I needed something short and fluffy for the holiday season, so I came up with this little fiction. There's not much to it, only four parts long, but I hope you guys would like it.

Chapter 1

He entered the hospital, head held high and not a care in the world, putting on a smile as he reached the front desk.

"Good afternoon, Lisa. How's our girl doing today?"

She blushed under his stare, as all the nurses tended to do when Mr. Pratt was around. "Dawn's doing fine, getting a little antsy about being cooped up here. She keeps begging the doctor to let her go home."

Spike laughed, shaking his head. "Yeah, that sounds about right. I brought her a few things to keep her entertained. Is it okay if I see her now? I know visiting hours are over, but I promise not to tell if you won't."

Lisa could never resist this man, especially not when he pouted. She envied the woman lucky enough to be with him, because there was just no way he was single. "You can go in, we never had this conversation."

He gave her a wink, then headed over to the hospital room that he was starting to know all too well, smiling at the dark haired girl lying there, her arm and leg in a cast. "Hey, bit, how are you feeling today?"

She rolled her eyes. "How do you think? I hate it here."

Spike sat down at her side, giving her a concerned look. "I know it's not your favorite place, but if it makes you feel better, they said you should be out of here by Christmas."

"Yeah, but that means I'm still going to miss the last football game before Winter Break. I've been rehearsing my cheers for weeks, I had it all down, and then I fall during a practice. I hate the stupid pyramid; it's all Becky's fault. I think she dropped me on purpose. She's always wanted to be on top."

Spike chuckled. "Becky's your friend, Nibblet. I'm sure it was just an accident. I always told you cheerleading was bloody hazardous."

Dawn glared at him, then perked up when she saw what he brought. "Oh, are those my magazines? I've been seriously bored."

He handed the bag over to her. "And some treats, I know how dreadful hospital food can be."

She smiled now. "Thanks, you're a lifesaver."

"I do what I can, but you should rest. I wouldn't want to get Lisa in trouble for letting me in here."

"It's Lisa now, huh?" Dawn said with a grin. "You know she totally has the hots for you, right? You should ask her out or something. You haven't dated in years, which is strange since you could pretty much get anyone you wanted. All of my friends have a crush on you, it's disturbing."

Spike ruffled her hair, which he knew she hated. His girl was a teenager now, after all. "Get some rest, I'll come back to see you tomorrow. Try not to give the hospital staff any more trouble, all right?"

Dawn nodded. "Fine, but I won't be happy about it."

"That's all I ask. I love you, sweetheart," he said, kissing her forehead tenderly.

"I love you, too."

Spike left her room and was about to thank Lisa, when he collided with another body.

"God, I'm so sorry. I really should be watching where I'm going," the woman said, giving him an apologetic smile.

He was lost in the vision of loveliness now standing in front of him; it took all of a second before she became familiar. "Buffy Summers? Is that you?"

She was taken by surprise, giving him a confused look. "I'm sorry, do I know you?"

Spike grinned; of course she wouldn't recognize him. "We went to high school together; I looked a lot different then."

Buffy's eyes widened when realization hit her. "William Pratt? Wow, you've really changed."

He nodded. "I go by Spike now. It's great to see you again."

"Likewise, what are you doing here?"

"Just visiting my sister, you remember Dawn? She got in to a bit of an accident during cheerleading practice. I guess I don't have to tell you how dangerous that could be," he explained.

Buffy laughed. "I know all too well, but my cheerleading days are thankfully way behind me. I hope she's okay."

"She'll be fine. Would you like to see her? I'm sure she would appreciate it."

Buffy knew visiting hours were over, but figured it wouldn't hurt to just peek inside. She followed Spike to the room, noticing the girl in bed, who looked up at her. "This can't be Dawn. You're so grown up now."

The girl raised her eyebrows, glancing at her brother for some clarification.

"Love, this is Buffy, you remember her? You were just a little bit the last time you saw her."

Dawn nodded. "Yeah, I remember. Did you ever fall off a pyramid?"

Buffy thought about it. "Not that I can recall, but I did trip over the mascot once. That was really embarrassing."

The brunette smiled, knowing the older girl was only trying to make her feel better. "I like her."

Buffy blushed, gazing back at Spike. "It was really nice to catch up with you guys, but I should get going now. Maybe I'll see you around?"

Spike nodded, leading Buffy out of the room. "I'm sure you will."

She gave Dawn a wave, then made her way down the hall.

Spike let out a sigh once she was gone, hearing Dawn's voice behind him.

"You still love her, don't you?"

He smiled, staring at his sister. "I never stopped." It was true; Buffy Summers was his first crush, his first real love, even though she had no idea. They were never really friends, she was part of the popular crowd, and he was a social outcast, but even with that, she never tortured him like the rest of the student body seemed to enjoy doing. Buffy was different, special, she was the only person to ever really be nice to him. She came over with flowers once word got out about his mother's death, the only one from school who even cared. It was then that Spike knew he would always love her, even if it was at a distance. Seeing her again just brought all of those old feelings back, and now that he wasn't the same loser he used to be, things were definitely going to change.

Spike broke out of his reverie, and with a big grin on his face, made his way to the exit of the hospital, glancing in rooms along the way, giving the patients in there a warm smile. He stopped suddenly when he came across a particular room, noticing that Buffy was inside, clutching the hand of a small child lying in the hospital bed.

She looked up at him, a smile on her face that didn't really reach her eyes. "Hey, Spike. This is Ella, my daughter."