Hey everyone. Well, this is my first time doing a TOS fanfic, so I'm going to ask everyone to go easy on me since is my first try here. The events here are definitely going to be darker than some of those in the original game, but I will be following the plot most of the time. And no this is not a self insert.

I don't own Tales of Symphonia, just my OC.

Outskirts of Palmacosta

It was late at night when the Desian search party was looking through the woods trying to find an escapee exsphere victim. The whole thing was an annoying matter but they had to get him back or Martel knows what will happen to them.

"Honestly, one inferior being escapes the ranch and we all have to drag our asses just to find him and bring him back. They should just kill 'em all." One said

"Quiet. You know what Lord Magnius will do to us if we come back with a failure? He likes things to stay efficient."

"I'm just saying, it's a real pain in the ass to do this every time one gets out…" he would have continued but all of the sudden there was a huge surge of mana coming from a spot in the forest and then, a great explosion of fire flashed and the sound could be heard throughout Sylvarant.

"What the hell was that?!"

The search party quickly went over to the source of the blast to find a huge circular patch of scorched earth in the middle of the forest. All the trees were burnt to the ground and those that were just out of range had huge sections burnt out.

"What the hell caused this?"

"Magic of some sort?"

"This is no magic I've ever seen."

As they walked the grounds they noticed the circle had a design in the middle. A lion with two crossed swords beneath it and a sun over it. Around the design was strange writing.

"What does this mean?"

"Spread out and find what ever caused this!" the leader shouted.

The others gave a grunt of acknowledgement and fanned out.

In the woods two Desians were talking with each other.

"What the hell did that design mean? Better yet who created it?"

"Best guess would be a spell caster of some sort."

"What spell caster could incinerate an entire area like that? I'm telling you we should call for reinforcements…"

Suddenly there was a rustle from the brushes behind them.

The one Desian told his comrade to stay put and keep an eye out while he investigates. He slowly crept towards the brush, then quickly pulled it apart, only to find a rabbit quickly hopping away.

He chuckled "Heh. False alarm it was just a…" he turned around to find his partner was no longer there.

"W-wha…" he quickly stood up and picked up his weapon and wildly looked around, there were snapping branches and footsteps everywhere. He didn't notice the shadow that was creeping up on him until it was too late.

A terrified scream ripped out through the field and fell on the ears of the surrounding Desians. They quickly whipped their heads to the source and panicked whispers ran through them.

"What the hell was that?!"

"What's going on?!"

"What the hell did that?!"

"Stay calm!" the leader shouted "Ready your weapons and stay calm!"

They all grouped together in a formation, beads of sweat dripping in fear. For a while, nothing happened, then suddenly and without warning, two shadowy arms sprung from the thicket of trees and tore through the first two ranks, their blood and limbs flying everywhere.

The search party panicked and fell back as a figure came form the forest, his eyes glowing blood red.

"What is that thing?!"

"How the hell did he do that?!"

The figure raced towards them with surprising speed and blade like limbs sliced and impaled the soldiers. They tried to retaliate and attack but the Desians were thrown and impaled on nearby tree limbs. The search party tried to surround it but it did a 360 and they were fiercely thrown back, being smashed into trees and killing them.

The leader quickly readied his weapon and jumped at the creature swinging his sword with a scream on his lips. But just as his sword was about to strike the creature down, he disappeared into smoke.

The Desian leader looked about the forest, wide eyed in fear. His head twitching at every sound, every movement. The creature was nowhere to be found.

"W-WHERE ARE YOU!!!" he shouted.

A dark, whispering voice answered behind him, "Here."

The leader whirled around looked into its blood red eyes and opened his mouth to scream but it was too late.

That was the night the nightmare first set foot on Sylvarant.

Well, what do you think? I know, much darker than usual, but there will be some lighter moments in the story. And, yes I know this chapter is short but I will try to lengthen them a bit. I'll try to update as soon as I can. But with the holidays all upon us, it may take a while. Anyway, read and review with an open mind.
