tell me what you think? Thank you! -Izky