Poke Chara

Sonii- Ha! I uploaded something first!

Khy- Wait…Whaat? NO FAIR! You have to tell me these things beforehand! We share this account ya' know!

Sonii- Who says everything I write has to go through you first?

Khy- Says me!

Sonii- Well I say that neither khy nor I own PokeSpe or Shugo Chara

Khy- Crap, I forgot about the disclaimers

Sonii- And that is why I am the most awesome of the two! ^_^

Khy- You know what you can do with your so called awsomeness? Shove it up your as-

Sonii- I love you to Khy :D

Episode 1: Introductions

Soni- Welcome to the first ep. of Poke Chara!

Khy- helloooo~!

Soni- Let's start by explaining what we are doing here

Khy- yeaah~!

Soni- Um…Okay then o_o

Khy- Green! ^_^

Soni- Okay. I'm Soni and this is *sees Khy playing with a water puddle* Khy…

Khy- Hi! I like Shugo Chara

Soni- Yesss…Well anyways, we decided to create a talk show with out two favorite animes/mangas. Shugo Chara

Khy- ^_^

Soni- -_- and PokeSpe. We are both 15 and are actual friends…Surprising right

Khy- I'm in Anime Club

Soni- Oh, don't get me started on that God Forsaken club. Anyway, before I start my tirade, let's begin. We will start with our fave characters & shippings.

Khy- Red, Ikuto, Kukai & Ruby that's bout it. Old Rival, Frantic, Amuto, & Kutau

Soni-HOW DO YOU LIKE KUTAU! They can never be together. KUKAI IS MINE!

Khy- Well, you see… in episode 80 when Kukai and Utau just met, Utau challenged Kukai to a ramen eating contest on pretenses unknown. They learned they had a lot in common and thus their relationship flourished.

Soni- 0_o WTF? Since when do you talk that much?

Khy- * smiles innocently*

Soni- no comment

Khy- *hold up hand shaped like a "C"* comment! ^_^

Soni- My fave characters are * takes a deep breath* Green, Red, Gold, Silver, Bill, Falkner, Morty, Volkner, Ruby, Pearl, Dia, Kukai, Tadase, Kiseki, Yoru, and that's about it…_

Khy- *Glare*

Soni- What?

Khy- You. Like. TADAGAY?

Soni- WTH is your problem?

Khy- ewww… he's such a sissy

Soni- Well so is Ruby but I'm not complaining!

Khy- HE'S NOT GAY! He is just in touch with his feminine side.

Soni- Oh what ever

Khy- Soni? When are we going to start interviewing people?


Khy- Well we have Red, Ikuto, Green, and Kukai in the waiting room

Soni- Ooh, this shall be fun. I call Kukai and Green.

Khy- Fine as long as I get to interview Red and Ikuto *faints just thinking about Ikuto*

Soni- Sure, I can't wait *fan girl screams at just the thought of it*

Khy- See ya next time on Poke Chara talk show!

Soni- See ya!

Khy: Please review. We'd really appreciate it. Oh BTW we kind of switched on personalities. Sonii's usually the one playing with water puddles and I'm usually the one who's like "no comment"

Sonii: Comment

Khy: See what I mean. Anyway. If you review there'll be more Ikuto and Red

Soni: Don't forget Kukai and Green either

Khy: I also wanted to ask a question to all the reviewers out there. We're having a hard time deciding on the name. Should it be Poke Chara?

Sonii: or Pokara

Khy: I separated the two

Sonii: and I combined them

Sonii & Khy: R&R