This is my first Digimon fanfic, so please don't laugh. Please review and enjoy it.



Izzy was typing furiously on his laptop. He was clicking and clicking without end, trying to delete all his e-mails. He'd forgotten to delete them ever since the last year. He finally sat back and sighed as the e-mails were all gone. It was a hot day and Tai was sick. Izzy had been meaning to visit for the past hour and finally had the time. He refreshed the page quickly and was about to exit out, when a new e-mail appeared after the refresh.

"What's this?" he muttered and opened the e-mail.

He hadn't looked at the sender but soon would. He started to read:

Izzy and Tai,

How high can you count? Can you multiply? Can you divide? Or can you even add? The very highest of math is ponderous isn't it? I can count very, very high. Want to see?


"Who's "Dia"?" Izzy asked and deleted the e-mail.

He refreshed one more time and was about to leave when another e-mail popped up. It too was from "Dia". He opened it and it said the same thing. He started to exit out when after the refresh, two e-mails popped up. Both from "Dia". He opened both and they said the same thing.

"What the hell is this?" Izzy muttered and decided to reply.

To "Dia",

What do you want from me?

-From Izzy

He sent it and waited. He refreshed in a minute and found five e-mails there, all from Dia, all saying the same thing.

To "Dia",

What is this? Who are you? Is this some kind of joke?

-From Izzy

Izzy was getting frustrated. It was obviously some kind of prank. But how had they gotten his address? He refreshed again and the page was completely full. The count was 107.

"What the hell?!" Izzy said out loud, checking to see the senders.

All "Dia". What was going on? Was it one of his friends messing with him? But the e-mail address said: . What kind of e-mail was that? He clicked on it and went to the profile. Under: "About me" was a list:

Can anyone count higher?

"What is this?!" Izzy shouted

He looked down at the name: "Dia". Who was "Dia"?! We went back to his email and found it at 1340. They were all from this "Dia" and all said the same thing. He turned from the computer and scribbled down the message they were all sending and grabbed his laptop and ran down stairs and out the door. As you ran, the count went up to: 2349. Izzy stared at it as he sprinted to Tai's house, running into people and poles. It went up to: 3348. 4347. Wait! Was there a pattern? Each one had a counted up by a thousand number at the front, three and four in the middle, and a counting down number at the end! But what was it counting down too?

What happened at zero? He reached Tai's house and banged and rang the doorbell and door. Tai's mother answered.

"Izzy, Tai's sick and I-…" she started but Izzy ran past.

"I'm sorry Ma'am! It's an emergency!" he called and went up the stairs and burst through Tai's door.

"Izzy!" Tai said startled and sneezed.

"No time to explain! We've got some kind of stranger on our hands!"

"You're just getting a prank e-mail, Izzy." Tai said, falling back on the pillow.

"I've got 5346 of the same e-mail!" Izzy said, jumping on the bed.

"What?!" Tai shouted "Let me see!"

He looked for a minute and read the e-mail several times, nervously.

""Dia"?" He said "Wait a minute…. It's Diaboromon!"


Well I hope you liked it and I'll update soon. Please excuse spelling mistakes.