Love in the Time of Piracy

Disclaimer: I do not own any part of the Pirates of the Caribbean franchise, that belongs to Disney inc.

A/N: In the time of epic romances, tall ships, great halls and dark times, letters spoke what whispers could not. In the styles of Napoleon, Josephine, Beethoven and other great romantics, I give you the letters of Jack and Elizabeth.



Months have passed since word of you has reached my ears. Life here is bleak and the outlook is rather grey. The rain never ceases, running down the cobbled streets to the harbor like a small river, green moss covers the gardens, the pathways slick and grimy. And the gloom...not even candles can punctuate the oppressive black that seems to linger within my room. Its laughable but some days I find myself pouting like a small child. I miss the warm sunshine and swaying palms of home.

Jane is of course, as you said, an extremely amiable woman and has been very kind to me since my arrival. We take our tea together daily and I've enjoyed getting to hear her wild tales of all her visitors, including quite a number about you. I hope there is some way I can repay her for her kindness, she has held my hand through the turmoil of the past few weeks and I cannot thank her enough. In fact it was she who suggested I begin writing to you. Needless to say the thought had crossed my mind, but it was only through her ingenuity that we settled on an address that we hope will allow this letter to reach you.

I write to you today from my little writing table in my Blue Room. These days it is the only place where I feel any sense of peace. There is a large window that over looks the gardens and if one looks very hard, one can see a glimpse of the grey waters of the sea. I can't even tell you how pitiful this arrangement seems when compared to my favorite desk in our cabin upon the Pearl. How I miss the sea. As I sit here writing to you, my dearest, I can watch the rain droplets fall against the shrouded panes of glass, like so many tears upon my face. And with all certainty, my love, I know you are gone, lost to the seas, truly lost to me. My heart is indescribably heavy, you are gone, leagues of ocean separate us and months of time span between us. I still cannot pretend to understand why you felt you must leave without me, leave me behind on this dreary shore . You made your choice and I had no other option but to accept.

But even still, as I walk my little hilltop each eve to look for the flash of black sails, I feel you. I feel you so strongly I fear if I closed my eyes I could feel your arms wrapped around me, hear your voice whispering tales of the sea into my ear, even feel the warmth of a island bonfire and the sweet burn of spiced rum. Know that every day, I awake for this feeling, I awake for you. And it is with this feeling that I know I will find you. Watch for me in the eastern sky, dearest, for my love for you will give me the wings I need to fly home to you. If this letter should reach you before my return, know that I shall heed your warnings, but that the peril of my journey is naught compared to my sorrow at our prolonged separation. I shall set sail in two months upon Captain Gabriel Livingstone's vessel, Sea Nymph. He seems to be an honorable and pleasant man, so I dare to hope my voyage will be as enjoyable as it can without you by my side. I think of you always. The sea will bring us together again.

Devotedly yours,

