Dakishimetai Noni

Disclaimer: I DO NOT OWN NARUTO!

Sorry for the long wait! Lots of Homework and SAT's and what not. Any who I hope you enjoy the trilogy of Little Black feather and Aishiteru!

2 weeks. It had only been two weeks, and Itachi was already frustrated. They had looked in and destroyed every known hideout of Orochimaru. Where could that basterd be hiding Sasuke?

Itachi sat frustrated on his bed, the thick covers radiating heat as the surrounding room was chilled. Madara was no better, in fact he had the vampire military searching as well. And nothing.

Itachi had not slept or eaten in the past two weeks, he saw such actions as frivolous and non important at the moment. Though it was definitely taking it's toll on him.

"Itachi?" Itachi looked up at his uncle's voice. Madara peeked his head in, looking at his stressed nephew. Madara slowly walked over, sitting next to Itachi and wrapping his arm around him in a comforting embrace. Itachi slowly laid his head down on Madara's shoulder, accepting the comfort that was being given.

"Don't worry Itachi." Madara said lightly, his own malnutrition showing in his voice. "We'll find him in no time." Madara tried to make Itachi feel better, encouraging him to believe in the brighter future. It didn't work.

"We only have a few weeks left. If we don't find him before he gives birth they'll kill him and the children. He's already 4 months and 1 week into it. Just 7 more weeks and he'll be dead. We have to work faster." Itachi whispered, his red eyes looking desperate and on the verge of tears. Itachi's love for Sasuke and his family was quite apparent, and Madara had to work harder.

"Don't worry Itachi. We'll find him. I promise." Madara soothed, hugging Itachi tighter. Itachi only closed his sad, tired red orbs and prayed silently.

Two weeks Sasuke had been in this cell. He had garbage for food, the 'water' looked like mud, and the coldness of the whole cell had him barely moving. He was scared, that was for sure, but he was more scared of what they were going to do to his babies than anything else. They hadn't harmed him yet, but that could change very soon.

In Sasuke's point of view, it seemed that his caped kidnapper had no idea of what to do now that he had caught him. Sure his orders were to kill Sasuke and/or his children, but he seemed hesitant now. That one time when he had snuck in through the window he was quite close, all the intent on killing him then was apparent, now though, he seemed like he didn't know what to do, like he was a lost child. It all was very confusing to Sasuke, but his slowing mind was not able to think fully.

The bad nutrition, cold, and stress of it all had Sasuke's mind going into a comatose state, like his body was keeping his mind from working and figuring anything out, like it was protecting itself unconsciously. Though he had a hard time speaking from his lack of water, he refused to drink mud, his throat was quite sore, aching constantly, he could still understand the tid bits of conversation those assigned to guard him had when they thought he was sleeping or too incoherent to understand. They had said things like he was too young to be pregnant, he didn't look like he could do anything to hurt the 'master'. Some were even strange enough to try and get him to talk, mostly the ones that weren't vampires and deathly loyal to Orochimaru, or this new leader they were following. Of course Sasuke never answered any of their questions, sometimes he saw their mouths moving and nothing else.

The few times the caped man did come to his cell he only hissed at him to go away, no matter how bad it hurt his throat. He automatically didn't like him, didn't want him anywhere close to him, for fear he would have a hidden dagger that he was ready to plunge into his swollen tummy, killing him and his babies. Sasuke would back himself into a corner and glare or growl at anyone that would try to come close enough, seeming like a scared corner dog that didn't want to be there.

He didn't trust anyone in that place. They were the reason he was being treated like a slave and scared that any moment someone would come and kill him.

He just wanted Itachi.

Glowing red eyes and a caped body slowly floated down the stone corridor in the underground hideout. Upon nearing a flight of stairs he took a left and continued to a wood and bar door, opening it with a ring of keys and entering. Walking down to cell three the red eyes wordlessly told the guards to leave. Once the door was once again closed and locked the red eyes looked to the slouched figure in the corner. The keys jingled as the thin pale hands worked to unlock the cell door, locking it once again behind him. The slouched figure was becoming more aware of his presence, the bright red eyes drowsily opening. Sasuke looked up and growled at the figure before him, pushing himself painfully against the stone wall to get farther away from the caped person.

The caped person slowly approached, hands reaching up to pull off the hood. Sasuke's eyes widened when the hood finally fell.

Dakishimetai Noni: I want to hold only you…

Hope you enjoyed the first chapter! Please review!