A/N: This story is for… drum round please… ASHLEY! A friend of mine is just as crazy about TMNT was I am, in exchange for the story she's writing for me. I hope to all that are reading this not to get mad at my for what character pairings might happen. But any who, this is to you Ashley, Casey is all yours.

Disclaimer: I don't own, the teenage mutant ninja turtles, Casey jones, April O'Neal, Ashley, Jessie, or Shay. If I did I would brag and brag and brag and no one would hear the end of it. I do own Keegan however, for she is me, and it would be weird otherwise.


"Wahoooooooooooooo!!!!" a young boy screams as he went running into his favorite uncles' house. Riley was 7 and his Dad had promised today they could come into town. He ran in circles until he was finally grabbed by his dad.

"Come on, Riley their probably still asleep. It's 5:30 in the morning." Said Casey Jones as he held his son by the collar. "If you wake them up with your screaming then our surprise attack will be ruined." He winked at Riley as he put him down. They snuck silently around the big room, bowing respectfully to the shrine of Master Splinter as they passed. They arrived at the first room.

"Okay, you get Uncle Mikey and I'm going for Raph. Then four of us will get Leo and Donnie." Casey whispered. Riley nodded then tiptoed into the room to his right. Uncle Mikey was sleeping soundly. Riley maneuvered around the piles of old comics and pizza boxes. He was just about to use his special "wake the turtle Belly flop" when uncle Mikey turned, opening his eyes as he did so. He and Riley came face to face. Mikey screamed and in turn Riley screamed. This went on for about a minute until Uncle Leo and Uncle Donnie come running in weapons ready.

"Riley?!" Uncle Donnie blinked and cleared his glasses and looked again, "It is Riley!" , both he and Uncle Leo lowered their weapons.

"Hey Kiddo, what's up?" Uncle Leo said, taking a deep breath. "Are your parents here to?"

"Dad is. He should be getting Uncle Raph up right about…Now." they heard a crash from the other room. "Mom will be here in a little bit, she's doing some shopping."

"Alright," Uncle Mikey said getting out of bed. "Let's see what they broke this time, shall we." He threw Riley on his shoulders. And did a few of what Riley called "Monkey Moves." to get down the hall. He backflipped off the wall and landed at the door of Uncle Raph's room. Dizzy Riley slide off his back and landed on the floor with a thud. Uncle Donnie helped Riley up, and together they entered the cave.

No surprise to any of them, Casey and Raph where wrestling on the floor. Calling each other names that Uncle Leo covered Riley's ears for. As Soon has they saw them, Casey slapped Raph across the face as a final blow and got up. "Hey guys." He said as he walk towards them, but before the could say anything else he was hit in the back of the head with a baseball bat.

Raph snickered, "You left this here.".

After Casey came to, Uncle Leo took Riley to the dojo. Uncle Donnie went to do some work on his computer. Uncle Mikey decided he was going to try and make a home made pizza, again. You'd think after the last hundred fails a turtle would give up. And Casey and Raph just hung out and talked about stuff.

This went on for an hour, when Raph finally brought up the question. "So where's that wife on yours Casey? Shoulda been here by now." Right on cue the door opened and the sound of laughter filled the air.

"They she is." Casey said feeling the back of his head. "And her friends." From the shadows first stepped a women with incredibly long blonde hair, wearing grey skirt, bright yellow blazer with heels to match. She stood with her with a posture that told you not to mess with her. She looked around, then sniffed the air. Something was burning. The woman kicked off her shoes and ran, almost flying, to the kitchen. A few seconds later she came out.

"How many time do have I told you not to let him in the kitchen!" She yell at the guys. Then went back into the kitchen to help Mikey.

"That's Kiwi for you." The second woman said. She was also blonde but she was shorter then Keegan, know to everyone as Kiwi. She wore jeans and a flower printed shirt. Her name was Jessie. After her short conversation she walked off in hopes of finding her favorite little munchkin. Following behind was Shaylin, a tall women with short brown hair, now streaked with red highlights, wearing a black t-shirt and cargo pants, who had been drag along on the shopping trip and choose not to speak to any one. The last women came into the room holding arms full of bag, she wasn't tall but she wasn't short either, she had long brown hair that fell around her face and got caught behind her glasses. She had on white leggings and a dark blue dress that still had the price tag hanging off the end of it.

"I bought something for everyone!" She cried joyfully.

"All right!" Riley said as he raced up to her completely forgetting his lesson with Uncle Leo. As she dug in the bag to find Riley's present, she noticed Casey sitting on couch with his head rapped in a bandage. She drop the bags and ran over and flung her arms around him.

"Are you okay? Did Raph do this? Did someone attack? What happened?" She was talking so fast she forgot to breath.

Finally Casey calmed her down, "It's okay Ashley, we were just fooling around."

"But, but, but…" Ashley was starting to cry now. Raph and the guys looked at her with guilty eyes. Kiwi with her arms around Mikey, Jessie and Shay stood back. Riley looked with sad eyes at his mother. Casey felt they're eyes on them.

"It's okay Babe, really it's okay."