Arms raised in the air, Naruto felt someone abruptly pull them down. He wonder why, but such thought would cause pain. Sasuke rolls his eyes at the dobe, as he always says.

"If I see you do that one more ti…", He soon drowns out the wallows of a sadly unintoxicated sakura. As he always does, when she's not in her druken state.

Naruto feels as though he's losing himself in the colours of people around him. Not skin tone, the auras. Foxes just happen to see aura's too. Rather than at expected times, usually It begins when the inner one demands you to see how people are doing.

It becomes annoying frankly, after a certain time period. Anyways, he looks arounds and sees sasuke's aura pink as a baby penis.

Not even a light pink. Just a frank, annoying, baby penis pink. Maybe he should have thought about a different name than baby penis pink. Quite out there, isn't it?

Well, back to the point, with his aura being pink as a…baby vagi—wrong, a piece of contrustion paper fresh out of the box. Yes, that will do. His pink aura indicates a such interest in someone around you.

Good god! And there went Naruto's mind.

Such things at this time made no such sense. Who could Sasuke be infatuated with? Sakura had departed the topic of Sasuke's affection long ago.

Possibly him? Heavens no!

He would never know at this certain moment, unless he tested it. And there was no time for that, during a party of all sorts.

It's just a forgotten though at this moment.

0 0 0

It was a lost and so called forgotten thought until he sees sasuke, partially drunk, and standing on a table stripteasing and such.

Why does god hate him? Let me alone!, He felt himself scream this.

Although only he could hear it, and he alone. It was a marvolous experience.

Seeing Sasuke do such things to himself could only prove Naruto's tenacity further! This would show that he was a true man and that he co--Oh, gods!

Sasuke was already down to his boxers, with a massive one just poping out in his face. Perhaps, he was being tested?

Tenacity could only go so far, before you go to the table. Pull him down. Drag him to the nearest bedroom, and have your way with him. So, that's what Naruto did.

But, he was only so far into the 'having your way with him', before Sasuke had stumbled out of his druken stupor and realized his mistakes.

Who said that would stop him? No one! Ha!

Sasuke had realized he was naked and screamed at Naruto to stop sucking his dick before he killed him and all this lot. But, then he almost laughed himself before stopping a midsentence. Who would stop someone from giving them a blowjob?

Not he! Especially from such a...ah, gifted indiviual. Such as naruto. Whose body had also been touched by the gods, so it wasn't a reason to complain.

After pondering that thought, Sasuke felt himself about to ejaculate. So he did. In Naruto's mouth. And all over his face. Somewhat on the floor, as well.

Maybe he should have blamed the alcohol, or himself...But then at that moment , he could feel his penis touching the tip of Naruto's prostate.

How did this happen! Oh well, it was fun while it lasted.

For those short moments of time.

In the small bedroom.

That possibly belonged to the owner of the household, and the host. From looking around the room, it was a hostess. Or a transexual. Eh.

Again, he should blame the alcohol. For, Sasuke had no idea what Naruto was doing in his bed the next day.

And to why his rump hurt so accursdley much.


It was quick and sexy. I know.

So, yeah I'm 14. First awesome story I've written in a while.

Eh, I'm sick so whatever.