
Before I go into my long-winded speech about how sorry I am that I've been kinda dead lately. I'd just like to say, thank you to all of the people who have read, reviewed, favorited, and most importantly, enjoyed my story Guardian Angel. It's really cool when you start off on this site with no readers and then gain so many. :)

I know that I've mentioned in previous chapters that I would be making this story longer than 20 chapters but I'm honestly not feeling this story any more. I think that I left the story in a good place with Max and Fang so, I won't be continuing it. BUT if and of you have any questions on what I was going to do with it or just about Guardian Angel in general, just review asking it, or PM me and I'll try and answer as fast as I can. :)

Soo, now onto the long-winded-apology-that-I-owe-you-guys-so-much-because-I-haven't-been-on-this-website-in-about-3985-years. I'm SOOOOO sorry. I've been meaning to get back on but because of my workload in school with other activities, I haven't had enough time! Also, every time I tried to get on, I had total writers block. I'm hoping I'll be able to start coming on more often and if I do, I'll have some new stories too. Once again, I'm soooooooooooooooo sorry!

One last thing, I have a few ideas for future stories that could be pretty fun, but if any of you are still following this story and reading this, if you have anything you'd like me to write about in the meantime, suggest it. I'll most likely end up doing it if I like the idea enough.

Once again, thank you so much for staying with me through all of my random hiatuses and I hope that you amazing people will still read my stories:)

So... uh... bye :) haha