Prologue: The World of Pokémon

To Whom It May Concern

I write this letter to those who fight the final battle. The battle for Earth, and the battle for our survival. No matter how much time passes, how much is forgotten, or what Humans do; these words will last; and remember them when you face the shadows.

When the lights grow dim, all shall know. The greatest of them will rise, the weak shall fall. When the old ones rise, all the nations shall bow before their entity and the shadows will proclaim their handiwork.

Pokémon. Untold warriors, animals, beasts that shape this world, carving out oceans, thriving in mountains; and soaring over everything in-between. Humans used to wander in their wake; avoiding danger of the monolithic forces that clash in there midst. Humans could only hide, and hope that a brighter future could befall them. It wasn't much longer, when their wish was granted. Humans began to befriend the smaller Pokémon, the weak, the insignificant. Humans would care for their wounds, befriended them, and allowed their Children to play with them. Soon they where tamed and they grew stronger. No more where the Humans the weak beings that could not amount to the strongest of Pokémon. The Humans that learnt to control these monsters, to tame, and to unleash this strength, these became the first Trainers.

When heaven crumbles, the bowels of the earth rupture and all hell breaks loose. Remember the spirit within, and that shall be your guide.

Today, Humans control them. Pokémon walk beside humans. To some, Pokémon are friends, too others they are fierce companions. that trainers use to battle with. Some study them, to gain knowledge. Others however, seek to exploit the greatest of Pokémon for personal gain. Those people; are the evil that exists in this world.

Every world has its demons. Every world has its demise. Every world has its hopes, its dreams and its thoughts. Ours however, just happens to have Pokémon.

A wise man once told me; fall seven times, you will stand up eight. With every loss, you become stronger, with each adversary, your power grows. There is no end to Pokémon, their strength limitless and unrivalled.

Four Regions,

One world,

One dream,

One fate.

Remember, success is never final nor is failure fatal. It is the courage in your heart, the passion for your struggle, that counts.

Professor Rowan

Sandgem Town