Disclaimer: RK isn't mine.

AN: This story is an old, forgotten story I made when I still didn't have an account in . This was the first time I wrote something seriously, but my English wasn't as good as now (well, it's still not that good but at least I made some improvement, lol) so I didn't feel confident enough to upload it. After all these years, I found this fic again in my old diary (yes, I literallywrote it on a paper with a pen, lol… a rare thing for me to do nowadays) and I thought, WHAT AN EFFIN MESS!!!! I typed it and fixed it a little, and now I think it's good to go. So please read, review, and enjoy the story :D


The Intersection



Kenshin never realized that he could enjoy a beach this much. He enjoyed the white sand under his bare feet and the quiet sound of the waves hitting the shore, leaving a darker mark on the ground. But he just stood there, didn't dare to come closer to the water as he was wearing one of his best formal pants and blazer. He never prepared for a leisure time. His business trips brought him to the most beautiful places and he always stayed at the best hotels, but he never had the chance to enjoy the luxury he was living in. He was too busy thinking. He always carried a big load in his brain, and he never let himself to even take a day off.

But that day was different. His client's flight got delayed and suddenly he found himself sitting idly on his bed, not knowing what to do with his three hours off. He looked outside the window and suddenly realized that the hotel he had been staying for three days was facing a beautiful beach.

I guess it wouldn't hurt to take a little stroll in the beach, he thought.

He went out and immediately felt out of place. He looked around and saw young people, much like him, dressed in their fine bathing suits, and families were gathered around, having a small picnic. They all looked so happy and relaxed, while he was the only one wearing a black suit and tensed face under the scorching beach sun. He took off his shoes and stood on one spot, watching two little kids running around and playing. Their parents were sitting not far from their kids, but they were having a little picnic by themselves. Kenshin smiled at the sight.

He used to be like that. Skipping work for a vacation, buying things he didn't want to buy, eating things he wouldn't normally eat, just enjoying himself until he lost track of time. He was happy back then, even though he never initiated the vacation, and even though he always managed to cut his short vacation even shorter for work.

She never complained everytime he chose work over her. She would smile understandingly even though she couldn't hide a tinge of disappointment in her eyes. He remembered again, she used to bring colours to his dull life, something that he refused to see until she was gone.

"… It's been six years…" He muttered.

Six long years after she was gone, and before he realized it, he was left older and lonelier day by day.

"Ah! Gomeeen!" a little scream woke him up from his daydream. Kenshin turned his head and saw a little kid with a big cap and primary school uniform running towards him. Then he looked down and saw a ball and a big stain on his pants. He smiled and took the ball from the ground.

"Here you go, little boy, don't worry about the stain," he said while handing the ball to the kid. The kid shyly took the ball and bowed respectfully to the kid.

"Thank you, sir!" He said with a cute voice. Kenshin nodded with a grin and looked around again. He thought the kid was going to leave, but then he put the ball on the ground again. Kenshin looked at him, confused.


"Please take care of my ball for a little bit, sir!" He said while running away. Kenshin stood there, not knowing what to do, but then the kid returned in a flash. He brought a canned coffee and gave it to him.

"For me?" asked Kenshin. The boy nodded. Kenshin looked at the can and smile. It was a drink his company manufactured, and he remembered how he proposed the initial idea. He opened the can and drank it.

"How is it, sir?" asked the boy. Kenshin nodded with a smile.

"It's very good. This is my favourite drink." He replied.

"Why?" asked the kid. Kenshin grinned and shook the can.

"Because, litte boy, I made this drink." Kenshin answered. The kid looked at him and suddenly hugged him.

"DADDY!!!! SO YOU ARE MY DADDY!!!!" He screamed even louder than before. Kenshin gulped.


"YES! Mommy said that my daddy looks a lot like me and he likes the canned coffee because he made it! Daddy is busy but Mommy said if I be a good kid he will come home with a lot of gifts! I got first place at school and I always eat my vegetables, so that you would come home and be with us again!" he said with a happy voice. Kenshin looked at him, still a little confused, and the boy took off his cap.

"Oh." Kenshin's heart fell out. The boy had a dark red hair and a pair of beautiful violet eyes. It was like seeing his childhood picture came to life.

"Come, Daddy! Come home with me!" He said while pulling Kenshin's hand.

"Little boy, I'm sorry, but I am not your dad. I do hope that you find your real dad. I have to go now…" Kenshin said. The boy looked at him, and then started to cry.

"MY DADDY DOESN'T WANT ME!!!!" He cried, and the rest of the people on the beach looked at him curiously. Kenshin sighed, and picked him up.

"Now… Come on… Don't cry like that… Let me take you home, okay?" Kenshin offered. He stopped crying in an instant, and grinned.

"Come, Daddy! We moved to a new house so you don't know where it is!" He said. Kenshin sighed, put him down and put on his shoes. He took his carkey from his pocket and offered the little boy his hand.

"So, little boy, have you ever ridden a car before?"


"Well, do you want to go for a car ride with daddy?" asked Kenshin with a grin. The boy's face lit up.

"Really? I love you, Daddy!!!" The little boy chirped and took Kenshin's hand. They walked to the parking lot and found a silver sportscar. Kenshin opened the door for the boy and he climbed up happily. Kenshin sat beside him, fixed his seatbelt, and opened the roof. The boy looked at the moving roof in awe.

"So, shall we?" asked Kenshin. He nodded with excitement.

The place wasn't that far. It was a small café with not a lot of customers in it. The waitresses were relaxing and chattering by themselves but the patrons didn't seem to mind. Kenshin parked the car not far from the café, and he saw all the waitresses stopped talking and looked at the car curiously.

"Come," Kenshin said to the boy. The boy climbed out of the car and held Kenshin's hand again. The waitresses looked a little dazed and then gasped in unison and started whispering to each other. One waitress went closer to Kenshin and the little boy.

"Are you… Himura Kenshin?" she asked.

"Yes…" Kenshin answered, a little confused, and then the waitresses screamed excitedly. The first waitress grinned and whispered to the boy.

"Nice found, Bocchan…" She whispered quite loudly that even Kenshin could hear.

"Excuse me?" Kenshin asked, confused. The waitresses grinned at him.

"Ah, sorry, Himura-sama. Our boss, she's a big fan of you." Said the first waitress.


"Yeah! She makes scrap books about you! She was so excited when you were voted the most eligible bachelor three years ago and the sexiest businessman in Japan last year! When she was pregnant with our Bocchan, she prayed in front of your picture everyday so that the kid could look like you! And now look at him! Red hair with violet eyes, just like yours!" a braided haired waitress chirped happily.

"Yeah, because of that we started praying as well. Who knows, maybe miracles do exist!" the other waitress added.

"Do you mind if we take a picture of you? Our Boss' birthday is in two weeks and we actually thought of kidnapping you for her, but I guess a signed picture will be fine…" said the first waitress. Kenshin blushed.

"Are you sure? You guys could always give her… I don't know… Jewelries or perfumes… " He asked, a little uncertain. They all nodded excitedly.

"It will be a fabulous birthday present!" one of the waitresses said. The first waitress went into the café and soon came out with a Polaroid. They took five pictures altogether, two of him alone, two with the little boy, and one a little burry picture with the waitresses, taken by the little boy. After he signed everything, he looked at his watch and excused himself. The boy ran and sent him out of the store.

"Daddy, why are the onee-chans taking pictures with you? Are you famous?" asked the boy.

"Your Mommy wanted to see me, right? But I can't stay and wait for her, so they are doing her a favour and take some pictures for her." Kenshin explained with a small smile.

But you'll still come to Mommy's birthday party, right?" he asked. Kenshin sighed.

"I… can't promise you that. I'm very busy, remember? But I will send her a big bouquet of flowers, okay? Mommy likes flowers, right?" Kenshin bargained. The boy nodded happily.

"Mommy loves cakes and flowers!" he said.

"Then, cakes and flowers it is."

"Thank you Daddy!! I love you!!" The kid hugged him and kissed his cheek.

I love you…Kenshin actually felt so moved by the innocence of the kid. His sincerity was so new and fresh for his world. He smiled and took out his carkey. With a small tug, he took off the silver car shaped keychain and gave it to the boy.

"Here, for you." He said. The boy looked at the shiny keychain in awe.


"Yeah. Well, I gotta go now. Take care." He got into the car and looked at his watch. The boy waved to him as he drove off. He was late for the meeting, but he felt strangely happy. Soon, his phone rang. He sighed and put on the headset.

"Yes, Sano."

"Where the heck are you?!" Sano hissed at him from the other side of the line. He grinned.

"On the way, Sano… On the way…"

"They're all waiting for you!!"

"Got it."



"Huh? What?"

"I need you to do me a favour."

"What favour?"

"I need you to send a bouquet of flower for a young woman's birthday and some cakes for her son in two weeks."


"I'll send you the address, okay?"


"Thanks a lot Sano. You've been nothing but helpful to me. See you soon."

Kenshin hung up with a smile in his face. It was funny, because he was always annoyed when he was late, but that day, the last thing he wanted to do was to erase that smile from his face.