Okay, this is a semi-Percabeth story. This chapter is when Percy is thought to be dead in BOtL. Oh, and when Annabeth finds out he was really on Calypso's island! Yeah! Rated T for some language, question mark??? Read on!

Oh, and his isn't the ENITRE story line, this has no plot, just random Percabeth things, if I can thing of some…

Chapter 1: Gone and Back Again

He is gone. Who knows where, who really knows why.

The last thing I did with him was kiss him.

Seaweed Brain is gone.

I want him to be here right now. I want to look in his sea green eyes, run my fingers through his black hair, laugh at him, yell at him, even.

I miss stinking my tongue out at him at lunch when he gives me weird looks, I even miss the sounds of the Aphrodite cabin saying, "They are so meant to be!"

Now what am I supposed to do? It's not like I really have any other good friends. Thalia…well, she is always gone. Grover…he's a great friend and all, but, you know, it's Grover!

Clarisse…too busy beating people up. Any one else is either trying to give me makeovers, say I am a nerd, or do not like me at all.

I sat on my bed, just skipping all my classes. Who really cared when something as tragic as this just happened?

This is just really horrible. I don't even know what to do, say, think.

Malcolm brings me food, I usually refuse. Too sad to eat. Silena keeps coming in saying, "He died loving you." It didn't make sense. Did he love me? I know he died. But did Percy Jackson love me, Annabeth Chase?

Some perverted boys keep asking me out, saying things like, "Now that Jackson is out of the picture…wanna go out?" they are so dumb. Faggots.

All this was totally and utterly confusing. None if it really made sense. I was lost in a cloud of confusion, sadness, anger.

I desperately needed Percy Jackson.

Thlia sent me an IM. She said that he was a hero, and that she could visit, if I would like. I refused to that, just like all the other things people were offering me. She was too busy, what a pathetic excuse. I just didn't want her to see me cry.

I threw myself into research and architecture. Anything to get my mind off…him. I did all the possible research on random things just to pass time. And let me tell you, I am not a random person.

One guy walked up to me and said, "Hey, Annie," I wanted to hurt him just for calling me that, "did you check the Fields of Punishment for you Seaweed Brain, yet?" that made me chase the freak into the forest, my knife ready to stab.


After delving into my research, I found out more things about Greek "mythology" that any girl should know. Pandora, Persephone, Calypso, everyone. And sadly, Percy's shroud burning was arriving quicker than I wanted.

I put on my nicest clothes, well; Silena's actually, and went to the ceremony. I tried to refrain from crying.

We were just about to burn Percy's shroud, and I was trying to say a few words.

Then, I saw him.

He was sneaking around, staring at me.

Percy wasn't dead, but I didn't have a reasonable explanation for it. My mind searched through all the research I had learned when he was gone. I racked my brain, and then it hit me.


I wanted to kill him myself, I was so angry. He was going to leave me…I mean us, all behind for some pretty girl who lives on an island and grows flowers for a living.

I was much better then her.

Now that Percy was back…I didn't know if I would tell him I knew where he was. He would get all embarrassed, change the subject, and put on that adorable innocent face of his. Wait, adorable? Percy is not adorable. No way. Hot, maybe…

No, Annabeth! Shut up! Percy is just a good friend!

Anyways, I was angry and just ran up to him, and without thinking, attacked him with a hug.

I could tell we were being starred at, so I pushed him away, and punched him.

"Where were you?" I lied. I refused to tell him that I knew where he was all along.

Gods, Percy is so stupid.

Well, how do you like it? Maybe next chappie will be like, after TLO and Annabeth is yelling at Percy because she accidentally brought up the whole Calypso thing...


-Emo with Crayons