A/N: This has been in the works for a while now but i think I'm ready to start working on it. It's second to Solicitation right now, but I'll try to update and write it in between those updates. Let me know what you think so far! I promised you FragilePuzzle, and finally, here you are! (you're amazing by the way, and easily my favorite author) *hugs*

Near nervously peeked around the kitchen doorway, making sure no one was awake yet before he padded in on socked feet. In his hands he clutched a small package of dark brown powder he had mixed himself. Trying to be as quiet as possible, he moved a chair over to the counter and grabbed a box of hot chocolate. He took out the packets of drink mix and hid all but one behind another box. For this to work he needed to be sure that the correct mix was used.

With the remaining packet he cut a small slit in the top and used a small paper funnel to pour in his homemade mix. The whole thing made him nervous but he hoped it would be worth it. It had taken him a while to get the mixture right, but making a love potion was surprisingly easy once he had learned all he could about how the brain perceived love. If he was correct then this particular mix of natural aphrodisiacs and pleasure inducing stimulants would give just the right signals to cause love without crossing over into pure lust. He had even taken into account the aphrodisiacs already present in his target's favorite treat.

A few paranoid looks over his shoulder later it was done and the box was placed back on the proper shelf. The clock said it was about time for a certain blond to be waking up so Near hurried out into the hall but didn't return to his room, needing to be present for his plan to work. Sure enough Mello arrived at the kitchen around 7:30 and went strait to the cabinet, not bothering with a chair and hopping right onto the counter. Cursing at the single pack of his favorite winter drink, he reluctantly took it out and began heating the water.

Near held his breath as Mello opened the package, but he didn't seem to notice the slight tear. So far, so good. As soon as the water was ready he poured in the powder without noticing any color difference and mixed it well. The suspense was making it hard to breath, but he forced himself to put on his normal blank face and enter before Mello could take a drink.

"Good morning Mello." He patiently took a seat at the table, ignoring the glare he received in return.

A dismissive "hmf" was all he got in return. Turning back to his drink he faced the window above the sink as he drank. Though it was fairly chilly for fall, no snow had fallen yet and many trees still had their beautiful fall colors. It was his stillness that told Near that something was happening. Mello had gone completely still, glass paused in midair with one last sip in the bottom.

It was about this time that Near began to doubt his plan. Sure it was ingenious, but what were the odds it would really work? He had done all the calculations but there were so many variables to take into consideration. The mixture had to be just right for this to work.

Slowly Mello turned his head to face him with an odd look on his face. It was wide eyed as he blinked rapidly like he was trying to clear his thoughts. Absently setting the cup down, he walked over to the table and sat down across from Near. He motioned for Near to come join him, which he obediently did while trying to hide his nervousness.

This would either be very good or very bad…