House Rules

ffnet has seen fit to screw with the formatting on this one. You have my apologies.

1) Nothing goes in the microwave without Mom's okay.
- marshmallows, Peeps, soap, water bottles, socks, mood rings, and paper-mache volcanoes are a no-go

2) I must enter the house through the front and back doors.
- Windows are not "baby doors."

3) BA cannot make me do anything, no matter how BA he is.

4) I must not hold funerals for any mounts my dad makes.

5) I must not feed BA paper and pretend it was my homework.

6) French fries are not vegetables.
- neither is fudge

7) No cleats in the house
- Nothing that has been on the football field is allowed past the laundry room
- this includes footballs
- it doesn't include me

8) No one goes into Dad's shop without permission (like anyone would want to)

9) Mom is not to be disturbed until her second cup of coffee
- unless aliens are invading
- or the world is ending - and I have proof

10) We must sleep until AT LEAST 5 am on X-Mas morning
- or remain quietly in my room until then