Sam wasn't listening, again. But then again, when did he ever listen in the first place?

"But, hasn't a male werewolf ever imprinted on another dude? I mean, it's possible right? Leah's imprinted on Mike."

"It's different, Leah's a female. You're a boy, and why the hell would you want to imprint on another male werew-" the older guy stopped, his eyes widening. He rushed forward and put his hands on either arm of the chair Seth was in. Seth was a werewolf, sure but Sam still dwarfed him.

"Seth Clearwater, you're not?"

"No! No, I was just, curious!" Seth said quickly, trying to put as much space between him and the Alpha, who straightened up, still not convinced. He crossed his arms over his chest, narrowing his eyes.

"You do know we can look into your mind when we're wolves, don't you?" Seth raised his hands.

"Honest!" Sam threw his arms up into the air.

"Teenagers. That's why we wanted to wait till you were 17, like we did with Jacob."

Emily had excellent timing, she entered the room right then. As always, Sam was too caught up staring at her pretty face and touching her hair and looking at her eyes, and gross, Seth couldn't go there and not expect to throw up. He grabbed another muffin and snuck out of the house, heading down the path and into the forest.

He pushed past the trees and came face to face with the vampire he'd been waiting to see. Jasper Hale stood in front of him, tall and pale, his skin sparkling in the light, hands clasped in front of him, making him look, elegant.

"What did he say?" he asked, each word perfectly articulated.

"He said it was impossible, and he asked me if I was gay."

"Oh." Seth thrust the muffin into Jasper's icy hands and kept walking. Jasper stared at it, confused, before running to catch up with him.

"Hey, you know we don't eat right?" he said, once again, right in front of Seth, who stopped and glared at him, deciding to try and outrun the annoying bloodsucker. He had already disappeared into the trees. Jasper stared after him smiling and said out loud.

"You know, you can't outrun a vampire, Seth!" He threw the muffin down on the forest floor where the bugs soon caught up with it and ran after Seth. Seth called back out to him, laughing, before turning into a wolf.

"You know, you can't outrun a werewolf, Jasper!" He continued till he knew it must have been a mile, before stopping at a clearing and looking back, surveying the forest for movement, there wasn't anyone there. Maybe Jasper hadn't decided to follow him, or it was true, vampires couldn't outrun werewolves.


"Something funny, Seth?" said an all too familiar voice behind him. Seth turned to see Jasper standing right in front of him, for the third time, barely out of breath, and looking just as elegant as he had before the chase. He moved forward, barely altering the forest floor till there was little to no space between the two of them.

Seth moved back, into the sun and Jasper followed, making up for the distance. His skin sparkled again once it touched the sunlight and Seth was tempted to touch it to see if it felt like how it looked, like diamonds. He felt pressure on his hips and wasn't surprised to see Jasper's cold hands there, holding him gently but firmly enough so he couldn't move away again.

"Going somewhere?" he asked, barely waiting for a reply, instead bending down and kissing Seth on the lips. Few things could make a werewolf's pulse quicken, and Jasper Hale was one of them. He straightened up again too quickly and Seth stared as Jasper stepped back, arms outstretched, silently daring him to move closer. The vampire had the most annoying smile on his face as he turned and ran off into the forest, leaving a confused werewolf in his wake.