(A/N: It was really cold in my room, and I was thinking that I should get a space heater. That made me think of Twilight, and that made me think "Nessa doesn't need a werewolf—she has Boq." And then this story was born. Enjoy!)


"Boq, it's so cold in here," Nessa complained, shivering even though she was wearing at least three sweaters.

"It is," Boq agreed. He was pretty sure he could feel icicles forming at the tip of his nose and ears. "Would you like me to get you a blanket?"

"No," Nessa answered, shaking her head. A blanket would have been nice, but it wasn't what she was looking for.

"Shall I get your robe?" Boq asked.

"No," Nessa replied. Sure, her fuzzy pink robe would have been warm, but she didn't want it.

"Should I make a fire?" Boq nodded towards the fireplace with the tan couch sitting in front of it.


"Then what should I do?" Boq inquired.

"Cuddle with me."

Boq half-smiled. Although he would have rather just gotten her a blanket, Nessa's body always seemed to be warm. It wouldn't be the worst thing to be close to her.

"Do you want some hot chocolate?" he asked.

"Sure," Nessa agreed.

Boq returned a minute later with two mugs of hot chocolate, each with two fluffy marshmallows floating in the middle. He helped Nessa onto the couch, and then handed her the hot chocolate. Boq watched as she sipped the chocolately drink, and the moment she set her mug down, he scooted closer to her. Yes, she was warm, just as he hoped she'd be. He burrowed his head into her neck. "Mmm…" he mumbled. "You're so warm."

Nessa laughed. "I don't feel warm."

"Well, you are." Boq moved his lips down to the hollow of Nessa's neck, very glad he hadn't insisted on just getting her a blanket.

(A/N: Reviews are love!)