Author's Note: Wow. I've realized, in constructing this final chapter, that this story has been on-going for SEVEN YEARS — basically the run of the show! I cannot believe it has taken me so long to complete it. But… life, calls! It's there, beautiful people, passing by at a rate I can barely keep pace with, reminding me it's imperative I live it. For me. Not vicariously through fictional characters. We all must… But alas! I apologize! I didn't mean to keep you waiting! Thank you, from the bottom of my heart, for your continued interest in this story. I sincerely hope and pray you enjoy it's conclusion. God bless!


The Final Chapter:

Part 2

Dinner is a feast, more exquisite than any they've ingested! — A banquet, a regale, a spread of food to rival all spreads! — Copious amounts of savory pastas, pizzas… lasagne, arancini, saltimbocca, the guy's favorite, osso buco alla Milanese… pungent soups, salads, breads… and heavenly desserts of Bonnie's famous pancakes, gelato, torrone, and tiramisu...

After a grueling day on the battlefield, and exhausting days on the run, no corner is cut and no stop un-pulled with the meal, that looks as divine as it smells, and smells as mouth-watering as it looks...

"Don't be jealous, people. My hubby can cook! –

"Hey! He didn't do it alone!"

"Right you are... Please excuse me! My hubby and JP can cook!" teasing and proud, Elena beams, while the gray eyed vampire smiles warmly and leans over, kissing her temple, his fellow chef puffing out his chest, entitled.

"Thank you."

The dining room is rendered into an unearthly stretch of silence the following instant, nothing but chews, fork falls, and the rhythmic mumble of how "incredibly delicious" everything is, filling the air. – Quite normal for a typical group of friends, but for the blustering, rag tag Mystic Falls gang... outlandish, and almost creepy. But the food is that good...

Arranged and resigned to endure the hush for hours on end, the friends recline in their seats, feasting like kings and queens. Until Gabriel and Blaine expedite the end to the stillness, gushing around mouthfuls of food about their nightly activities for the umpteenth time, spurring along the equally mature Tyler and Jeremy to speak up, chattering about the raging club they accosted, and the "sexy twins" they'd acquired the "digits" of.

"Oh my gosh! Nobody CARESSSS, you horn dogs!"

"What's a horn dog?"

"Something you must never become." Elena speaks up for her blonde bestie, lightly stern and matter-of-factly, as she looks into her nephew and his cousin for good measure. "Eat more salad."


"Gee, Bon, I sure have missed your pancakes…"


Guffawing lightly at the zealous outcry, Bonnie looks to Matt, grinning blissfully.

"Thanks, Matty. ~ Nice try, babe. Something tells me pancakes everyday would have you very hyper... and unhealthy."


Merry laughter fills the suite, following the passionate protest, – that is, much like every other statement and exchange of the supper, a mere echo to a certain blue eyed being... Only marginally apprehended it is, while a cerulean gaze continuously and dazedly moves about the table, taking in a brother, a sister-in-law, friends, a nephew... a son... a love of his life…

'How did I ever leave this?… I' will never leave this again.'

Arm tightening around Bonnie, with the vigorously firm vow, Damon continues to ogle the group around him, – his brother, Stefan, Stefan's beloved, Elena, the ex-factor, Matt, his talk a lot girlfriend, Caroline, tweedle dee and tweedle dum, old man JP, and the 2nd generation... – before sighing contentedly, as the beautiful witch receptively squeezes his knee.


– Tyler and Jeremy don't even question the subject matter, identically readying themselves fresh new chalets of wine.

A twinkling glint entering Stefan's gaze, he raises his cup of coffee, grinning conspiring at his nephews extending their apple juice.

The dark haired vampire gazes affectionately into each person at the table, for an increment of time that has them either smiling softly or fidgeting uncertainly, before he robustly declares, "ALLA FAMIGLIA! TO FAMILY! I don't deserve you… but I'm so very blessed to have you. You make me better, you make my happy, you make me whole." smile slowly diminishing, a far off look suddenly invades his potent gaze, as he swallows laboriously, jaunty air fading into nothing. "I abandoned you… and no matter how many times I utter it, I'll never be able to apologize deeply enough, — but please... Just know I'd fight a legion for you. And I'll never be so foolish to leave you again… cheers."

The man is filled with stifling emotion after the forthright monologue, releasing a shaky and steely breath, before tossing back a quick gulp of bourbon.



"Yeah, that was addressed to pretty much everyone in existence, but you two..." Damon scoffs, frowning withering, but helpless against the light in his eyes, as amicable smiles and grins fill the room, glasses clinking, while everyone takes a swallow from their respective drink.

"See?! This is what it's all about, ladies and gentlemen! Family." simpering joyously, Caroline exclaims the declaration with a trademark enthusiasm, that Damon ingests with a fork, knife, and spoon.

Last year, this time, he'd been in Scotland, so desperate not to spend the holidays in another empty hotel room, he'd taken up bagpipe lessons and sheep herding...

He feels almost despairingly grateful. – As if he needs a thousand tongues to speak, or a million good works to repay, and it'll still never be enough! He's thankful... humbled... and healed, to a near senseless degree. Not only does he have the forgiveness and affection of his son and soul mate... he has his brother back, who he missed far more than he'd like to admit... his friends, who he'd never appreciated more... his family. As dysfunctional as they were... They were his.

"Look at this man, trying to make everyone cry. Cheers!" dabbing at watery eyes, JP completely downs his glass of bourbon.


"Damon! What the —

Bonnie struggles, rushing suddenly out of her seat to keep pace with the vampire rising from the table, grasping her hand into his own, and purposefully heading for the suite exit.

"I was wondering how long he'd stay put…"

"We love you too, man. Later!" extending his cup of root beer, Matt takes down a hearty swig, with the nonchalant echoing of Stefan's words.

"Damon! Stop. – ...Okay, somebody better tell me what's going on!"

The green eyed witch brings an abrupt end to the hasty travel, with the stern order.

"You think we have a clue?" eyebrow quirked, Elena gazes affectionately into her best friend. "We're as lost as you are, but we're trusting Damon, so why don't you do the same, trust your man, and just follow him?"

"Trust me?"

Bonnie's frantic thoughts come to a sudden halt, heart taking flight, as she looks up to her vampire smiling tenderly down at her.

"Do you have to ask?"

"Then come on."

It all happens so quickly. One moment she's sitting at the table, smiling like a lovestruck teenager, – the next she's dizzily moving across the room, pulled like the frazzled owner of a St. Bernard.

"What about Gabe?!"

"I'm spending the night with Uncle Stefan and Aunt Lane! Bye, Mom! LOVE YOU! GOODNIGHT DAD!"

"Love you!"

Identical exclamations left dangling in the air, Damon abruptly speeds Bonnie into the oblivion of forever.


Warm hands inch away from the witch's face seconds later when she comes to an abrupt stand still, teetering slightly at the swift movement.

"Okay, beautiful… let me see those jades."

Slowly opening her eyes, she inhales sharply, staring breathlessly into the sight before her. "Oh my — What in the world?"

Grin wide and warm, the vampire's azure eyes dance, as he waltzes into the ludicrously lavish penthouse suite, looking over his shoulder at the witch.

"Thank you. For just the reaction I was hoping for… Come on in, the water's fine. This place is all ours for the night."

Bonnie shakes her head in a mixture of denial and amazement, as she absentmindedly fingers the letter in the depths of her pants pocket.

"Damon Salvatore, what have you been up to?"

"Wouldn't you like to know…"

Gently grabbing hold of her hand, he whisks her inside, before closing the door behind her.

"Welcome. I'm Damon, your guide for this tour. If you have any questions, please ask." he sternly clears his throat, shooting the woman a look when she giggles amused. "It's my job to answer them."

"Oh is it now?"

"Yes." nodding, he swiftly kisses her quirked brow, before pulling her further into the suite, extending his free hand to grandly present the area. "Room number one, the living room!... Peep the grand piano, and literally the hugest sofa I've ever seen! Anything catch your eye on the dining room table?"

"You are too much." rolling her eyes heavenward, Bonnie grins helplessly at the spread of strawberries, chocolate, whipped cream, bananas, and honey.

"Why, thank you! Compliments will get you everywhere."

She just notices the platter of oysters and ice bucket housing her favorite wine on the coffee table, before she is hurried breathlessly out of the room and deeper into the penthouse.

"That's a triple shower, with tropical mist and aroma-chromo therapy."

"Oh really? What else is there, tour guide?"

"How in the world do you make that sound sexy?… Extra king-sized "floating featherbed…" Damon continuously lists off from the pamphlet whipped from his jacket, as they travel into the bedroom. "Couldn't you just fall into it now, Bon?"

"Would you let me?"

"Sure. Eventually…"

At the meaningful glint in the vampire's eyes, the witch's heart skips a beat, as she chews into her bottom lip, feigning nonchalance. But neither of them are oblivious.

They're very much aware of the raging tension and need coiling dangerous and constant between them. Always present and inevitable, but tonight, more present and inevitable than ever.

It is dire.

"I can't believe there's a LED HD TV in the bathroom…" swallowing under the penetrating gaze of her dark haired counterpart, the caramel skinned woman blushes, averting her eyes.

"C'mon, there's more."

Bonnie is surprised when she's led over to a flight of stairs.

– She's astounded when they lead to a lavish rooftop...

Entering the night air, she closes her eyes momentarily, simply breathing in her atmosphere, breathing in the moment. She can't believe she's here in this breathtaking place, – here with this extraordinary man, who'd encroached her world, and turned it upside down so long ago. Here, reunited with him after five years, while it feels as though they were never apart. Here, so very much in love, it seems almost unhealthy.

"This is unbelievable…" the witch moves over to the small glass wall railing of the roof, peering out at the exquisite view of the city.

Damon approaches from behind, wrapping strong arms around her middle. He affectionately nuzzles her neck.

"I figured you'd appreciate the private rooftop garden, and we'd both appreciate the jacuzzi…"

"I can't believe this! And we're staying here the night?!"

"Yup." chuckling lowly, he kisses her cheek.

"This place is all ours?"

"You've got it, beautiful." he kisses her temple, as she laughs deliriously.

"This is not real!"

"This is the least of what you deserve."

Turning abruptly in his hold, Bonnie throws her arms around Damon, staring up at him in amazement, before the look softens into endearment.

"Thank you. —

"You wanna know why I left, all those years ago?"

Unexpected and out of nowhere comes the vampire's blurted inquiry, bringing an instant frown to the witch's mouth and a furrow to her brows.

"What? No. I don't care anymore! That doesn't matter!"

"Of course it does. For so many reasons…" cerulean eyes stare intently into striking green, all playfulness and light heartedness disappeared from their depths. "Before we truly begin this night, I need to tell you. For the both of us… Are you scared?"

Tenderly, Damon caresses Bonnie's cheek, as she silently bobs her head.

"I knew you were. You kept demanding, and I kept offering to tell, but you didn't really wanna know..." he scoffs affectionately, briefly pinching her cheek, before kissing her forehead soothingly, moderately separating himself from her. He swallows, bracing. "Don't be afraid, gorgeous... It all comes down to one factor, 'do you know I'm weird?'"

"Do I?!"

"Ha ha. Seriously though, Bon Bon." at his fleeting sideways glance, revealing hesitancy and a stifling amount of vulnerability, Bonnie immediately sobers. "Growing up I was deathly afraid of fire. I think my Dad accidentally burned me with his cigar or something, when I was three. So, ever since then…"

The vampire stares far off, out at the city of Italy.

"Anyways, so naturally, being deathly afraid of fire, I marched right up to the stove one day and pressed my palm directly onto the scalding hot aisle. –


"I told you, Bon, I'm weird... Whenever I'm afraid of something... I have to make that fear a reality. And you — " stopping abruptly, Damon struggles with the words to say, before continuing on, determinedly. "You made me the happiest man on earth when you fell in love with me, and the happiest man in existence, when you told me I was going to be a Father! That such a… miracle had happened — to me, of all people! I was overwhelmed with joy! But I was terrified, Bonnie…"

The green eyed woman frowns suddenly, confused, fighting to meet the raving man's gaze, but he vehemently glares into the horizon.

"I was terrified of what was growing inside of you, and the responsibility it meant. — A little person, a tiny life depending on me, when I was a mediocre man at best, with a terrible example of what a Dad should be?! — I was horrified, mortified, petrified I would fail our child, Bonnie! That I would fail you!… And so I made sure I was the biggest failure possible."

"Damon…" making a grab for his arm, Bonnie is shocked when he passionately tears out of her grasp.

"It had absolutely nothing to do with Katherine! I forgot she even existed, in just one night with you! But I couldn't let you know I was a spineless coward!… So I let you think I was the biggest asshole in existence." Damon glares helpless and desperate, finally meeting Bonnie's gaze momentarily, before brokenly hanging his head.

"I'm sorry… Though it wasn't the motive I led you to believe... it's still a very messed up reason. It was selfish, cowardice, and the worst decision of my life."

"Damon…" closing in on the vampire for the second time, Bonnie grasps his face between her hands, fighting to meet his darting leer. "Damon, look at me." very slowly, very moderately, he does as instructed, meeting her surprisingly soft emerald gaze. "Yeah, your decision sucked. You know that… But I forgive you."

"How?! Bonnie — I don't understand!"

"How?" guffawing incredulously, the witch gazes fervently into him. "Because I love you, dummy. You hear me? I love you so much, and when you love someone, you accept them, good and bad." she hugs him fiercely to her, with not another passing second, running her fingers soothingly through his hair, while whispering ardently. "I understand, baby! I finally understand why you made the decision you did… It's still equally as stupid as ever, but I understand."

"You understand?"

"I understand." Bonnie smiles, teary eyed at the vulnerable look of hope on the vampire's face, as he angles his head back, looking to her. "I forgive you, and I love you. Just never leave me again."

He releases a shaky breath. "Trust me, I couldn't if I tried…"

"Talk to me. Tell me what you're feeling, even if your ashamed. We're a team." one hand raking over his scalp, the woman caresses his face with the other. "And as you can see, your fears were completely unwarranted. You're the best Dad in the world! You are not your father, Damon Salvatore."

He holds desperately to her, a single tear trickling out of his eyes, as he kisses her sporadically – neck cheek, temple. He feels delirious and insane. It makes no sense for him to have her love! – For him to have her, after everything he's done! But he does. It's sure concrete evidence of Jesus Christ, such undeserved mercy and grace, he dizzily muses, wrenching his eyes closed, and resting his forehead against hers, inhaling deeply and exhaling potently.

"Thank you for giving me the chance to be a father... and for being the mother of my children. – I love that little boy! So much it hurts..."

"I can relate."

"And I don't wanna spend another day without him..."

"You don't have to."

"Or his amazing mother. — Listen to me, Bonnie." breaking away from her suddenly, the vampire brings an end to her thoughtless interruptions, glaring fervently into her. "Hear my every word, because you deserve the world." he drops to the ground without warning, shocking her stupid, as he whips the velvet case from his jacket pocket. "If you'll have me, I vow to spend the rest of my years attempting to give it to you."

Bonnie ogles Damon with baited breath and painfully widened eyes, barely even registering as he opens the box, revealing the stunningly elegant ring from her dream.

"I came across this at a market in Tahiti, bought it, thinking of you, and have been carrying it on me ever since... waiting and praying for the opportunity. Please, baby. Put me out of my misery. I've been wandering this planet lost without you, for five years. I don't want to spend another moment on it, without making you — my best friend, my lover, my soul mate… my life partner in crime. Bonnie Shelia Bennett, will you marry me?"

Chest heaving, the enchantress breathes laboriously, poignant tears pricking eyes, and rolling helplessly down her cheeks.

"I don't believe this... Is this truly happening?"

"Prayerfully. That all depends on your answer —

"Yes." jumping into Damon's arms, Bonnie crashes her lips fierily into his. "Like yesterday! Like last year!" she speaks against his mouth, kissing him repeatedly.

Time ceases to move.

With the one shattering moment, every day waking up alone, every month filled with thoughts of her, every year spent yearning for her, is all impossibly worth it. It's nothing. Five years, feels like five days.

The vampire closes his eyes wearily, an almost alarming amount of tears shooting out of them, the witch is too elated to notice, until they wet her cheeks.


"I –

Choking on a sob, he wordlessly brings her into an ardent embrace, holding her vice like to him. Shivering emotionally, furrowing his eyebrows, he breathes tumultuously.

"I missed you! So much..."

He wounds his arms around her waist, collapsing slightly into her, weakened, – and yet she somehow holds onto him. The little witch... Somehow she holds him up, as always.

"Ssh. – It's okay, we're together now! I missed you too... Terribly."

Shooting repeated sweet nothings into his mind, she releases her own sob, at the weight of the crushing despair slamming into her. The yearning, the loneliness...

Damon tries desperately to placate his feelings, but she'll never know! – No one will ever know! More severe than the longing of parents who's son or daughter has left for college, – very similar to the desire of a military officer for his family... he missed her, so desolately.

But now he has her.

Gloom slowly but surely morphing into an impossibly wide grin, the vampire abruptly spins the woman around, joyously shouting.


"Ssh!" Bonnie places a hand over his mouth, laughing helplessly. "The whole building will hear!"

"I WANT THE WHOLE WORLD TO HEAR!" he sets her back onto the ground, shaking his head, staring enamored into her, while she wipes his tears, and he wipes her's. "Bonnie Salvatore… it's definitely got a ring to it."

"Speaking of rings, this is incredible, Damon!" in awe and amazement, she stares down at the string of emerald and white diamonds adorning her ring finger.

"It is?"


"You like it?"


Eyes darkening suddenly, Damon grabs the witch's hand with deliberate purpose, kissing her knuckles, before wordlessly guiding them to the staircase leading to the first floor.

"So, quick trivia question, Bonnie Salvatore! — I'm speaking that into the quickest existence, by the way!… Do you know the count?"

"The count of what?"

"C'mon, Bon Bon, I showed you on the way in. You should know the number..."

"I have no clue what you're talking about, you silly m–

"It's seven."

Following the vampire into the dimly lit bedroom, Bonnie grins incredulous and defenseless, arching an impatient eyebrow.

"What's seven?"

"The number of places I'm going to irrevocably take you in."

The playful atmosphere swelters, as the witch swallows slowly, at the unfaltering promise in Damon's voice... the consuming intent in his azure eyes.

"At least the ones I've actually prepared..."

Releasing an absently held breath, she licks her lips.

"Well, damn."

"Darling, you quite frankly have no idea — and neither do I entirely, the things I'm going to do to you..." purposeful fingers inch under her shirt and over her stomach, burning and titillating. "But it's been five years, so Lord have mercy on us both." long digits splay suddenly across her abs, upsurging her sweater overhead with a swift ascent, before tossing it to the side like a meaningless afterthought. "I hope you're ready, cause I screwed up and made way for some bastard to touch my thighs and kiss my lips..." cerulean eyes flash with sudden severity. "Tonight I will enduringly eradicate every trace of him."

At the promising words, an abrupt wave of heat overtakes Bonnie, pricking her womb, before surging straight to her nether regions. When Damon smirks down at her, she wonders if he's aware of it, before his sharp gaze languidly zeroes in on her lace covered chest, and damn, he's missed the sight of her...

"Mmm... my favorite color."

She swallows at the low groan, full of timber and the sure prophesy of cataclysmic pleasure. "I know. You like?"

"So much I'll let it stick around for a bit..."

Through with talking, the vampire focuses on the delicacy before him, warm fingers bypassing black lace, to haunt over denim jeans instead, removing the bottoms with a tantalizing slowness... Revealing the rousing pair of matching panties,increasing the darkening of azures that thoroughly and unabashedly drink in every curve and contour, eliciting another surge of inflammation to the witch's core.

Damon licks his lips, intoxicated… like a scheming wolf and ravenous beast, strong hands pressing abruptly into Bonnie's caramel thighs, rubbing up and down, eliciting soft purrs and sighs from the woman. So soft, so warm... so terribly dire to him, as his commanding fingers push up her luscious legs, forcefully stroking her toned stomach, caressing her neck, journeying across every visible morsel of flesh... agonizingly languid and penetrating.

"Damon, what are you doing?"

Moaning, she wrenches her eyes shut at the smoldering torture, feeling as if he's everywhere. Touching her, burning her, suffocating her in the most divine way.

"A necessity."

Within the blink of an eye, her panties are removed at once, before her breast are swiftly grasped beneath her bra, drawing a sharp and helpless inhalation from her lungs, at the possessive seizing, before she releases a mouse like squeal the following instant, the final piece of clothing ripped away from her, without a whisper of warning, joining the rest on the floor.

The witch swallows thickly, eyes still closed, bosom heaving, and heart hammering recklessly within her chest, as she feels the intent glare upon her. "You're driving me crazy!"

Caressing over her supple chest, causing her to shudder, powerful hands move down, exhaustively and robustly feeling her ass up.

Bonnie fears she will come undone.

It's been so long since Damon's touched her this way. In these places. And the furious hellbent deliberation of the contact is something new to her entirely. She feels as if she will explode from the sheer sensation of his hands all over her.

"Every inch of butterscotch skin these fingers rub and caress, belongs to me. I'm merely searing my mark..."

Jade eyes zooming open to meet rigid cerulean at the omnipotent words, another wave of burning liquid helplessly seeps out of her folds at the further sight of the painfully large tent in his pants.

"I mean, am I wrong?"

He wants to make love to her. He wants to reverence her. The beast inside of him needs to abysmally and irrevocably possess her as his own... to bring her pleasures unthinkable, that utterly ruin her for any and all supernatural and human being in existence.

Bonnie's mouth goes sandpaper dry.

"God I want you."

It's all she can manage.

Devious smirk moving into place on the vampire's face, he finally claims his witch's lips, chaste... deep... yearning. "Bonnie Bennett, soon to be Salvatore, let me show you how much I've wanted you... but first." abruptly backing away from her, eyes twinkling at her whimper at their loss of contact, he orders. "Stay still."

"Now what are you doing?"

Damon crosses his arms over his chest, glaring over at Bonnie, open, shameless, and wanton. Lust filled eyes infiltrating her brown and naked form, as he stands fully dressed opposite her...


Lethargically traveling her length, blue pools burn into every curve, every dip, every freckle, every beauty mark, causing the woman to shiver under their severity, another abrupt stream of liquid nectar impossibly shooting from her core, further dampening her lower lips. Is he trying to make me come from mere predatory leer and vulgar utterance?

"Memorizing... anticipating... devising... You smell so damn good."

His eyes linger on her trimmed sex, before he closes them, inhaling deeply. Her body begins to tingle and hum with demanding need.

"You're killing me, is what you're doing."

Without warning, dark azures skyrocket onto emerald green.

"I love you so fuckin much."

She never tires of hearing it...

Now she needs to feel it.

"Prove it."

With one wave of her hand, his shirt is ripping open and flying off to the back of the room, gifting her the oh so familiar sight of sculpted torso, and muscular arms that have always fit perfectly around her.

It's as far as the witch gets in her attempt at leveling their severely unfair state of undress, before the vampire's lips are crashing into hers.

She does thoroughly "sear her own mark" into him, however, during their dizzying make out...

Small hands confidently grasping thick shoulders, she presses and rubs down brawny arms... Fingers momentarily intertwining with his, before continuing, sizzling up impressive six pack... over solid chest... up to warm neck...

Damon growls against Bonnie's mouth, hands abruptly grasping her ass, as he hoists her around his waist.

Deeply... passionately, their lips meet. So affectionate it's nearly painful... Tenderly, they smack, as their tongues greet, caressing, dancing, and swirling in that dangerously fiery tango, particular to only them.

The witch is so lost in the whirling delectation, she doesn't even register movement, until her back is suddenly meeting the plush and cloud like King sized mattress of the bed, rose pedals caressing her back. Her mouth never separates her vampire's, sucking sensually, nipping nicely, and prodding profanely, like the very act of intercourse, they kiss one another so essentially... so longingly.

When the lip lock finally does end, he leaves her sensitive pinks breathless and swollen, before purposefully branding his name across her neck...

"You didn't let that goon drink my blood, did you?"


"That's my girl."

Damon sucks and nips at her skin. First soft and gentle, but then deep and hard. Leaving several love marks and bruises behind. Bonnie moans softly at the odd sensation of mingling pain and pleasure, moving her fingers into his dark hair.

Growling viciously, he pays no negligence or mistake every creature in existence recognize his woman as a taken one. Making love to her entire body, his red mouth claims and counterclaims every inch of her toffee colored flesh.

"Who's breast are these?"

"... Yours"

"And who's thighs are these?" the witch is too breathless to answer. "I said who's thighs are they, baby." the vampire pulls, suckling particularly long and hard on a certain spot on her left femur.

"They're yours." comes her abandoned exhalation the next moment.

"Damn straight."

Damon feels inebriated... high... stoned, touching Bonnie like this again... kissing her like this again... Like she belongs to him. Like she's his. Because she fucking is.

By the time he's finished his glorification, he leaves her absolute form burning and buzzing... sensitive and painfully wanton.

Her head is aimlessly reeling from the fervor of it all, when...

"And the ragingly possessive monster inside of me, knows you know who this belongs to."

Without warning, he lands a searing kiss to her tender, wet core.

"Damon!" Bonnie screams and nearly comes on the spot. "You're killing me!"

"Who's is it?" calmly demanding, he glares up, as she takes a placating breath at the overwhelming torment, wondering hazily if he has any idea the affect he has on her. The affect he will forever have on her.

"You know your name has always been written across it." the witch absentmindedly runs the backs of her fingers over the man's cheek, marveling at the radiant smile her words illicit from him, though he doesn't need them. Her snatch is literally dripping. All for him.

"You're so beautiful... And I really like that answer... But just in case you need a reminder! –

Vampire speed advocated, he flashes down her body, lips deeply meeting her burning center. Worshiping her, they kiss, lick, suck, prod, and repeat...relentlessly. Every which way and direction, over every crevice of her core.

There is no patience or sensuality.

Ravenously groaning and growling like a starved man, his tongue takes possession of her, driving her into a pathetically squirming ball of nerves and ecstasy. Forcing her into the most abrupt, eye crossing, deliciously stupefying release, he takes full advantage of, drinking in every heady bit of her she has to offer.

There are no words to describe the succulent taste of – nor his love and addiction for her ambrosial essence. His essence… Fucking his.

And so he speaks none, and simply laps it up, swallowing it down greedily.

Before finally...


When he can no longer take it. When Bonnie's both verbally and physically crying out for him, and his manhood is pulsating — the beast inside of him roaring to be inside of her. He yanks down his pants and truly claims her.

Damon nearly skyrockets to completion upon mere barraging entrance, the joy and elation from his return inside of her almost too much. A single tear rolls out of her eye at the life changing reunion. This peace. This homage... This unspeakable pleasure. This fated fusion.

For a moment he doesn't even move. Angling his face down, his forehead merely rests against her's, tender gazes identical as they meet, communicating something unfathomably profound and unspoken. Lowly, he groans, and she sighs breathlessly at the prominent feel of him filling every inch inside of her, as she wraps her legs around his waist to intensify the delectation.

He penetrates her slowly... deeply. Needing to get closer, further into her. Not able to touch her quite enough, even though his dangerously large girth fills her to capacity. She arches off the bed, feeling the same necessity.


Particularly far and deep, the vampire slams into her. Earthshaking. Life altering.

"Oh my gosh, Damon..."

She feels distraught, delusional, overwhelmed with so many powerful emotions, she hardly knows what to do, as he pulls back... far back... nearly all the way out, before burying himself abysmally within her.

Vision blurring, the witch's eyes cross and her body tremors. Amazing, erotic, and intimate, it is… this beautiful and tantalizing deliberation...

Damon keeps it up for a good five commanding thrusts, eyes burning powerfully into Bonnie's all the while, before the creature is bellowing within him... so he bellows into her. Significantly speeding his antics, pounding into her like a wild savage.

"Miss..." yearning, she struggles to tell him how terribly she's missed being melded with him like this, but she can't think straight, and only manages a helpless whimper.

He is back inside of her, where he belongs... and driving her to the brink of insanity. She can barely breathe from the pleasures coiling within her. Not all hers, but his as well. Mounting dizzily... historically.

No longer two separate entities the two of them are, but one heart, beating in time. One soul. One naked form.

"So tight..." Damon breathes, moving so swift and so forcefully into her, that the bed shakes and hits the wall, sending pieces of artwork flying and shattering onto the floor.

Completion is the only way to describe the feeling radiating through the fated beings at their coupling. Integral and utter completion.

Deep and abysmal correlation.

Ascensions and decrescences...

Crescendos and decrescendos...

Surges from Largo, to Moderato, to Allegro, and even Prestissimo...

The tone, the tempo, the dynamics, even the octave all modulating hypnotically, like the most beautiful of gospel songs, proclaiming one's adoration to Christ in perfect harmony. Damon heralds his love to his witch. She declares her love to him.

"Bonnie... Bonnie... Bonnie...Bonnie..." like an essential prayer, the vampire whispers her name.

She can't even attempt to speak, her head is reeling so.

"I need you, baby... I need you so fuckin bad."

Both their eyes wrenched closed in utterly historical ecstasy, and still they look at one another, Damon knowing exactly the way Bonnie is biting into her lower lip, and her knowing quite confidentially just how he's clenching his jaw in concentration, as she runs her fingers through his sweat tinged hair. There are no adequate words in any language existing to describe how much she loves this man.

"You have me!" the attempted breath morphs into a scream, at the feel of his manhood continuously beating into her cervix.

Pure and childlike is the unmitigated grin of complete joy that breaks onto his face, the most heart-clenching the witch is sure she's ever seen. And she doesn't even see it. Amazing, the hd clarity is in which she witnesses it, with her eyes remaining closed, until she manages a squint to see the beauty in real time, one second before she's abruptly quivering out of control. They both are.

"Mine. Mine. Mine. Mine. Mine. Mine. Mine." he grunts, as he continues to plow unrestrained and downright primal.

"God, help. Damn, shit, fuck, I love you!"

Bonnie's walls clenching desperately, they hold Damon captive to the one home he never wishes to escape... allowing the vampire reprise... finally consenting the man blessed peace.


In the most powerful release of all his years, his entire body convulses, as he empties his dead seed deep within her womb, determinedly exonerating every modicum of him, he has to give, into her. Even when he thinks he is empty, more comes. Humiliating, it'd be, if it weren't so ethereal, incredible, and monumental...

She can't breathe.

Bonnie can't hear, she can't think, and she's sure her heart ceases, much too long for her to still be living... Her eyes see every color in the 164 crayola crayon box. She's overwhelmed by the presence of every star in the Lord's sky. And all the little birdies on Gay bird street make an appearance as well...

She's pretty sure she's lost her mind. Death by mythological and LEGENDARY bliss. She's never come so hard.

"Baby. Baby, you alright?" dimly, the witch registers her vampire whispering to her in concerned tones.

"I love you, Damon. I love you so so so damn much."

She's still shivering, still trembling in abandonment. And he's buzzing, wildly against the thought of leaving his home buried within her, and so he doesn't. He merely slides his teeth into her neck.

The next second, they're both simultaneously skyrocketing to another euphoric completion.

Damon's body crumbles on top of Bonnie, sated and in heaven, her otherworldly sweet and magic tinged O-negative rolling down his throat, reacquainting him with her inebriating taste, and resolutely sealing his custody of her. He growls out in unmitigated rapture at the much longed for reconciliation.


"Completely yours" breathlessly, she replies.

"For how long?" he finally breaks away from her neck, licking his mark, before tenderly kissing it.


"Shit, I love you, woman... Bonnie Salvatore... I am inexorably... eternally yours." hands moving to rest on either side of her head on the pillow, with the haggard swear, he nestles into her neck, enervation of the ridiculously taxing night finally catching up to the both of them. Remaining deeply entombed within her folds, he silently dares any supernatural entity to break them apart, as he drifts to sleep.

For a euphoric 5 minutes, before the sudden sound of voices has him growling lowly and awaking all too soon.

"Ew! Guys, seriously?! I don't know why I expected any different..."

"Mother! Father! We're here! Make yourselves presentable!" the feminine shout stirs the beauty beneath the vampire, who rubs her eyes adorably, before widening the gems in abrupt realization.

"That is damn potent… You think we were conceived just now, sis?"

Dimly, Damon registers the male voice as it speaks out again, and Bonnie whisper yells to him.

"What the heck?!"

"I don't know."

"Well, let's go!" she abruptly moves out of the cloud like bed with purpose, sleep completely forgotten, as she gathers her clothes. "At the very least I believe we deserve some damn answers..."

"Agreed." by her side as always, the dark haired man follows her lead.

Gray sweater and jeans are secured into place, along with red tank and pants, as the duo briskly exits the bedroom, moving through the suite, into the living room, where they find their spiked haired and crinkly haired twins lounging around, the latter reading the label of the swiped bottle of wine in hand.

"Must say, this is very romantic, Daddy. Kudos."

"Can't you guys keep your hands to yourselves? Like ever? In any aeon of time?"

Moving from striking hazel eyes, proud blue narrow onto piercing green with a scoff.

"Don't be so dramatic. You've experienced it for what, 22 years? You should be used to it."

"23. And trust me, I'm used to it, Pops. Doesn't mean I have to accept it."

Bonnie helplessly smiles affectionately at the young man reminding her strikingly of someone… Oh yeah. His near carbon copy, Damon Giuseppe Salvatore...

"You're the problem child of the trio, aren't you? I already know..." wittingly, the father deduces, while their daughter vehemently nods.


"NO, that would be Daddy's little girl over there! Lusting after guys almost six years older than her..."


"Who?! — Who is the punk?!"

"Why don't you tell him, Mrs. Donovan wannabe?"

"Mrs. Who?!"

"Cory." the two syllabic name brings an end to the spiraling conversation, as the spiky haired young man looks to Bonnie with slight confusion and affection.

"How did you know?"

"It's one of my favorite guy names, I always wanted to name my son..." The hybrid nods in understanding. "Now, stop teasing your sister."

"Yes, Mom…"

"And you, stop blowing a gasket. You do realize how many years you're older than me, right?" the enchantress directs to her vampire.



"It's not the same, Bonnie."

"Let it go, Damon…"

"Please." out of nowhere, older Gabriel bustles through the front doors of the suite, with the request. "Because we don't have time for it. Dad's on his way now."

"Dad's right here, so what the heck are you talking about, son?" Damon frowns.

"Not you, Dad. Jackson."

Stilling abruptly, Bonnie and Damon cease all movement, before the latter nods his head tensely, clenching his jaw with simmering heat.

"Now why the heck would you be calling that idiot 'Dad?!'"

"Relax, Daddy. He's his father-in-law."

"Come again?"

"It's kind of a long story…" Gabriel sighs.

"We've got time."

"So, start talking." Stern and commanding, the father echoes the mother's words, before Cory wildly points to his sister.

"Just remember this is all Chris's fault!"

The three hybrids proceed to tell quite a confusing story about time travel, while Damon's semi-distracted icy orbs ogle them proudly, strong arms absentmindedly wrapping around Bonnie, to rest on her stomach, before he leans down kissing her neck. Once. Twice. Before endlessly smooching and sucking wantonly on her skin.

"Really? Can you NOT right now?!"

"I don't like where this is going." Snapping out of her enchanted stupor, Bonnie gingerly moves away from Damon. "Time is something far too dangerous to mess with…"

"Yeah, you told us as much… —

"But, Ma! We had been working so hard on that spell! For going on three years! We had to try it out, at least once!"

"Let me guess, that one time was enough to throw us into one massive shit storm." pointedly, Damon leers into his sons.


"It's my fault, Dad, not there's."

The beautiful hazel eyed girl takes over the storytelling, revealing how she and her brother's had traveled back to 2007, – everything apparently going smooth, as she even played with her adorable three year old boyfriend. Until she came across her Mother's jacket... Her leather jacket she'd given her at the age of 14, before she misplaced it her senior year of High School…

"I loved that jacket so much! So I secretly grabbed it, put it on, and took it with me."

"Turns out that was the very jacket housing your winning tickets for a trip to Tahiti. — The romantic, life-altering trip where Dad would lay eyes on you again, and tenaciously — historically 'sweep you off of your stubborn feet' once again!"

"Except that trip never happened." sighing heavily, Gabriel interrupts his raving brother. "Because the tickets were no longer there… We caught wind of our mistake, when weird things began to happen. –

"Most weird, Christian and I started disappearing." Cory eyes bug in Damon like fashion, before he gestures over to his sister. "One moment we'd be there, the next, 'G' said we'd just vanish."

"So, we immediately put our heads together and figured out just where things went awry… Only problem was, like our disappearing act, our powers were on the fritz, so we didn't have enough juice to go back again."

"Why didn't I help you?" setting curious eyes upon her daughter, Bonnie questions.

"The spell was extremely powerful, Mom. It took a lot out of us hybrids, and it took all three of us to perform… –

"But we figured out a solution! We used a celestial event, where our powers would be at their strongest, to send us back. Or we would've… had that lovely Gin Sorcerer not decided to show up." Cory grins withering.

"Wait! The Gin... was from your time?!"

"That explains a lot." Damon echoes his witch, before glaring disapprovingly into his children. "I can't believe you robbed your Mom and I of our happy ending... Do you know how messed up that is?"

"Leave them be, Damon. I'm sure imminent death was good enough punishment. And they're not gonna do it again, right?"


"Besides, I don't think this new ending turned out so bad..."

Lovingly caressing the vampire's cheek, Bonnie inclines her ears, as the siblings finally get to the crux of the story, revealing the sorcerer's hellbent obstinacy to capture Gabriel and steal his powers. A furious persistence, that would have them fighting him off for months, with absolutely no time to dedicate to the daunting and spiraling problem at hand, until an extremely close call, where Gabriel nearly lost his life.

"So, Dad stepped in. If I left, there'd be no way for me to get back… And we were running low on options, especially with you suddenly disappearing into thin air, the previous week. And Mom being very weakened, after having saved me with C.J's girl, Kya!"

"So, we sent Jackson back! – But guess what?! Because we can't catch a freakin BREAK, the sorcerer showed up RIGHT AT THAT MOMENT, and somehow hitched a ride!" Christian hysterically exclaims.

"But there was one silver lining... Uncle Stefan, Uncle Matt, and Aunt Care did some research, while Aunt Lane was taking care of Mom, and discovered there was a hole in our spell. Yes, it worked fine for us, but if used on others… they wouldn't retain their memory during their travels…"

"They'd wake up, John Doe?"

"Bingo, Dad." gesturing to Damon, Cory nods. "So Jackson woke up in Mystical Falls 2007, with no knowledge of who he was, much less why he was sent there in the first place. —

"Which is why we even had the option of getting together." Jackson arrives, solemnly entering the penthouse at that moment, glancing to Bonnie, before looking to the siblings. "Let's all agree to keep this from Kat, by the way? Lest we all end up in peril danger again…"

"Don't worry, Dad. You'll remember nothing of this after our trip back. And I'll get with Klaus or Elijah on compelling Mom, Dad, and everyone's memories of your time here away."

"Thank God." patting Gabriel's back proudly, Damon freezes suddenly. "Wait, Kat?"

"Yup, my wife of 20 years. No wonder we were unreasonably drawn to one another…"

"Wow… I can not believe I'm saying this, but I ship it. You can balance her. Make her more tolerable..." Bonnie pats Jackson's shoulder good natured, smiling tenderly. "So, we're in-laws, huh?"

"Yup. Sorry about everything."

"It's alright. You lost your memory; you couldn't help it. Thanks for stepping up to protect my son."

"I don't know if my Daniela would survive if anything were to happen to him…"

"Alright, everyone!" glaring down into his wristwatch, the handsome subject matter speaks up suddenly. "No more time for explanations! We need to get back."

"Right." Cory nods purposefully, grabbing onto his sister's hand, before joining hands with Gabriel as well. "Thank God time doesn't pass the same way here, as it does in the future! — Two months here, was basically one day there for us! — Once Dad was back in the picture here, Chris and I started to reappear and become stronger there. — So when we were finally able to perform the spell, we came back! Right in the nick of time!" hurriedly, he rushes out the conclusion of the story.

"We're not quite sure how the Gin remembered everything! Probably figured out he had magic, and worked out a spell to return his memories!" Christian swiftly divulges over her shoulder, before closing her eyes and chanting along with her brothers.

"Wait! This is all happening so fast! —

"Can't we at least get some little nugget info from the future!"

"Yes, Bonnie is still young and beautiful. No, she is not a vampire. Look forward to a fountain of youth adventure... next year! — Yes, Stefan and Elena do have children. Two beautiful daughters, one adopted, and one miraculously born the year after! You'll forget all of this, after we leave. – Kids already did a spell."

"Bye, you two." following his father-in-law's declarations, Gabriel smiles affectionately into his parents.

"The past was altered, but at least we're all still alive, right?! We'll laugh about it!"

"Love you!"

A whirlpool looking vortex opens up to the right of the room, before the four time travelers purposefully walk into it, abruptly disappearing with a small 'pop!'

Left suddenly alone in the room, Damon and Bonnie stare blankly at one another.

"What are we doing out of bed?"

"I don't know."

"Your ass looks damn good in those jeans, I forgot to mention…"


The following morning greets Bonnie with a shiver, as she slowly opens her jade eyes, to the realization she is naked on the hallway floor, protectively covered by nothing more than naked Damon and an ivory sheet.

She stretches like a feline, before groaning like a bear, instantly awakening her alert vampire, who swiftly bites into his wrist, feeding her some much needed blood.

They'd ravished one another in every way possible.

In the living room, she'd sat atop his lap at the piano, playing Erik Satie's Gymnopedie No. 1 to near perfection. Until his fingers began to play her...

She'd skillfully repaid the favor in the especially steamy bathroom shower.

Laid out, spooning on the living room couch, watching trash reality TV, he'd very stealthily and sensually spooned her from behind.

She'd done wantonly indecent things to him atop the dining room table. While he'd done downright censurable to her in the jacuzzi.

On their way downstairs, to finally settle in for the night, they'd abruptly initiated round 7, not even making it to the bedroom. – And they were only just beginning. It's as equally a stimulating realization, as it is terrifying. Because unleashed and viciously roaring is the vampire's insatiable hunger for the witch, after last night, when it had already been highly uncontrollable in their previous relationship...

In just one night, she's surpassed and erased every sexual encounter of 177 years. He's trashed every last one of her relationships, and acts of love. They are ruined. Utterly so. Even if they were to go they're separate ways sometime in the future, no one would ever compare. No one would ever come close.

"Do we have to go home?"

"You know we can stay here however long you want…" sucking at some dried honey on Bonnie's chest, Damon smiles contentedly as she runs her fingers through his hair.

"Well, maybe we can just come back sometime… Believe it or not, I miss home."

"Home is where the heart is."

"Ohhhhh. I can't believe all of this is over!" she moans, scooting to sit up against the wall behind her, keeping the covering around the two of them, like a toga.

"Until the next baddie shows up…"

"Yeah, but you'll be at my side, so it'll be fine." tenderly grabbing the man's hand, she moves it up to her lips, kissing it.

"I like the way you think…"

"Thank you. —




"You have got to be shitting me…" Damon throws and arm over his eyes with the long groan, as the persistent knocking and yelling continues against the suite door."WE SHOULD ABANDON YOU GUYS HERE, FOR THE BLATANT DISRESPECT!"

"YEAH, BUT WE'VE GOT YOUR SON!" looking to his witch, at the pointed shout of his brother, the vampire sighs relenting.

Clothes are thrown on, before they whip open the penthouse door, less than thrilled at their noisy wake up call.

"Whoa! Okay, I'm going to need you guys to come out here and talk, since it smells like you made several adult films in there!" grimacing, Caroline swiftly rushes the words out, before gesturing her friends forward.

"Sorry we rushed you, but we need to get back to Mystic… Alaric has some important information for us, on a supposed fountain of youth." Stefan looks purposefully into his brother, before Damon nods suddenly thrilled and businesslike.

"No way. —

"No way! Oh my gosh!" at the sudden exclamation, all eyes shoot to Elena rapidly grabbing onto Bonnie's left hand, as she ogles the ring therein. "YOU'RE ENGAGED?! –

"NO, Bonnie. –

"Seriously?! She's the one that got away, huh, man..."

"Yeah, except you never stood a chance, air bud!"

Bonnie laughs helplessly gleeful, grinning at her friends. "He popped the question last night! You should've seen him. He was so romantic…"

"Good job, brother. About time."

"CONGRATULATIONS, BONNIE! Oh my goodness, you're ring is GORGEOUS!"

With barely contained joy, Caroline and Elena embrace their friend, while Stefan pats Damon's shoulder, before pulling him into a tight hug.


All eyes look up, at the enraptured exclamation, to see Gabriel, no longer sluggish and tired, but wide awake and grinning joyously, as he makes a mad dash for Bonnie.

Catching him in her arms, the witch kisses his cheek repeatedly, elatedly. "My sweet boy..."

"We're gonna be a family?!"

"Yes, baby. We're going to be a family." tears prick her eyes at the sight of the ones in her son's.

"YES!" thrusting his tiny fist up in victory, he breaks away from her to jump into Damon's awaiting embrace, and how in the world did the man become so fortunate... Right when he was on the verge of giving up on life... He has his witch. He has his son... He has more jubilation and joy than ever before in his life.

"Get over here, sis! Thank you." Stefan tenderly kisses Bonnie's forehead, spurring on the exchange of more buoyant congratulatory words, hugs, and kisses, before Tyler suddenly interrupts the celebration, clearing his throat.

"Um, to be an absolute dick, we were kind of in a hurry to get home…"

"Oh! Right!"

"It was a pleasure to have met you all!"

Stepping away from the gang, with the joyous declaration, JP smiles warmly, before gesturing authoritatively to Damon.

"You. You've got an amazing woman there… Don't ruin it this time."

"Wouldn't dream of it."

"You." he points authoritatively to Bonnie. "It would have never worked out between us..."

Scoffing incredulously the witch pulls the short man into an affectionate hug, kissing his cheek. "You're crushing my dreams here, JP. Thanks for everything."

He nods.

"Well... I hate goodbyes."

With no further word spoken, the older vampire speeds off, down the hall of the hotel, Bonnie smiling after him, before slowly looking to her friends, with a twinkle in her eyes. "You guys ready?"

She closes her eyes, muttering a quick spell, before the gang is instantly standing in the driveway of the Salvatore Boarding house.

It no longer feels weird. It no longer feels foreign... It feels like home to Damon... He's finally home. Things are finally the way they were always meant to be.

"Better than frequent flyer's miles..." grinning, Matt shakes his head, while the blue eyed vampire leans over, ticking Bonnie's ear with a whisper, as he sets Gabriel onto the ground.

"I hope you know you two are moving back here... tonight."

Leaning up, she effortlessly kisses his lips.

"What, you don't wanna move in with us?"

"Ha! You are not funny."

"New neighbors." Jeremy suddenly speaks up, peering at the house across the street. "I didn't even realize you guys had old neighbors…"

Freezing, Stefan, Elena, Matt, Caroline, Tyler, Jeremy, Blaine, and Gabriel look up, ogling the moving truck in the driveway opposite there's.

"Look, Daddy! Another kid!" the voice is heard, before the little girl is seen, hopping happily out of the Uhaul.

"Aw man, an annoying girl…"

"Gabriel." Bonnie and Damon simultaneous and absently admonish, making goo goo eyes at one another, just before the pretty little Latina approaches the young boy and his cousin, panting slightly out of breath.

"Hi! I'm Daniela."


Author's Note: Well, wow! I HAVE to give honor and praise to my Heavenly Father, first and foremost! Were it not for Him, there's NO WAY I could've completed this! – And when I actually DID, He prolonged me from posting Saturday, with "blessed" technical difficulties, where he revealed to me several short comings, where I was able to improve, and make the story more meaningful! Wow. I can NOT thank Him enough! He is SO GOOD to me!

Second of all, thank YOU so very much for reading! I pray this wasn't an utter disappointment! I wanted this to be PERFECT, which was a huge reason for the year of delay! I planned to go back and re-work the entire story, eliminating any and all inconsistencies and plot holes, before concocting it's conclusion! But I never had the time… Truth be told, a lot can happen in seven years time, and I'm not the person I was when I began this journey with you all. It made this final chapter, EXTREMELY taxing to complete. I second guessed myself endlessly, but finally the LORD blessed me with a resolution I was happy with!...

And now with the close of this story, also comes the close to this chapter of my life! It's bitter sweet for sure, but this will be the end of my fan fiction adventures. I wanted SO DESPERATELY to finish all of my stories, but I simply cannot. At least not at this point in my life. My heart is elsewhere… writing, as always! But working on original material. I sincerely hope and pray you all will continue to support me in those endeavors. They're something I'm so excited and amazed by.

Well! Thank you, thank you, a thousand times THANK YOU so much for making this expedition the joyous and riveting one it was! I will miss you all, and truly wish you all the very best! God bless, and without further ado, your final —

Words of Wisdom: I believe I said this one before, but it's such a very important one. God is real. JESUS is real. I know it, without a shadow of a doubt! — Not because my parents taught me, since I was a child, but because I've experienced Him IN MY LIFE, first hand. — When I was writhing on the floor in agony from menstrual cramps… when my twin sister was in the hospital, due to a 30% collapsed lung… when I moved to California, with no job and no place to stay. — I have called on His name, and witnessed Him come through in my life, more times than I can count. I have felt his powerful presence, so I know He is REAL! And He's not this hard, wrathful, unforgiving God, people sometimes preach Him to be! He's kind, compassionate, MERCIFUL, gracious, and LOVING! He never repays us the full weight of what we deserve, and he loves us deeply and unconditionally, no matter what terrible things we may do!

I pray that in this day, and in this time, we may all get to know Him! Don't go off of what your friends have told you, what the media tells you, what your family tells you, or even on the things you've previously perceived! Read His WORD! Talk to Him, ask Him for understanding! Get to know him YOURSELF! And if you're confused, ask His kingdom people (Christians) to explain! We don't have all the answers, by a long shot! But God has a way of communicating… He's so GOOD! He seeks us diligently, and even now He's seeking you, blessing you to read these words! He's so simple. All He asks is that we confess our wrong doings, and believe in your heart that Jesus is His son, sent to this earth to die on the cross for our sins!… That's all! Literally that's ALL we have to do, and we're saved! Not by our righteous works, but by the Lord's grace thrust upon us! It is INCREDIBLE! Get to know Him, people. I promise there's NO better decision you'll make in your life.

Farewell, fam! God bless!
