Here is my first fanfic. Hope you like it... REVIEW!!

I woke up with an edgy feeling, like i had forgotten something. Panicking I racked through my head wondering what I had forgotten. Then I remembered. 1st DECEMBER! I was so happy. Christmas was finally coming. Living with Renee would have been a nightmare for anyone at christmas, she was so happy and exuberant at this time, but for me, almost 17 years of this was the sorta thing you got used to.

I jumped out of my warm cosy bed and ran to the bathroom. I was eager to get into the shower. The hot water heated up my almost hypothermic body and I was feeling brighter again. I got out, dried and got dressed. I glanced out of the bathroom window and groaned. There was about 5 inches of snow on the asphalt driveway. All the way down the road was covered in what looked like a sheeps blanket. I shuffled down the stairs, slightly dishearted at the awful weather. I popped two bits of bread into the toaster and sat waiting for them to pop. Charlie had already left in his cruiser so I felt oddly creepy to be alone. Suddenly, the doorbell rang.

I stood up, already guessing who it would be. I grinned as I opened the door. Edward, was standing there in all his glory. His bronzey golden hair was covered in a light blanket of snow. His pale skin was slightly luminous, glowing slightly in the morning sun. I saved his eyes for last hopeful that it would kickstart my cold heart. It did. Golden liquid butterscotch, as i had once described them, filled Edwards eyes.

"Hello," he chuckled.
I woke up from my daze and concentrated. "Good morning!" I glanced outside and sighed.
"Don't worry, love, I will keep you nice and warm," he hinted with sarcasm. I giggled at the thought of his icy cold arms trying to keep me warm.

It was pretty early, so he came in and sat in Charlie's armchair and relaxed. I crunched my toast loudly. Edward broke our silence.
"Alice wants to go shopping on Saturday, but I told her you were mine for the day."
"What are we going to do?" I asked with excitement.
"It's a surprise," he said, and winked at me ."Anyways, we better be going, we will be late."

I chewed my last bit of toast, grabbed my jacket and shoved my boots on, and then Edward and I ran out into the snow. We shuffled into his silver volvo, and fortunately it was warm. Edward started the car and he grasped for my hand. I took my glove off and we held hands all the way to school. He had my crooked smile on his face all the way to school.

School passed in a blur, nothing much happened. In English, Edward and I usually sat alone in the corner. We chatted about our day, and then i decided to ask.
"So.. Can you come and help me with ... stuff after school?"I murmered.
"What sort of "stuff"?"
"Oh, just buying things for Christmas."
"Bella, i would love to come and help you with whatever you need to do. Just let me drop off Alice and Jasper first, then we will leave."
I beamed at him. Because, first i knew he was putting himself up for the torture that would mean me rifling through old boxes of ornaments and also buying new ones from the store.

The final bell went off and we left the school. Edward took Alice and Jasper home and then he drove onto the highway. The nearest decoration shop was in Portland and he drove all the way. I wandered about dreamfully while Edward followed quietly. I had put 4 sets of lights, a wreath, a miniature tree, a box of random ornaments and i had sneakily put a stalk of mistletoe into the basket. We purchased the items and left the shop.

When we got back to the house I put the tree up. Edward chuckled.

"What?" I groaned, shoving the tree up.
"Oh nothing, im just going outside to put the lights up," he snickered and ran outside.
"Edward Cullen, wait 'til you get back in here!"

I gave up with the tree and settled for putting up the smaller items. I heard a thump on the roof, and realised Edward must have jumped up. I rolled my eyes. I wandered over to the door, and hung the mistletoe above the door. Edward leaped down with a soft thud on the ground. He is a right show off, even though i yelped with shock. He came over and apologised. I rolled my eyes again and looked up at the mistletoe. I decided to give him a soft smug smile. He had realised what I meant with the mistletoe.

"Ahh, Bella. You are so adorable when you ..."

He couldnt finish his statement because I had reached up and kissed him on th lips. His gentle icy lips pressed down on mine more and my heart melted. I wrapped my arms around his neck and he cuddled me into him.

So.. Whatdo ya think?