Dakishimetai Noni

Disclaimer: I DO NOT OWN NARUTO!

The Last Chapter! I hope you all like it!

Itachi almost jumped when Tobi's face appeared in front of him. Behind him were the rest of his gang and Sasuke's friends. Madara looked a little worn, dried blood on his cloths and scratches on his face, but he didn't look too bad. Izuna was beside him, looking like he had a fight with a hell hound. His cloths were almost shredded, and there was a lot more blood on him than Madara, but he had a smile on his face as he held Yuki. Tsunade held Jiro, walking up to them with Sakura and Hinata. Toshi was being held by Konan, who was cooing over him like he was her own. Pein stood beside her, sighing into his hand.

"Are you alright Itachi?" Tsunade asked, holding Jiro out to him. Itachi nodded and took Jiro from Tsunade's hold, holding him to his chest. Sasuke laid his head against Itachi's side before looking to Tsunade.

"He has a hole in his chest." Sasuke said, smirking when Itachi gave him an annoyed look. Sasuke took Jiro as Tsunade took Itachi away to get healed. Madara and Izuna walked over to him, smiling.

"Glad to see your alright." Madara said as he looked to Jiro. "And that all three have not a scratch on them." Sasuke nodded, also relieved.

"How'd you all get here?" Sasuke asked, sitting down, his legs shaking from all the adrenaline. Madara and Izuna sat next to him.

"Well, Pein and the others got a phoenix telling them where you and Itachi were and they found us on the way. Tsunade had found Kita and were heading back to the castle and came here. All we had to do to find you was follow the trail if blood we found in the hall. And the sound of fighting." Madara said. Sasuke nodded before looking up. Naruto was walking towards him, a huge grin on his face as his kitsune tail swished back and forth behind him.

"Sasuke-teme!" Naruto yelled, getting ready to jump on the sitting Sasuke. Sasuke's black wings sprang foreword, pushing Naruto back. Sasuke growled at the hyper fox, holding Jiro closer to him.

"Are you trying to squish him!" Sasuke seethed. Naruto blinked and rubbed the back of his head, ashamed.

"I'm sorry Sasuke. I didn't see him." Naruto mumbled, looking to the side. Sasuke sighed and wrapped his wings around himself and little Jiro, a cold chill entering the room.

"Can we leave? This place gives me the creeps." Sasuke mumbled, standing and heading to Itachi. Izuna laughed as Madara grinned and shook his head. Naruto watched Sasuke walk away, a smirk on his face.


16 Years later

Sasuke laid cuddled to Itachi's side, almost purring in contentment. Itachi was lazily running his hands through Sasuke's short spiky hair, his other hand running over the smooth inky black wings that were laying lazily over him. He smiled at the laughter that drifted into the master bedroom of the catle, the large windows open and the long curtains flowing in the wind. Three childish laughter's could be distinguished coming from the gardens. Jiro, Yuki and Toshi were now 8, and all three inherited Sasuke's beautiful pale skin. Jiro and Yuki even had wings, just like Sasuke. Jiro had inky black like his father, while Yuki had pure snow white of a pureblood angel. Toshi ended up being a full blooded vampire, having all the characteristics of Itachi. They all had the black hair of the Uchiha's, and after they matured, they would turn the ruby red.

Sasuke's own ruby red eyes had darkened, showing he was full grown.

"Aniki?" Sasuke looked up to his older brother, nuzzling the others chin. Itachi chuckled and wrapped his arms around the younger, pulling him closer.

"Hai, otouto?" Itachi asked back, his ruby orbs showing his love and affection to the other. Sasuke smiled and leaned up, pecking the older on the lips.

"Dakishimetai Noni." Itachi smiled, laying his fore head on Sasuke's.

"Dakishimetai Noni."

The End