It's me. Again. HAHA. I didn't think I'd finish this in time, but I've done it! [It's 3pm on Christmas Day here, haha!] Many, many, many thanks to Tsuyin and Jinsoku who helped me, and of course, thank you so much to everyone who reviewed 8059 and XS and put this on Story Alert / Favourite Story! ;A; I felt so motivated!

Disclaimer: I do not own Katekyo Hitman Reborn or any of the characters, I only own this piece of digital fiction. XD

Note: I will be re-uploading this (when I figure out how) with the CORRECT sentence structures quite soon. If there's anything weird about it let me know so I can correct it! ^^

"Kyoya! What would you like for Christmas this year?" The dark-haired Japanese man turned to look at his former Italian home tutor who'd asked the absurd question, his eyes unable to keep from wandering to the blonde's hair, styled in its ridiculous glory.

"I don't want anything, I don't even celebrate Christmas, you herbivore. Why do I have to tell you this every damn year?" Kyoya stated coldly in response. "Don't make me bite you to death."

"Again with that? Come on Kyoya, everyone in the family celebrates Christmas!" Dino sat himself down in front of Kyoya as he continued to peruse some documents, a steaming cup of green tea on the table. "You can take this as a celebration that the year's ended if you have to." Removing his scarf, he was about to wrap it around Kyoya's neck when a death glare came his way.

It was like this every year - Dino would come down to Tsuna's base with Romario (who would catch up with Kusakabe, chatting in the hallway outside Kyoya's workroom) and attempt to celebrate Christmas with Kyoya. It went without saying that out of the ten times he'd started his Get-Kyoya-to-celebrate-Christmas plan, he had failed abysmally, not once succeeding in celebrating with his former student. He had been very close last year though, and he was hyped to succeed this year.

"Put that silly scarf around my neck, you herbivore, and I'll bite you to death till your face becomes so mangled even Romario won't recognize you," Kyoya stated coldly. Without blinking, he focused his own grey-blue eyes onto Dino's golden-yellow ones. "Leave. Me. Alone."

"Not until I've gotten you to go out with me, just for today because it's Christmas Eve. We can just go around the town that you dearly love, and have a walk in the park." Dino took the documents out of Kyoya's hands, and put them aside, the Glare of Death still fixated onto him. "There's no point glaring at me like that Kyoya, I'm set on getting you to celebrate Christmas with me this year, if it's the last thing I-"

"Getting me to celebrate Christmas really will be the last thing you ever do if you don't hand me those documents, Cavallone. Give them back." Kyoya outstretched his hand, his expression one of obvious annoyance.

"I will if you agree to go out for a walk for a mere 30 minutes of your time. Just 30 minutes, dear student, and you will be free from me for the rest of the day." He paused for dramatic effect while Kyoya ignored him, sipping his green tea, eyes closed, trying to shut out that that annoyingly bright voice.

It was odd, but whenever Dino talked, he thought of all things bright and beautiful, like the sunrise he loved to watch, the vermillion hues racing across the sky, bringing in the new day. Whenever Dino talked, his voice seemed to have colour to it – yellow and orange forming a gradient, before deepening to red. No one's voice appealed to Kyoya so much as Dino's. Everyone around him was a dull black, grey, monotone and nothing else, and he was used to seeing it that way. That was, until Dino popped out of nowhere and proclaimed himself as Kyoya's new tutor.

To be honest, Kyoya was apprehensive whenever it came to Dino. He was intelligent, kind and quite selfless (to the point of annoying at times), but most of all he cared about Kyoya in more ways than one. He hadn't quite expected it when Dino came to him one day and confessed that he loved Kyoya, and asked him to go out together one day, throwing Kyoya into a state of shock before whipping out his tonfas, giving the older man a huge beating before slamming the door in his face, bruising his forehead.

He hadn't said no.

It scared him.

No one else ever made him think twice about them (apart from Reborn but that was completely based on his fighting ability) apart from Dino. Not only were the feelings of respect, appreciation and affection (he'd never admit it was something more than that) foreign, Dino's reaction was different from every other herbivore he knew, which made it even more intriguing and frightening at the same time. Usually others would scramble at the sight of him brandishing his tonfas, but Dino would just stand there, and willingly take the blows if any. He never lashed out at Kyoya, and would just stand there until he was done. Even while getting beaten up, his smile never faltered, never faded.

Kyoya had to admit; if Dino was kind to the point where he was willing to take his own brutal and relentless thrashings, accept Kyoya's icy attitude and demeanour, and was still alive to declare that he loved Kyoya to no end, he was allowed 30 minutes of time. No more, no less.

"If I step out of this house and walk for 30 minutes with you, you stupid herbivore, will you finally leave me alone in peace?" he heard himself say, cold as the snow that was starting to pile up outside his house. The pond had completely frozen over, and the trees were starting to don fluffy hats. He allowed himself a glance at Dino (he looked ridiculous, and that was putting his hair aside) whose eyes looked as though they were emanating sunshine, sparkling as the blonde continued to stare at Kyoya.

"I'LL GET THE COATS!" Dino scrambled from his seat on the tatami mat, nearly tripping in his haste. He had another brilliant smile on his face, admittedly one with disbelief weaved into it, but it was a smile nonetheless. Sliding the door open as quickly as he could, he charged past Romario and Kusakabe who could only laugh slightly as they watched the 32 year old rush around the house, searching frantically. Kyoya on the other hand, indulged in a tiny smirk that played on his lips, shielding it with his drinking cup.

"See Kyoya? Walking outside in the snow isn't that bad! The view's beautiful isn't it, the snow's piling up on the sidewalks and everything!" Kyoya could only stuff his gloved hands further into his jacket pocket. He didn't like the cold. It just didn't suit him, shivering away while the frosty breeze came around. Dino on the other hand was adding to his annoyance level as he pointed out anything and everything they saw. Kids playing in the park, having snowball fights, the sidewalks gathering layers and layers of snow, even when people walked past them, he had to pass a comment.

"Romario and the others would have loved to see this!" Dino remarked, strolling while Kyoya said nothing. Kusakabe and Romario had intended on following the both of them, but Dino had finally persuaded them otherwise, to stay warm and toasty in the house and wait for their return.

"24 more minutes, you herbivore, and I'll return back to the house," Kyoya replied, wishing that the scarf around his neck had been wrapped on a little tighter before he left. Dino was the one that did the wrapping, so as much as he liked it, he really wished it was closer to his neck. The breeze was becoming painfully cold.

"Aww don't say that Kyoya! It's Christmas Eve!" his partner playfully berated. When he earned no response, he said nothing and walked with Kyoya, in the streets of Namimori where there were no lights on apart from the streetlamps. The stars were scattered all over the midnight blue canvas, the occasional navy blue swirl scattered throughout.

The two of them walked soundlessly down the gravel streets, saying absolutely nothing for a good 3 minutes. Absolute silence. At least, that was until Dino started humming a tune that Kyoya found rather calming and full of warmth.

"It's an Italian song that we sing back in Italy," Dino said before Kyoya could say anything, "It's a really simple tune." He turned around and faced Kyoya while he continued to walk backwards. "If you want, I can sing it for y-"

Suddenly, Kyoya was lying on his back, his head was aching, but more importantly, Dino had come crashing down onto him, and his lips had (very) unfortunately, met Kyoya's own. By the time he opened his eyes, all he saw was Dino's golden-yellow eyes stare back at him, half confused, half surprised, and more importantly, blushing to no tomorrow. Feeling heat creep onto Kyoya's own face, the both of them said nothing for a few seconds, before Dino realised what he was doing and scrambled off Kyoya.

"Kyoya, I'm so sorry! I didn't realise that there was a stone behind me and I somehow fell forward instead of backwards, hitting you, why on Earth am I such a klutz today I could have sworn that I was fine just now, jeez - I'm so sorry!" His face was still a rich tomato red as he reached out his hand to pull Kyoya up, which Kyoya very promptly, ignored, getting up on his own. Kyoya's gaze hardened, but inside, Dino would have no idea how much his heart had softened. Not that he'd show it; he was the ex-Prefect of Namimori High, and he would never, ever, crack the shell he'd built around himself.

"Kyoya?" Dino asked as the ex-Prefect got up and dusted off his coat's sleeve. He'd forgotten; Dino was the clumsiest person around when Romario wasn't around. That's how he had tripped over the stone in the wrong way. As Kyoya walked off, away from Dino as the Italian's arm remained outstretched, falling slightly, Kyoya once again, allowed a tiny smile to creep onto his face. He had to stop doing that, or it'd become a habit sooner or later.

"Oi...herbivore," he stopped walking but continued to face forwards, "Do me a favour and sing that song you were humming earlier." He could almost hear Dino's face light up, as the Italian ran to catch up, pulling Kyoya's hand out of his coat pocket as he went, grasping it between his own. Removing his own gloves, Dino stopped Kyoya, singing softly as he removed Kyoya's scarf, his bare fingers brushing against Kyoya's neck occasionally.

"Tu scendi dalle stelle, o Re del Cielo," Dino's voice seemed to be laced with honey as his fingers wrapped the black scarf around the younger man's neck, singing two other lines (twice, he noticed) that Kyoya, honestly, had no clue about their meaning, but said nothing as he listened to the voice settle so wonderfully on his ears.

"O Bambino mio divino, io ti vedo qui a tremar," he held Kyoya's hands as his forehead came into contact with Kyoya's, with both their eyes shut as Dino finished the verse.

"O Dio Beato,

Ah, quanto ti costò,

L'avermi amato,

Ah quanto ti costo, l'avermi amato."

The moment he finished, taking advantage of the moment, he leaned in for a kiss, very different from the one Kyoya had received earlier. With Dino cupping both sides of Kyoya's face, offering nothing but his slow and deep kisses again and again, the both of them stood in the granite walkway, ignoring the 12 bells that sounded in the far distance.

As they walked, closer together this time, back to the house, only one line was heard as they walked through the snow-covered pavement on Christmas Day.

"You went 3 minutes overtime. Kamikorosu."

And that's it for the Christmas KHR ficlets/oneshots! :D Hopefully you enjoyed all 3 of them. ^^

Rate and review if you like, and Merry Christmas to all!