Okay, so here it is, the final chapter. This one is incredibly short, really more of a prologue, house cleaning, wrapping things up. Hope those of you who have been reading along didn't find the story too anticlimactic.

Chapter Eight: All's Well

They came out of the woods on the very edge of the UC Sunnydale campus. The sun was just starting to set, the sky along the horizon blazing with vibrant color. It was a stunning sight, and the two girls stood side by side for a moment, just taking it all in.

"You sure they won't remember us?" Anya asked.

"Lethe's Bramble is powerful stuh-stuff. Enough of it and they wouldn't even remember their own names."

"Yikes, remind me not to plant any in my garden."

"I know, I hated having to use it, just the idea of having my muh-mind violated like that is repugnant, but desperate measures were called for."

"You did very well," Anya said, reaching over and giving Tara's hand a squeeze. "I couldn't have asked for a witchier witch. Next time I'm in a life-threatening situation, you're definitely the one I want with me."

"Uhm, thanks I think."

The two girls shared a laugh, then Tara said, "Still want to luh-learn some spells?"

Anya seemed to consider for a moment then shook her head. "Seems to me magic almost invariably leads to trouble. No offense."

"None taken. Want to cuh-come up to the room? Willow should be back by now, we can huh-hang out."

"I'll have to take a rain check. Xander's taking me to the party on campus tonight; I still need to get ready. I'm hoping they have some of those little hand-woven grain patties. I admire their taste almost as much as their craftsmanship."

After exchanging goodbyes, Anya started off toward the far side of campus. Tara watched her go, thinking about the peculiar day she had just shared with the ex-demon. There had been fear and violence and near-death…so why did Tara find herself smiling?

It took her less than five minutes to reach Stevenson Hall, and she hurried up to Willow's room. As she figured, Willow was back, sitting on her bed with books open all around her. A familiar tableau.

"Hi Tara, where've you been?"

"Out ruh-running errands," Tara said evasively. "Doing your homework?"

"Actually I've been looking up some spells I think may help us against Glory."

"Be careful," Tara said, a frown of concern forming a crinkle between her eyebrows. "That teleportation spell we performed tuh-took a lot out of you, remember?"

"I know, but there's a lot of stuff in here that could be helpful. Here's one for creating serpents; give her a taste of her own medicine after that giant snake she sent after Dawnie. And here's a neat one that involves shooting lightning bolts out of your fingers."

"Really? There's actually a spell like that? Don't tuh-tell Anya, she might change her mind."

Now it was Willow who frowned. "Anya? Change her mind about what?"

"Nuh-nothing," Tara said, waving the comment away with a flip of her hand. "So how was study guh-group?"

"Fine, I think I'm going to ace this Chem test. I've told you my theory about Chemistry, right?"

"Like wuh-witchcraft but less newt," Tara said with a smile.

"Exactly. So what did you do today?"

Tara's smile widened. "Oh, nothing, just the usual."