"I don't want to go." Alucard sighed as he watched Sephiroth place a pan of dressing in the little heating bag he'd purchased the day before just for the occasion. "Why do we have to cook if we're invited?" Once again there was no answer, as there had been no answer for the past day. It was like his lover was pissed off at him, didn't want to say a word.

The black-haired man huffed and crossed his arms, turning on his heel to wander out of the room.


Alucard stood by, staring as his lover packed something with salad in the name in a cooler, shoving it in the back of their pickup. "Why are you doing this? Your mother never likes anything that I help cook." There was still silence. "Fuck, this is going to be a disaster. Imagine... A weekend with your parents. Why do we have to stay a weekend? You know Vincent hates me."

Sephiroth sighed good-naturedly and shook his head, making sure the lid of the cooler was down all the way before going back into their home to obtain the dressing that was still hot in the warming bag. Alucard sulked and followed moodily.


"Why hasn't my son gone to college? You said when you moved him out of my home that you would get a job and send him, you lazy bum." Alucard lost the deep tone and glared at the windshield as he drove toward Vincent Valentine's home. "Seriously, your dad expects so much. Why does he even want us to come over for Thanksgiving? You know I hate Thanksgiving, and it's even worse when your mother is moping because you're gay, your father is glaring at me over the dinner table, and your crazy ass uncle is hocking loogies in the corner where they love to shove him and forget him."

Sephiroth smiled at the mention of Hojo, but just kept staring out of the passenger window, ignoring his lover's bitching.


Alucard huffed as he slid out of the driver's side door, looking up. Vincent was strolling out of the house, stoic expression frozen on his face as he took in his son's boyfriend's attire. "At least you're clothed this year.

"Hmph. You're lucky I'm wearing pants, old man."

"Charming, Sephiroth. He's absolutely charming." The silver one smiled at his father and hugged and kissed him on the cheek before moving to get the things they'd brought for dinner into the house.



Alucard was absolutely thrilled. Hojo was as nuts as he'd ever been, just with a nervous twitch and fork stories to replace the spoon escapades from the year prior. He leaned his elbow against the table but quickly removed it when he saw a look of disapproval from Lucrecia. "Is the turkey done yet?"

"No, sweetheart." Lucrecia sighed and shook her head. "It's going to be an hour or so yet. Why don't you go help Vincent rake leaves outside?"

Alucard would've rather had his arm chewed off in a wood chipper, but he didn't voice that wish. He had a feeling Lucrecia could do some damage with the sifter she was holding.


"Young man, don't you know how to wash your hands?"

Alucard looked down at his hands. They were stained, as always. Axle grease didn't come off all that easily, contrary to what Vincent seemed to think. He shook his shaggy black hair out of his eyes and offered Vincent a smirk. "Sir... These are the hands of a working man that put your son into clothing and do his bidding." His naughty bidding. Vincent didn't need to hear that. "He's going into his first semester at the university down town next year. And I have all of the money saved up for that first year."

Vincent rolled his eyes. "Big deal. Where's the money for the next three?"

"Already borrowed and promised to pay for." Which meant he'd be working seventy hour weeks for the next thirty years of his life. He looked over at Sephiroth, with his hair pulled back and peeling potatoes with his mother. He noted how much alike they looked and appreciated it at times like that. "With many many long hours... Your son is my cherished possession." I want some...so bad. Seph, you owe me for this.


"Thank you father, for this lovely day. The good weather we're having, and this food-" Alucard sighed as he listened to his father-in-law say grace, kept his head bowed, but ignored the words.

He winced as he felt a sharp kick under the table. He looked up and raised a brow. Sephiroth had his tongue stuck out, wiggled his eyebrows. He was sporting a ring through the middle of his tongue, a hot pink plastic bauble adorned with black swirls.

Alucard's mouth went dry as his boyfriend gave him the most devilish look he'd ever seen. "Amen."

Amen echoed around the table. Alucard swallowed. "Good god, Amen."


Ripping clothing and creaking bed springs met Sephiroth's ears. His plan had worked perfectly. No more bitching had spilled forth from his lover's mouth since the little surprise, and it was so nice to hear peace and quiet. Sephiroth hovered over his lover's body, taking in his scent. After they'd gotten away from his parents for the evening, he'd been surprised with the suddenness of Alucard's desire. He'd been stripped and thrown onto the bed not for the first time in his life.

He breathed softly on already-warm flesh, watching with satisfaction as his lover trembled underneath him. "Mmm... Is that why you wouldn't talk to me?"

"Dath why."

"Wait. What did you say?"

"Dith ith why too."

"... Just... Shut up. And get to work."

Sephiroth shot him a glare of disapproval, but leaned down. He touched the tip of his tongue against the soft skin of his lover's stomach and traced downward. The warmth of the plastic mixed with slick flesh sent shivers up Alucard's spine, made his already-throbbing erection as painful as he'd ever experienced it. "Mmm...FUCK." He grabbed his hair and shoved him downward, pressing his nose against the tightened fabric.

Sephiroth swatted his hand away before resuming his prior pace. Much to Alucard's disapproval. He watched Sephiroth pop the button on his pants and slowly inch the zipper down, taking satisfaction when his dick flopped out triumphantly. He was less satisfied when the teenager pressed his cheek against it, starting to kiss the underside.

Alucard wasn't having any of that.

He reached down and snagged a handful of the silver hair, jerking up sharply. Sephiroth hissed in pain as the black-haired one leaned in close, purring his deadly song in the littler one's ear. "Suck it like you want to-" He lapped his tongue across the younger man's ear, nipping at his lobe. "Like the little whore you are. C'mon... You're my little slut. Don't disappoint me."

The silver one moaned lightly, traced his tongue out and against the throbbing member, sinking it into his mouth without further ado. He closed his eyes and worked the plastic bead up and down the underside of his lover's cock, paying special attention to the area that he knew he loved the most. "That's it... Mm... Sweet little slut. You like my cock?"


"It likes you." Alucard shivered as he watched rigid flesh slip in and out of supple lips, leaving a trail of saliva in their wake. He watched his lover pant, flick the new toy against the head of his dick before plunging it into his mouth again with renewed vigor. It wasn't fast enough for the mechanic's liking. He grasped a handful of the hair and shoved him down roughly, listening to the gagging noises before jerking him up again. Over and over, the same rhythm, up and down. He felt teeth and tongue and vibrations from whimpers, and it felt so fucking good that he never wanted it to stop.

Stop it had to, though.

He jerked Sephiroth's head away one more time, concentrated on the thin string that ran from the tip of his tongue to his dick. That was all it took. Alucard gasped and released, giving into the pool of molten liquid that had been churning away in his lower stomach for the past five minutes. He watched his lover close his eyes against the onslaught as it spattered across his face, eyelids, and lips. "Now then." Alucard jerked his hair a little tighter, leaning in. "That'll teach someone to withhold information and tease, won't it?"

The silver one purred up at him, tilting his head with the jerking. "Yeth."

"Yes what?"

It still ate away at Sephiroth's insides to say it. "Yeth mathter."

"That's a good boy. You can touch yourself now."