Quinn was sitting in Spanish class, one week before Spring Break when it happened. She was conjugating verbs on her review sheet when she felt her water break. She freaked out at first, but instantly realized what was happening. The baby was coming. Britney was sitting beside her. When the less than intelligent girl looked down at the mess she gasped. "Quinn, did you just wet your pants?"

Quinn rolled her eyes. "No Brittany! I'm having the baby!"

Britney's eyes grew wide. "In Spanish class?"

Quinn shook her head. "No – oh never mind Britney," Quinn stood up, and was slightly embarrassed about what she had to say next, "Mr. Schuster, my water just broke. I'm… I'm having the baby."

Mr. Schuster wanted to panic. This was after all the first time a student had gone into labour in his classroom. However, he knew that he had to keep his cool in order to make sure that Quinn stayed calm. He instructed her to text or call Puck and tell him what was happening, and that he would call for an ambulance.

Mr. Schuster left the room to make the call and Quinn started worrying. Her parents had cancelled her cell phone plan when they had kicked her out of the house. Puck and Quinn had decided that spending money each month on a cell phone plan was not really needed, especially since they were on such a tight budget. Quinn cursed herself for not thinking ahead.

She was about to ask Britney to borrow her cell phone when Finn turned around and placed his cell phone on her desk. She had forgotten that he also knew that she was no longer in possession of a phone. She looked up at him and felt even guiltier for ll the hurt she had caused this perfect, ever so sweet boy. "Thank you Finn."

He didn't respond. He turned around and pretended he couldn't hear her. It had been the same story ever since had found out about the truth. Quinn should have expected it. There was no time to feel incredibly guilty though, as she was having a baby. She quickly texted Puck letting him know that she was having the baby and to meet her at the Spanish room so they could go to the hospital together.

Mr. Schue came in announcing that the ambulance had come as soon as Puck walked into the room. Quinn gave Finn back his cell phone, thanked him, and watched his face turn back to sadness as Puck helped her walk to the door as they were off to have their baby.

Puck was scared out of his mind. Mind you, he had been scared all of this time, but now that the baby was actually coming, everything seemed real. This was happening. His daughter was being born into the world. He was going to be a father. He had to pretend to be strong. Quinn was freaking out even more than he was so he had to act as if he was brave. He took a deep breath as he stepped into the back of the ambulance with Quinn.

Six hours later and Quinn still hadn't had the baby. Mr. Schuster and Rachel were at the hospital. Kurt, Mercedes, Tina, and Ms. Pillsbury had stayed as well but they left a little over an hour ago once the clock striked seven o' clock and it seemed that Quinn would continue to be in labour for at least another two hours. Puck had told both Mr. Schuster and Rachel that they could leave but they didn't want to. They seemed intent on staying until the baby was born.

Puck had gone out of the hospital room to get a bottle of water. He walked out and saw Rachel sitting on a chair outside of the room. She was reading a book entitled The Fabolous Life of Jewish Celebrities. She looked up at him.

"Did she have it?"

Puck shook his head. "Go home Rachel. Seriously, the baby isn't going to be born for another couple of hours. Plus, it's not like you and Quinn are best friends or anything."

Rachel looked offended. "Maybe we haven't always gotten along but I was there for her when she moved out of Finn's house. We grew to be friends… sort of."

Puck nodded. He wasn't in the mood to argue. He knew that Rachel had only invited Quinn to live with her because she felt guilty about telling Finn the truth but he wasn't going to start a confrontation on the night his daughter was going to be born. "I'm going to buy a water bottle. Want to come?"

Rachel nodded. She put her book into her purse, stood up, and walked down the halls with Puck. He didn't particularly like Rachel. After they broke up he went back to thinking she was terribly annoying, but there were times when he would catch her holding back her obnoxious nature. She was trying to be less abrasive, and that's all anyone could ask for, so Puck had decided to give her another chance.

Puck laughed nervously. "I can't believe I'm having a kid right now. She's going to be here soon and I'll be a parent. It's scaring the hell out of me."

Rachel was silent for a moment. She pursed her lips. "When we were dating… you knew that you were the father. Why didn't you tell me?"

He shrugged his shoulders and tried to be nice with his response. "She didn't want anyone to know. She could've denied everything and I would've looked like some lying douche."

They got to the pop machine and Puck inserted four quarters and pressed the right button to make the water drop into the bottom of the machine. He picked it up and took a sip. Rachel put an arm on his shoulder. "Do you miss Finn?"

He did. For the past year, even before he had sex with Quinn, he felt the strain between his friendship with Finn. However, he missed the friendship they had shared from the time they were thirteen and had hopes and dreams of being popular and athletic. They were able to joke around back then and at like idiots. Once Finn had started dating Quinn, everything became too complicated.

"I'm not going to beg for friendship Rachel. If he wants to be friends then that's cool. If not, well… I've got bigger things to deal with now."

Rachel gave Puck a disapproving look. "Have you even apologized for what happened Puck?"

Puck shook his head. "That's not me. The apology is implied so if he wants to be friends then he can come and talk to me."

Rachel sighed and looked at her watch. "My dads called. They wanted me home soon. I want to stay until the baby is born but…well I don't see how much help I'm being. And you're right. Quinn and I are not the best of friends. Maybe I should go. Will you let me know when your daughter is born?"

Puck nodded. Rachel gave him a quick hug and walked away. Puck paced back to the hospital room where Quinn was waiting. He walked in and gave her a smile.

"Any closer?" He asked.

Quinn looked beyond agitated. Puck didn't blame her. "No, and all I've been able to eat for almost seven hours are ice chips! Why can't this baby just come out and we can be done with it all?"

Puck walked over to Quinn and leaned on the edge of the bed while he held her hand. "Don't worry. She'll come soon and this will all be worth it. My mom will be off her shift from work soon and she'll come here. Maybe she can offer you some tips to make the baby come faster."

Quinn sighed and let go of Puck's hand to put both of her hands on her stomach. "I'm defiantly not going to miss being pregnant. All those books told me I would, but I hate looking like some fat whale."

Puck laughed. "You'll lose the weight fast." He believed it too. Quinn Fabray was perfect. She would lose her baby weight in a miraculous amount of time. The kind of time that makes celebrities get cover stories in magazines.

"The books did say that breast-feeding burns a lot of calories. I don't know if I want to do that though. It might make my breasts sag or something."

Puck smirked. "Well Quinn… sex can burn a lot of calories too, and I'm pretty sure that doesn't make your boobs sag."

"I told you that we can do that soon. I just want to wait until I lose this weight. I'd feel terrible having sex while I felt like a deflated balloon. I'd probably burst into tears," She handed him an empty glass, "Now please go replenish my ice chips."

Puck sighed, took the glass, and left the room. When he closed the door he saw Mr. Schuster coming towards him. Puck walked over to meet him halfway. "Are you leaving now?"

Mr. Schuster shook his head. "I will when you mom gets here, but I don't want you two here alone not knowing what to do. That's not what I had to tell you though. Puck, since Quinn is not emancipated yet, her guardians are still legally her parents so I had to kill Mrs. Fabray and tell her what was going on."

Puck nodded. "So what, did she tell you to screw off? Tell you that she didn't care?" Puck was still mad at the Fabrays for kicking Quinn out when she was so young and going through a time where she needed her parents the most.

Mr. Schuster looked nervous. "No… she's actually here. She called me right now to tell me she's parking her car and she'll be in the hospital in a minute. I thought you should know before she barged into the room."

Puck thanked Mr. Schuster for telling him and started walking into the direction of the hospital entrance. He wanted to catch Mrs. Fabray before she went into the room and made Quinn more stressed out and frustrated than she already was. He also knew that there was a lot of explaining that he would have to do. He caught her as she walked into the door of the hospital. He walked over to he and took a deep breath.

"Hey Mrs. Fabray."

She frowned when she looked at him. "Where's my daughter?"

She shot him one of her famous dirty looks and Puck thought back to the seventh grade when Quinn's mom was the most frightening person he knew. He had grown up a lot since then and he realized that he knew scarier people than Mrs. Fabray, but none of them could shoot a look dirtier than she could. Puck had to stand his ground though. "She doesn't want to see you."

Mrs. Fabray stared down the boy she had been so tough on as a child. "Listen you little punk, my daughter is having a baby so you either tell me where she is or tell me where Finn is so I can go see her as soon as possible."

Puck took a deep breath. Everything was going to unfold in the matter of about a minute. "Finn isn't here."

"What do you mean? Stop with all the lying. He's the father."

Puck shook his head. "Okay listen when I tell you this you aren't going to scream or make a scene. I don't want Quinn hearing with those bat-like ears of hers. Finn isn't here because he isn't the father. I am."

Puck thought that Mrs. Fabray was going to faint. She didn't. All she did was keep repeating the phrase, 'Oh no' multiple times, and walk over to a couch to sit on as she tried to regain her composure. Puck sat down next to her.

She looked at him and confusion was written all over her face. "She… she told me and her father that Finn was the father. She had… with both of you?"

Puck was not going to let Mrs. Fabray think that Quinn was some big slut. He immediately interjected, "No, she made up some big story and Finn with his few remaining brain cells bought it. I was the only one… and it was just the one time."

Mrs. Fabray slapped Puck across the face. He saw tears in her eyes and her mascara was running slightly. "You couldn't have stayed away from my daughter? I didn't make that clear enough for you in grade school, or in middle school? I told you to stay away. You're a no good, Jewish brat who got my daughter pregnant!"

Puck rubbed his cheek. It stung. He wanted to yell at Quinn's mom. He wanted to call her every name in the book. He wanted to tell her that she was a frigid cold bitch anti-Semite, but he knew that it was no use. "I've got a job, and Quinn's living with me. I'm taking care of her and I'm going to take care of our daughter. It shouldn't be too hard. I know I'll be a better parent than you were."

Mrs. Fabray wiped the tears from her eyes with a tissue she had in her coat pocket. "You don't understand. We raised her right. We gave her everything and all her father and I asked was that she not have sex… or date you, but mostly just for her to remain a virgin. After all we did for her she couldn't do the one thing we asked of her. She had sex, and now it turns out that it was with you. Her father couldn't accept it, and he shouldn't. Quinn was wrong. She made a huge mistake. This is not the way that Fabrays go about life."

Puck knew that it was time to start lying. He knew that Quinn missed her parents, she had told him one night as they laid in bed. She wanted them to love her again. Puck would see to it that her wish would come true. Even if it meant that he had to make himself look like a complete jerk.

"It was all my fault. I pressured her to have drinks and then I pressured her to have sex. You can be mad at me, but don't be mad at her. If she wasn't drunk I don't think she would have done it."

Mrs. Fabray looked like she was going to slap Puck again. He flinched, but she didn't do anything. She was stunned. "I knew it." She finally whispered.

Puck nodded. "So you can blame me, but I'm trying to make up for that mistake. I'm being a good guy to her. We haven't done anything except kiss since she moved in with me. I'm trying to be a good father too. Don't be mad at Quinn. She doesn't deserve it."

"Her father will never forgive her." Mrs. Fabray said it matter-of-factly.

"Can't you convince him to come and see her once? She is his granddaughter. After he's sees her he'll have to forgive Quinn. I know it. You know it. Can't you do it?"

"It's a girl," That fact brightened up her eyes, "Maybe… but I want to see Quinn now."

Puck shook his head. "She's about to have the baby and she doesn't need to get all worked up. She won't want to call you for a while, but in a couple of weeks I think that I can convince her to invite you and Mr. Fabray over. You just have to get him to come. And you guys can only see Quinn and the baby if you're going to be cool about it. If you're going to be assholes and yell at Quinn then forget about coming."

Mrs. Fabray finally accepted things and left the hospital. Puck went back to the room where Quinn was waiting. She told him that she thought it would happen soon. Thirty minutes later Mrs. Puckerman arrived and Mr. Schuster left, telling the couple that when they were ready for people to visit, to give him a call and he would bring the whole Glee Club over to see the baby girl.

Mrs. Puckerman offered Quinn a whole bunch of advice, but most turned out to be old wives' tales. Finally, after nine hours of waiting, the time came, and Quinn went into labour. Mrs. Puckerman was told to leave the room. Puck stayed, and held Quinn's hand the entire time. He told her to squeeze it as hard as she needed to. Boy, did he regret saying that. He never realized it before, but Quinn was a lot stronger than she looked.

But fifty-seven minutes later, Puck and Quinn's daughter was brought into the world. Quinn smiled as the doctor lifted her daughter up so that she could see. Quinn could not be happier that everything was finally over, her daughter was here, Puck was with her, and her life was starting to seem like it could work out.

Puck had a different reaction. As soon as he saw his daughter he started to cry. He couldn't believe that he – Noah Puckerman, local stud and badass, was forming tears in his eyes at the sight of his daughter. However, he was overwhelmed with how tiny, beautiful, and perfect his little daughter looked.

After the umbilical cord was cut and she was cleaned up, Quinn was allowed to hold her daughter. She was a little nervous as the baby looked so fragile that she could break, but Quinn held her and placed a light kiss on the top of her head.

"We need to name her." Quinn reminded Puck. Puck smiled. He had always thought Quinn would name the baby. Quinn deserved to name her after all she had been through, but she was asking him for his advice, so he seriously thought about what he wanted to name his perfect little girl.

"What about Caroline? Then I could always sing that song to her."

Quinn rolled her eyes. "And remind me how you serenaded Rachel with it back in the day? No thank you. You'll be able to find another song to sing to our daughter."

Puck smirked. He enjoyed that Quinn was real with him and could put him in his place. He looked down at his baby girl – he still couldn't believe she was real. "Well, what do you want to name her?"

Quinn smiled, and lightly traced her fingers over their daughter's head. "I was thinking… maybe Blaire?"

Their daughter reached her tiny hand out and Puck held let her hold on to his thumb. He could not believe ho precious a baby could be. He looked back up at Quinn. "Does this have to do with you watching Gossip Girl fro three hours straight yesterday?"

Quinn shook her head. "I've always liked it. What do you think?"

Puck really didn't care what his daughter was named. He had her, and he had Quinn and that was all that mattered. He wouldn't love her anymore or less depending on her name. Plus, Quinn really did deserve to choose her name after the tough time she had the last nine months. "Sure… Blaire sounds perfect. Now, can I hold her?"

Quinn giggled and carefully passed Blaire to Puck's arms. He could not believe that she was finally here. It had felt like so long since he had found out that Quinn was pregnant, or when everyone found out he was the father, or even when Quinn had told him that she wanted him to be involved with both her and the baby. It didn't matter though. The wait was worth it. He had Quinn and Blaire and that was all he needed. The road ahead was a long and hard one, but Puck did not mind. He knew that it was the only road he belonged on.

He took a deep breath and started to softly sing to Blaire as to not wake her up from her peaceful sleep.

Isn't she lovely
Isn't she wonderful
Isn't she precious
Less than one minute old
I never thought through love we'd be
Making one as lovely as she
But isn't she lovely made from love

Quinn smiled. She thought back to how hard she had worked on not loving Puck over the years. She realized it was much easier to love him, even when he made a few mistakes, then it was to try to hate him. It was especially easier to do so when he performed such sweet acts as singing Isn't She Lovely to their daughter.

Two days later, when Blaire was brought home, Puck and Quinn invited the Glee Club over to meet her. Kurt claimed to dress her in green as everyone knew that green was the new pink. Brittany didn't understand why Quinn's stomach hadn't become flat yet since the baby was out already. Santana tried to be nice and didn't make any mentions of the quick fling she had with Finn. She simply told Quinn that Blaire looked very pretty and that she was happy for both Quinn and Puck.

Puck had honestly not thought Finn would come, and he didn't blame him. He had crossed the line, and broken the most major rule of best friendship. Never mess around with your best friend's girlfriend. That was why Puck thought he was going to have a heart attack when he saw Rachel leading Finn in by the hand five minutes after everyone else had arrived.

"He was waiting in the car. He didn't really want to come at first, but after some convincing he decided that he would stay for a few minutes and leave if it gets too awkward. He's trying… maybe you should too."

Puck knew that Rachel was right. If Finn was willing to come and see the baby that he had thought was his for months only to discover it was actually his best friend's, well then Puck could manage to apologize.

Puck walked over to Finn who was waiting at the back of the living room while everyone was by the couch with Quinn, cooing over Blaire.

"Hey man." Puck put his hands in his pockets and shifted awkwardly.

Finn, as tall as ever, glared down at Puck. "So, you're a dad now."

Puck nodded. He cleared his throat. "Listen dude, I'm really sorry about what happened. It's just… I liked Quinn since the first grade, and it felt like you had stolen her away from me… but that's not an excuse. I shouldn't have done it. I'm sorry."

Finn looked over at Mr. Shuster who was now holding Blaire. "What's her name?"

"Blaire," Finn made a face as Puck told him, "I know, but Quinn liked it and I thought that she should be the one to name her."

"I'm not happy about what happened, alright? But it's been four months and I've been talking with Rachel and… well maybe it wouldn't be too bad if we were friends again. Obviously not best friends… but we could be friendly."

Puck nodded. He was grateful for that. He had expected Finn to never want to speak to him ever again. Being friendly with each other was almost like a miracle.

Life started moving on. Blaire was enrolled in daycare and Puck and Quinn went back to school. They tried their hardest to juggle school, Glee, work, and Blaire all at once, and it was hard. However, with help from friends and family they realized that it wasn't impossible.

Puck called Mrs Fabray one day. He thought it would be best to make sure that her parents were coming over before Quinn got her hopes up. He asked Mrs. Fabray what a good day for her would be to come over and meet Blaire. Mrs. Fabray told him that she would call him back later when she had checked her schedule. She never called back.

It was alright. Puck realized that Quinn didn't need her parents. She seemed to be happy where she was. Blaire was growing fast, and Puck knew how hard it was going to be to raise Blaire, but he didn't care. Somewhere along the way he had grown up, and realized that although teenage parenthood was not what he had planned on, it was where he was, and he was content with it.

One night Quinn crawled into bed after being awoken to feed Blaire. She whispered, "Puck, are you awake?"

He rolled over, opened his eyes, and nodded. "What's up?"

Quinn pressed her cold feet to Puck's warm legs to warm up. He shivered and she giggled. "Are you happy?"

Puck leaned in and kissed Quinn on the lips. "Yeah, I am."

"Good, because so am I." She kissed his cheek and rolledover to go to back to sleep.

Puck shifted closer to Quinn and leaned in to whisper in her ear, "I love you Quinn."

It was the first time he had said it. He knew that she knew he loved her, but he had never actually gotten the courage to tell her. Now, as Puck was staring at Quinn who had turned back over and was staring him in the eyes, he wanted nothing more than for her to say it back.

"I love you too Noah. Now, let's go back to sleep, you have a math test tomorrow morning."

Noah. He was back to Noah. It had been a long journey to get back to who he used to be, but Noah was so glad that he had reached it. He now had the girl he loved, a daughter, and great friends. It made up for late nights working, and barely managing to pay bills because he had what he needed, and what he needed was all that he wanted.

The End.

I hope you all like this story! It's been my favourite story that I've written thus far!

Thank you to everyone who read/reviewed/story alerted/favourited this story. You guys are so awesome and I appreciate all of you so much!

I will be writing another Puck/Quinn story. It will most likely be the Quinn-Puck-Rachel love triangle, but I also have a couple other ideas so I'm not too sure.

If you have the time, I would really appreciate it if you could leave a review! Writers love feedback, even if it's just a quick message! :)

Thank you all again so much for reading. I hope you enjoyed this story!

Until next time,

Happy Reading