A/N: Hey guys, long time no update at all. Yeah, well I switched computers and I had lost almost all information for this chapter… so this one will probably be the most different. However, I did retain some of my notes (thank goodness). While I know the old one is still up on my account I actually had legit notes on what I wanted to keep an what I wanted to discard. But hey oh well!

Disclaimer: I do not own Kenshin, if I do there would've been a lot more Kaoru and Kenshin action.

His hands felt sweaty, and it was getting hard to grip the gun he had been given. It wasn't exactly his first assignment, but Kenshin couldn't shake the jitters that caused his body to quake. Maybe it was because it was the first assignment where he had been responsible for his own getaway. Also it was the first one he had to do on his own home turf. He felt sick to his stomach and nearly retched on the bushes before he could gain any control of himself. The strap from the scroll container, where he kept his sword, itched at this skin. Why did he have to be so nervous now? He wondered.

A soft sob nearly had him jumping out of his skin and shooting off a round premature. With his limbs still shaking Kenshin peeked over the bushes to see a young girl huddled into a ball with her arms wrapped around her knees. Her shoulders were shaking with the tears. Kenshin felt something well up in his throat as he watched the petite girl cry. It was too dangerous for her to be so vulnerable. Stashing his gun into his waist band, something a lot of the other guys had told him never to do, he made sure to make a decent amount of noise before stepping out into the clearing. His movement gave him the response he wanted. The girl twisted around and faced him with a feral look on her face as if she would attack if he proved dangerous. Part of him felt relieved, until she relaxed her stance.

Kenshin wanted to tell her despite his appearance he could be a very dangerous person, but the way the girl cocked her head to the side slightly as if she were confused by him stilled his inner rant. She was beautiful, he noted. Even in the pale moonlight he could see that she had one of the clearest shades of blue he had ever witnessed.

"W-who are you?" she sounded slightly strange, most likely due to the metal in her mouth and the fact she had been bawling her eyes out merely moments before. Kenshin didn't know why, but his heart went out to her. Stepping forward he watched as she edged back just a hair. A normal person wouldn't have been able to tell, but Kenshin wasn't exactly normal. Running a hand through his fiery red hair the fifteen-year-old rocked on his heels.

"I am Kenshin," he offered his real name. She looked about fourteen or thirteen, Kenshin wasn't quite sure which, and so she probably lived around the area so he'd most likely meet her again eventually. Of course most of the pros would've face palmed by his carelessness, but he highly doubted the thirteen-year-old girl was his target. "And you?" he asked. The girl swayed back and forth for a brief moment before deciding to answer him.

"Kaoru Kamiya," she said. "What are you doing here?" The next question wasn't a surprise; he was about to ask her the same question. But what could he say? He couldn't exactly tell her he had snuck out of his house to go kill a very bad man who preyed upon young girls and poor people.

"I got in a fight with my dad. I just needed to cool off," he lied seamlessly, and Kaoru seemed to buy it.

"Yeah, my dad and I got into a huge fight too. It's so stupid now, but it really made me mad before. So, I kind of ran away," she mumbled the last part so softly that Kenshin almost didn't catch it, but only almost. He remembered when he was thirteen and had many inklings of running away to make everyone worry and stop being so hard on him, but usually before he could run out his mother would come in and wrap her arms around him. She'd press her face against his hair and tell him how much she loved him, but she didn't appreciate his attitude or his actions. His father usually wasn't that delicate and would smack him over the head before telling him to shape up. Kenshin wondered briefly what type of person Mr. Kamiya was. He suspected the former more than the latter.

"What did you fight about?" he inquired. Kaoru flushed beat red before mumbling something he couldn't quite catch, but from the way she was acting Kenshin guessed she felt rather childish divulging into it. Shaking his head he told her never mind before heading for the small pond she had been facing before he interrupted. Kaoru turned with him and immediately plopped down next to him with out another question. They both stared at the pond's still water until the bell tower alerted them to the time eleven thirty. It wouldn't be long before the target would be heading out for another romp with a girl far too young and vulnerable. Someone far too much like Kaoru. Licking his lips Kenshin was about to tell her that maybe she should head home when she began to speak.

"My mother use to take me here, or that's at least what my father always told me. When I was little she'd bring me to the pond so I could feed the fish. That was before she left with out a trace," Kaoru spoke softly. Her finger dug into the soft mud and began drawing a circle over and over again. "I don't know if she just left because she couldn't handle being a mother, or what happened to her. My father tries, but I look so much like her. Plus sometimes I just don't know when to shut up. I brought her up today that's what we fought about." With her other hand Kaoru picked at her jeans. Kenshin leaned back on his forearms and took in her story. Everyone had their scars, and maybe it was time to bare his.

"My parents either gave me up or they died. I don't know if giving me up was willing or not, but ever since I can remember I'd lived in different places, until Hiko and Tae got me. They decided they wanted to keep me and I've called this place home," he told her honestly. While Hiko and Tae had always tried to make him feel at home, there was something in Kenshin that made him always feel off. Alone, and as if he didn't really belong. Glancing up at Kaoru's face he noted she had a look of sympathy on her young features. She didn't pity him and she didn't find him weak, instead she seemed to want to give him strength.

"They love you don't they?" she asked, sounding worried.

"Yeah, they do." Kaoru seemed to deflate a little in relief, and Kenshin found it odd that she worried so much about him when she barely knew him. "But, we both should probably head back. I mean it's about an hour past curfew." He shrugged his shoulders. Due to the town's uptight and strict nature anyone under the age of seventeen couldn't be out and walking about after ten-thirty. Which, had been another thing that had made him nervous. Not only would he have to be sneaky and try to kill someone, but he'd also have to avoid the cops even more.

"Yeah, I guess you're right," she paused and looked at him. Kenshin, unable to keep his eyes away looked right back. "Kenshin?" she asked.

"Yes?" His voice sounded almost too eager to his ears.

"Can I see you again? Maybe tomorrow we can meet up here?" she asked. He nodded, his voice box not working for him. The reaction seemed to please Kaoru as she smile brightly before getting up and kissing him on the cheek. "Thank you Kenshin," she said. And with that, he watched as Kaoru walked out of the park. He continued to watch her making sure a specific car didn't show up in her path. Nothing deterred her though and he watched as she got into her small house, feeling too much like a stalker. Kenshin shook his head and stood. He had a job and he couldn't waste time watching a pretty girl go back home. Feeling the strap that still was angled on his chest, Kenshin felt his nerves jump up on him once more.

Twisting back towards a little more residential area Kenshin sauntered down waiting for the tell tale signs of a girl sneaking out of her house. It took for what seemed like forever but car started to slowly creep down the street Kenshin had been walking on. Except for one strange thing, it didn't go on past him. The car seemed to idle beside him and Kenshin titled his head to see what the hold up was. What he got was an old balding man leaning over his passenger side with a leering grin on his face.

"Hey, sugar where are you heading?" The man's voice was like oil, but Kenshin was too shaken by the fact that his target mistook him for a girl. His eyebrow twitched, but it would give him a good way in. Kenshin cleared his throat as best as he could and pitched his voice an octave.

"Oh, I was just heading out to meet some friends," he responded. The man didn't seem to notice his odd female voice or maybe the beer bottle that had been situated between his thighs kept his attention span on one thing.

"Maybe I could take you? It's dangerous for a girl to be out here," the man said with a chuckle, it was as if he were laughing at his own private joke. And normally, he would be. Kenshin nodded his head in agreement, preferring not to use his nails on a chalkboard girl voice. The passenger door clicked open and Kenshin got in. Obviously the man was too drunk to notice that even as Kenshin got closer that he was no female. It wasn't until he had fished his gun from pants and had that barrel pressed against the man's skull did he seem to notice the danger he was in.

"Now I want you to drive to the warehouses you usually take the girls to," he commanded. The man blubbered for a bit, but once Kenshin pressed the barrel harder against his temple the car roared into life and they were on their way.

Pulling the trigger wasn't hard. Nor was it hard to meet up with a member of the group to exchange his bloody clothing for something more fitting. But all the while as he walked home, Kenshin's fifteen year old mind was on a young girl named Kaoru.

Kaoru had been doing the dishes when Kenji raced in. Once again his ever changing moods shocked her as she saw a bright excited gleam in his blue eyes. Arching a brow she opened her mouth only to have the air squeezed out of her by her exuberant son. His words were mashed together making it hard to understand him.

"Kenji, what is it?" she asked. He couldn't have been hurt or even mildly upset but as he clung to her waist, speaking gibberish Kaoru felt slightly worried. "Kenji?" The second time she said his name he snapped up and grinned at her.

"He got me a car!" Kenji's usual tenor voice seemed to crawl up an octave as he spoke. Kaoru allowed a smile to crawl over her face at Kenji's excitement, but as she enjoyed his actions in the back of her mind she couldn't help but wonder if Kenshin had come with the car. Glancing at the clock she noted that she only had a few hours to get the show on the road before Aoshi arrived for the dinner. Turning to face her son she gently gripped his shoulders to still him, if only for a moment.

"Wanna show it to me?" she asked. Kenji looked at her like she had given him everything he ever wanted for Christmas. She was about to ask the whereabouts of his father when Kenji shoved her out the front door much to the amusement of their friends and neighbors. Her eyes immediately searched for red.

When she didn't catch sight of her ex, Kaoru wasn't sure at first if she was more irritated that he hadn't come by with his gift or relieved that she didn't have to show him out before Aoshi showed up. "Where's," she paused, furrowing her brow, "Who brought the car?" As she said the words she took into account the actual vehicle her ex-husband had purchased for their sixteen-year-old son. It was a Chevy a couple years old, but in good condition. Kenshin hadn't gone overboard with the purchase, which she was abundantly grateful for, but she was sure if she looked inside the car, the Chevy would have all the bells and whistles Kenshin would feel necessary for their son.

"Dad and Uncle Sano brought it over," Kenji answered. He had immediately detached himself from her side the second they stepped outside, and was lovingly caressing his new car. "Then the usual happened Dad got a call. He clammed up said I should enjoy the car and then left in a hurry." The way Kenji spoke, it sounded as if he wasn't even really paying attention to what he was saying. Kaoru frowned a little deeper and tried to push the irritation at her ex-husband far, far, far down as she could. Sure he had an unpredictable job, the same one that had helped with their break-up, and he was very dedicated to that job. Seeing as he was always running off when his stupid phone rang and called him away. "Mom?" Kaoru looked up immediately when she heard Kenji speak. He was staring at her hands, the very hands that she had clenched to her side with her nails digging into her palms. Kaoru stilled for a moment, she hadn't even really noticed herself doing that.

"Sorry," she fumbled, feeling ashamed she had let her thoughts take over her. What she was supposed to do was keep her head while Kenji was allowed to work through his emotions. Plus she was over her ex-husband and his ways, okay maybe she wasn't but almost eleven years of divorce should've been enough for her to finally give up on him telling her or Kenji anything about his professional life. "Wow, so you wanna take me out for a drive?" she asked teasing him. Kenji was quite for a moment his face unreadable, just like his father's, before he gave a brief nod.

"Sure, that works," he agreed. Kaoru was happy for the distraction for at least a little while. Kenji motioned for her to get in, and Kaoru had to hold her breath as she realized exactly what she offered to get herself into. Licking her lips she folded herself into the passenger seat before watching her son climb into the driver's seat. It was odd to see her baby in the driver's seat, but it was more worrying to see the way he wiggled his fingers over the steering wheel as if he was psyching himself out for a race. It also sent a pang low in her chest when she remembered that was something Kenshin did once or twice he was going to see how far he could push his car. Kaoru had only been in the car once when he did that, and it had nearly given her a heart attack. "Ready?" Kenji asked. There was an excitement in his voice again, that Kaoru had missed for a while. Against her better judgment, she nodded her head.

"We just can't be out too long. Aoshi is coming over for dinner," she reminded him. Kaoru tried not to worry her lip too much when she noted Kenji tensing up. Just because her son wanted her all to himself didn't mean she was going to drop Aoshi immediately, like she unfortunately did with her other boyfriends. She was going to make sure Kenji at least gave the man a chance before he completely decided he hated the man.

"Yeah, sure," Kenji muttered, Kaoru gnawed on her bottom lip and tried to find a way to get at least part of her son's excitement back. "How much do you know about Aoshi?" he asked, seemingly out of nowhere. Looking up at her son, Kaoru floundered to find the connection to Kenji's question. He'd never really formally met Aoshi, something she had struggled for until she was sure that she considered Aoshi as a potential boyfriend. Tucking a strand of hair behind her ear, Kaoru shifted to face her son a little more as he toyed with the keys.

"I don't understand the question Kenji? Aoshi and I work in the same building. I know more about him than I did some of my past boyfriends," she replied. Kenji continued to fiddle with his keys. It took him nearly two minutes of playing with the metal before he looked up at his mother and gave a sigh.

"It's, it's just. Nothing, I guess you're right," he mumbled. Looking away from her, he finally jammed his key into the ignition and turned it. The Chevy came alive and so did the radio, blearing some sappy love song about how the person they were with was the only one. Kaoru refrained from switching the station, the song might've been good, but it reminded her too much of her. Plus, she wanted to get Kenji to tell her at least a small amount of what was wrong with him.

"Kenji, sweetie, what has you so worried?" she asked, as she was about to lean over and stroke his hair, Kenji revved the engine once more before taking off. Kaoru found herself making a disgruntled noise in the back of her throat as her shoulder hit the passenger seat. "Kenji!" she screeched.

He wasn't used to being called and having an expectation of him arriving immediately, but with Tomoe, Saito understood exactly where she thought she stood. Still he was supposed to find things for her in his free time, and lately he'd been having quite a few bits of free time. Plus, the free time also allowed his mind to wonder a little. Not even the slight murmurs from the underground removed Tokio from his thoughts, which was another annoyance. He was willing to accept his attraction to the woman, not her completely overriding his thoughts and free time. Saito tapped his fingers on the wheel of his car as he waited for Tokio to arrive in her usual fashion.

She arrived exactly on time with her hair no longer pulled back; instead it fluttered around her hair as she strode towards him purposefully. Her eyes locked on his through the windshield, the second she got out of her car. Saito didn't know exactly what the urgency was for, but he at that moment at least knew it was a real thing. Tokio didn't wait to be invited into his car, she just immediately opened the passenger seat door and sat herself in it. He waited in quiet allowing her to stew in her anger before he made any snappy comments in her direction.

"Yes?" he finally drawled out. Tokio snapped her head in his direction and took in a deep, shaky breath. Her face was a little whiter than usual and her pupils were blown in fear. Saito felt his spine straighten and his upper lip twitch a little in irritation. One thing he never thought he'd see was Tokio afraid.

"He somehow found out about you. Well, he doesn't know the whole thing, thank God, but he told me to make sure my little boyfriend kept his nose out of his business. I really don't give a damn that he thinks that I sent my boyfriend after him," she paused and took another shuddering breath, "except he can easily poison my daughter against me with a careless comment about this." Saito refrained from clicking his tongue and asking what exactly this information had to do with him, just barely. He did, however, level Tokio a look asking her to explain herself further. The woman seemed to understand the request as she sucked in a third shaky breath and pushed her hair back over her ears. Their eyes locked again as she began to speak, "I know you can't do anything, but please hurry, the more time he has with her the longer he can try to corrupt her and hoard her." Saito settled back on his seat.

"Tokio, you don't have to go through this long explanation just to ask me to pick up the speed," he stated dryly. "You could just ask." Once he finished speaking he expected her to huff or say something in return. The pressing of her lips against him, as she nearly attacked him was not something he was expecting. Nor was the way she manipulated his mouth so that she could deepen the kiss. Almost as quickly as the kiss started, Tokio ended it, but her hand still remained on his cheek as she gave him a slow smile.

"Oh, but Hajime, sometimes I am very bad at asking for things," she whispered to him. Saito merely arched a brow at her.

"I highly doubt that, Princess," he replied.

Yumi felt the weariness in her body, but Makoto had promised that he would be home when she got off and that he would spend time with his boys. When she walked into her home and had three hyperactive bodies slam into her stomach, she knew their father hadn't followed through. Yet, instead of feeling irritation, Yumi merely shook her head before picking up the youngest. Makoto always had something come up with the his line of work.

"So, Daddy hasn't been around?" she asked the eldest Ichiro. The little boy shook his head vigorously before shrugging his shoulders. Yumi smacked his shoulder lightly, Makoto hated when his sons shrugged.

"He was around before Kenta and Daichi got up, but then Soujiro arrived and gave him a file," he told his mother. Yumi nodded, just what she thought had had happened. Keeping Daichi on her hip she glided into the kitchen to command which ever poor sap that found themselves loitering in the room to make supper, but before she did she turned to her sons and asked them all what they wanted to eat. The chorus if macaroni and cheese was almost overwhelming that it made Yumi smile. Her boys looked so much like Makoto, but they were a lot happier than their father act. Of course they were good little soldiers and put up a rough and tough exterior when their father was around.

"All right macaroni and cheese it is!" she exclaimed. The three of them cheered and Yumi couldn't help but shake her head.

His mother had always told him never to leave the house at night or the bogeyman would get him, but she never told him what to do if the bogeyman was right outside his window crying.

A five-year-old Kenshin crawled out of bed slowly his eyes fixed on the door to his room the one that opened to the hall and that would probably wake his parents up, so instead he started to open his window, but that made even more noise. He abandoned the idea and decided to brave the fire-breathing dragon that was snoring so loud he couldn't go to sleep again even if he wanted to. Padding towards the door he pressed against it slowly as to minimize the noise and strangely enough it didn't even make a sound, maybe he should've thanked the snoring dragon for putting the greasy stuff on the door. With a breath of relief Kenshin moved slowly towards the front door, now it was the tricky one, it made so much noise. Opening it quickly it only made a small, quick shriek before silencing. The tiny boy froze as he heard a grunt from the fire-breathing dragon, but nothing else followed it. He let out another breath of relief.

Soon he was outside in the cool heat of summer. He stood in silence once again and waited until he heard the sniffling. Turning towards the alley, not once did he think that this could be a trap, the bogeyman needed help. Making sure his steps were as silent as they could be Kenshin arrived in front of another boy who was slightly bigger than he was. He clutched his hands behind his back and rocked back and forth on his heels.

"Uh, Mister Bogeyman, what's wrong?" he asked. The brown hair boy looked up somewhat scared, a dark bruise covering the side of his face. He then muttered something in which Kenshin had to strain to lean forward to hear. "What was that, sir?" he asked.

"I'm not the bogeyman," the other boy said a little louder. Kenshin tilted his head ever so slightly and frowned.

"Well, if you're not the bogeyman then who are you?" he asked plopping down right in front of the other boy. The thought of not believing the boy never came to the tiny red head's mind.

"Sanosuke," he replied and Kenshin blinked.

"Sanosuke what? I have a last name. It's different than my mommy and daddy's last name, but I gots one," Kenshin chirped happily. "So, what's yours?" For a few seconds the boy was silent.

"I don't have one no more," Sanosuke whimpered a little. The red headed child placed a tiny fist to his chin in thought; he also scrunched up his face ever so slightly.

"I know! Since I'm Kenshin Himura, you can be Sanosuke Himura!" he cheered happily. The brown eyed boy frown at name and shook his head. "Why not?"

"I don't wanna steal your last name," Sanosuke decided. Kenshin frowned once more and tried to think of a name, but his thoughts were interrupted by a shriek.

"Kenshin! Kenshin baby where are you?" he mother's voice rang through out house. The front door opened and slammed shut, and soon a large figure stood in the alleyway. Kenshin smiled at his 'daddy' and stood up to say hello. But before he could utter a word his father scooped him up and held him close to his chest. Kenshin could feel a sigh of relief that swept through his father.

"I found him!" he called out still cradling the tiny boy to his broad chest. The front door slammed for a second time and a tiny figure rushed out. Catching sight of her son she swept him into her arms, from her husband's, and bawled. During the whole thing Sanosuke had tried to hide himself in the trash heap, but Hiko had none of that. As carefully as he could he swept the other boy out of the heap and had him standing beside him as his wife began scolding his son.

"Don't you ever do that again! You scared me half to death!" she cried out and swatted the red head's bottom. Kenshin cried out in shock when he mother hit him and soon he scrunched up his face a little and started to cry softly into her shoulder. Placing a hand on her shoulder Hiko led his wife and the small boy he kept by his side into their small house.

By the time they arrived back at the house, Kaoru was red in the face. Her son had not only inherited her ex's looks but his stubbornness with keeping things extremely close to his chest. She was about to turn around on her son and demand that he tell her exactly what he was being cryptic about, why he had been so melancholy about, and why he had already decided he wasn't going to like Aoshi. Yet, instead of exploding, no matter how much she wanted to, Kaoru stormed into the house to make sure everything was ready. At that moment she didn't even care that Kenji had hung back by his car and hadn't followed her into the house.

Kenji felt sick to his stomach, he wanted to tell his mother what he had seen, that Aoshi somehow knew his father and that he seemed to hold the same job his father did so he couldn't really work at the place that she did. Somehow he just couldn't spit out the words, not when he really didn't know what exactly he was outing Aoshi for, even if he knew the man was keeping secrets. Rubbing the back of his neck he stared at the beige color of the car his father had driven down. As he thought of his father he also wondered why part of him still wanted his father around. Ever since he could remember he had never been fan of his father, yet the second Aoshi showed up he was immediately in his father's ring. He wasn't about to forget that on his birthday he had intentionally taken the phone from his grandfather to tell his father that his mother's relationship was serious. He was ready to bolt from the dinner and hide out at Yahiko's house. Just as he was turning back to his car however, a black sports car pulled up behind his parked one. Kenji watched as Aoshi Shinomori stepped out of the car an looked him straight in the face without much recognition. Yet, what type of recognition, Kenji was hoping for he didn't know. Instead the man merely nodded at him.

"Kenji, right? I believe I met you briefly when I returned your mother's things," he said. There was no smile in his voice or on his face. Instead Shinomori looked like a statue. Kenji frowned, he hadn't thought too much on it when the man arrived at their house previously, but right then it was odd. He had never imagined his mother ever dating a person that didn't smile.

"Yeah, that's me. I'm kind of hard to miss with all this bright red hair and all." Kenji motioned to his hair and leveled Aoshi a glare.

Aoshi wasn't about to be intimidated by a teenager, even if it was the Battousai's kid and the kid in question did a nearly spot on impression of his father pissed off, but he wasn't about to lie and say that the look didn't unnerve him. The boy was a miniature Battousai in the making even if he didn't know exactly how much power that gave. Nodding at the boy he looked to the door and saw Kaoru standing there her hands on her hips. She wasn't looking at him, instead her eyes were firmly on her son and she didn't look too pleased with the boy.

"Kenji, why don't you set the table?" she called out. The boy nearly jumped a foot in the air when he heard his mother's voice, before he whipped around. As unnerving as Kenji had been, he could tell that Kaoru still had some control over her son. Once she was sure her son was following her orders, Kaoru turned her attention to him and gave a smile. "I am glad you could make it," she said cheerfully. Aoshi walked towards her until they were nearly eye to eye, her a few steps above him.

"I was happy you invited me," he said smoothly. Kaoru's smile widened, and he couldn't help but return a small one.

"Oh, we'll see if you say that when we're done with the dinner," Kaoru laughed. Aoshi glanced around her momentarily to see what exactly her son was doing. Upon seeing the boy slamming the knives and forks down, he decided he'd have to agree with her.

Kenji stole away to the bathroom in the middle of dinner. If he had to listen to his mother and her lying boyfriend hem and haw over such bland things and act so happy in each other's presence he was going to break something. Sure he had hated his mother's other boyfriends for stupid reasons when he was younger, but with Aoshi he actually had a legitimate reason to dislike the man. Staring at his reflection in the mirror, he tried to mimic his father's I-am-very-pissed-off-and-you-don't-want-to-make-it-worse glare. Once he got it as perfected as he could, he sauntered out of the bathroom and took his place to the right of his mother. Turning to face Shinomori he settled his palm on the table and leveled the man the look. Kenji could hear his mother sucking in a breath to tell him to stop being such a little jerk, but he wasn't going to let her.

"Did you notice the car you parked behind, Mr. Shinomori?" he asked. The other man nodded, but his expression didn't change. "Well, my father bought that for me. Nice isn't it? You see lately my father has started to become a LARGE part of my life, which is something my mother always wanted to happen." His mother wouldn't understand his jabs and Aoshi wouldn't know why he chose those jabs, but it would mean something to him. "Do you know who my father is Mr. Shinomori?" Kenji startled when he heard his mother's palms slap against the table as she stood up.

"Who wants pie? I do!" she said with fake enthusiasm. She turned on her heel and nearly took the door clear off its hinges as she walked through it. Once she was out of the room, Shinomori settled back in his seat giving off an assessing look.

"The question is Kenji, do you know who he is?" he asked.

A/N: I was going to add more as an apology to how long you guys have had to wait for another chapter…. But then I thought that that was a good place to stop. What got cut off from the original will either find its place in the next chapter or something like that. Also, guns in Kenshin because they are in modern-ish times.

Thanks to everyone who reviewed previously and to all those who alerted to this story and favorite'd it (if any) Hopefully it won't over a year before I update again. Hehehe.