This is a response to a challenge by dracohalo117the Naruto hates minato challenge.

Summary: Naruto finds out about the Kyuubi and his father during the whole scroll incident and doesn't take the news as positively as one would expect.

NOTICE this is NOT I REPEAT NOT A NARU/HINA FIC I detest it for some odd reason but I will make the pairing work somehow hehehe…anyways this is my first official fanfic so flames be welcomed pleas R &R

…..Normal speaks…

.Inner thoughts….

……Kage Bunshin No Jutsu….

……I am the mighty Kyuubi or summons…

everyone should know how fan fiction works but for those who don't I do not own Naruto in any way shape form or fashion…the only thing that I could possibly take credit for is the original jutsu that I come up with or some ideas which might have already been done

It was the day of the academy graduation exams and like the 2 years prior Naruto Uzumaki was sweating bullets. Unlike the previous years he would not be allowed back in the academy due to the age cutoff. He had just turned 13 during the year and would be 14 the next year which would be too old to be in the academy.

The test was pretty standard a paper test that accounted for 40% of the final result (although he had no earthly idea why a paper exam would weigh so heavily when it was practical skills that saved so many life's) shuriken and kunai throwing test a taijutsu portion and finally the ninjutsu portion which included the replacement, henge, and Bunshin techniques.

Paper test were never Naruto's strong point so it was expected that he would most likely fail that but as long as he got the remaining 60% needed to pass he would graduate and finally become a genin of Konoha. He proved that he was accurate enough to pass the weapons portion and "survived" the taijutsu portion leaving him the ninjutsu portion standing between him and a leaf headband.

"Naruto Uzumaki!" shouted iruka for the ninjutsu portion. And with a grin Naruto bounded off for the examination room fully expecting to be able to pull off the Bunshin technique this time. He had practiced for weeks trying to get a functioning clone to appear.

"ok now for this portion of the exam I need you to do a replacement with this chair here, henge into a perfect copy of Mizuki here, and make 3 functioning Bunshin to pass. Is that understood?" stated Iruka who was hoping that he would be able to tell the blond knucklehead in front of him that he passed and was finally on his way to becoming a ninja.

"Right! Just you watch Iruka-sensi I'm gonna pass this exam and then I will be one step closer to becoming hokage!!" shouted Naruto with a salute before he replaced himself with the chair and then while smoke still covered the area henged into a perfect copy of Mizuki who was assisting in the examination. "Impressive Naruto" stated Iruka who was surprised at his fluid transgression into the jutsu "now I need you to make 3 bunshin and you will pass" stated Iruka before Naruto scrunched up his face in concentration and did the hand seals slowly so he wouldn't mess them up. With a cry of BUNSHIN NO JUTSU he attempted the jutsu. When the smoke cleared there was 2 frail looking bunshin and one that was completely dead next to him. And with a heavy heart and a shake of his head Iruka told him the words he was dreading the whole day. "YOU FAIL" completely crushed Naruto runs out the academy and goes to his favorite swing to think about what he was going to do since he wouldn't be able to become a ninja anymore.

While he was sitting there thinking he started to look at the kids who were celebrating with there parents about their passing the exams and becoming ninja of the village. He looked on with a hint of jealousy at how their parents would dote and acknowledge them and tell them how much they loved them and how proud they were. He was so caught up watching them that he didn't notice one of the instructors approaching him until he called his name and startled him.

Naruto was then told about a secret alternative exam that was harder to do but guaranteed promotion to genin.

"So all I have to do is sneak into the old mans office, take the old scroll, and learn a technique from it to pass" asked an excited Naruto at the chance to be a ninja. Mizuki just smirked to himself and thought 'all I have to do now is wait for the panic to rise and kill the brat and take the scroll to lord orochimaru…' he gave Naruto a deceivingly kind smile and gave him a basic layout of the area and the location of the scroll. He was so caught up in his thoughts of power that he forgot to tell him where to meet him and by the time he thought about it Naruto was gone.

Later at the office…

SEXY JUTSU and in a puff of smoke Naruto was replaced with a blonde girl with waist length pig tails whisker marks blue eyes and nothing but thin wafts of smoke covering her generous assets. The poor old man didn't have a chance and was blown back by a massive amount of blood and knocked unconscious. Naruto then went to the area where the scroll was kept, took it, and ran off like a bat outta hell.

Naruto ran to a place behind the Hokage Mountain that had a small waterfall with a natural cave behind it. He had found it a couple of years back when the villagers were chasing him on his birth day and went there ever since for his birthday. Nobody ever found him there so he figured it would be the best place to start learning the techniques.

1 hour later….

"Man this jutsu rocks!!! And their solid so they can fight…hmm I wonder what else they can do…" wondered Naruto who had just finished learning the required jutsu from the scroll. At first he paled at the sight of another bunshin jutsu but then kept on reading and found it used more chakra so he thought it might work better for him. 'Hmm….creates a solid clone…..uses a huge amount of chakra….umm learns everything clones did….dispelled in one hit….wait what?

Kage Bunshin can be used to spy or even help train because the original learns everything the clone does after it is dispelled…hmm I think I need to remember that. CRAP!!! I'm gonna run outta time I guess I should copy some of this down for later" he thinks as he creates 5 clones to help read through and copy some stuff down for later use...

…hmm ohh BUNSHIN DIABAKU makes an exploding clone….ok I think this will work nicely with the kage bunshin…he keeps reading and scanning through the scroll until he finds the same swirl mark that he wears on his arm… he remembered something from class talking about seals so he bit his thumb and wiped some on the scroll and pumped some chakra into it. 'I don't think it would hurt to try…besides how many people wear the spiral mark anyway… and to his surprise 3 scrolls popped out saying for Naruto Uzumaki.

'O….k…. that's soooooo not weird or anything....' he thought as he read the one that said to Naruto on it and pocked the other two for later.

Dear Naruto,

My name is Minato Namikaze I go by a few aliases such as the Yellow Flash, Iwa's Bane, and most of all 4th Hokage and in case you're wondering I'm your dad. The nine-tailed fox Kyuubi is attacking the village for reasons unknown to me seeing that he is supposed to be the protector of the area around here. Now I must prepare to seal it inside of you, as it is the only way to defeat a being as powerful as the fox. I can only hope that your life will be different from the other demon containers and that this land see's you as their hero. I don't have much time left so I will leave you with some things. I don't know if it will make things better but I have left you with everything I own all my techniques research assets everything. I love you and your mother so much I just want you to know that and also watch out for the Uchiha there's something wrong about this whole situation I know they are planning something I just don't know what. Live a good life and I hope you grow to be older than me my son.


"………….." Naruto sat and reread the letter 3 more times before finally generating a somewhat coherent thought, 'THE FUCK?!?!?!?!?!' he shouted in his head over and over as rage started building in him. The day's events were just too much for Naruto as he felt something snap inside of him. Failing the test all the glares and comments... it was just too much and his mind shut down temporarily. Dark tendrils started to form around him as he meditated over all these recent thoughts. Suddenly he started to chuckle "heh so that's it huh? Well fine then MINATO! Just leave me to rot without even trying to make steps to help me? Way to fuck up someone's life…you a father? Don't make me laugh. I have no FATHER," he spat out the word like bitter and spoiled milk. "I don't need you not now not ever. I will become the best around on my own terms and with that he set off to train once more. The forbidden scroll lay forgotten on the ground.