Author's Note: Christmas was hectic and so was the New Year... and the result was me not updating. I am sorry and I'm even considering leaving this fic for now and finish it next year - since Christmas's over now. But let me know what you'd prefer - and I hope you enjoy Part Five! ;)

Have Yourself a Merry Little Christmas

by Lorelai Grint

Part Five

'Actually, even a Hippogriff would have been more delicate', Ginny concluded rightfully, rolling her eyes once again.

'Isn't it the truth, though?', George retorted. 'Don't you miss him?'

'What do you think, gnome head?', Ginny exclaimed, her voice a couple of octaves higher than usual.

'Then what did I say that was so indelicate? Enlighten me, will you?'

'This isn't easy, George!', Ginny finally gave in, standing up while two single tears escaped her eyes. She immediately rubbed her cheeks with both hands, drying the infamous drops.

'Nobody said –', Fred got up as well, meaning to comfort her but she interrupted him.

'It's not that', Ginny continued, somewhat more quietly. 'It's not that I think that you all think it is easy. I know you know it isn't –'

'She's going to lose me if she says 'think' or 'know' one more time, really', George whispered to Fred.

'You feel the same things – or very similar things – on your own skin', Ginny threw a dirty look at George before uttering the next words. 'But this is too much. I know I have to be brave and I want to – even for Harry, you know', she blushed slightly. 'Only right now… at this time of the year…'

Ginny stopped, looked around at the living room and all of its exuberant decorations. She couldn't help but think once again that Fred and George had really exceeded themselves this time. The twins exchanged worried looks, their expressions stating the same impotence: as truly as they wanted to comfort Ginny, they were lost for words and both knew there wasn't that much they could do to relieve her sadness.

'I miss him', Ginny took a deep breath. 'And I miss Ron and I miss Hermione. I hate that they're not at Hogwarts. I hate it that they left without me. And I hate it that it's Christmas and none of them is here. It's useless. All of this', she raised her arms around. 'All of the lights, the decorations, the presents – it's all useless without them. And I hate it because I love Christmas – but I love them and it just – just…'

She came to a halt, teardrops falling from her eyes yet again and more strongly. This time she showed no intention to wipe them away.

'Here', Fred dried her cheeks with his own hands and hugged her. Though he had expected Ginny to put up a fight, she left herself go into his embrace.

'It'll be OK, Gin', George ran his fingers through her hair. 'Take my handkerchief –'

Ginny suddenly raised her head from Fred's chest, staring disbelievingly at George. 'You really think I'm going to fall for that again?'

'What? Oh, no – come on, Ginny, this is my good handkerchief. A very regular one – ordinary, even. No invisible oil in the middle, no sneezing powder in it, no punching colour pigments, I swear'.

Ginny stared on.

'And no spell or charm or any other kind of magic or Muggle misbehaving whatsoever. Cross my heart', George frowned. 'Will you just take the frigging thing now and blow your nose? It's starting to revolve my stomach'.

'Oh, now Miss Delicate has arrived', Fred joked.

Ginny laughed feebly.

'Listen, I know it's different without them. Especially given this past year's events', Fred coughed teasingly. 'But we're here, all right?'

'Christmas is about family, after all', George stated wisely. 'Well, to me, personally, I always thought of it more as a magnificent opportunity to blow up more interesting things – remember the Christmas pudding when we were ten?'

'Ah, those were the days!', Fred said reminiscently. 'Well, but yeah – family and stuff –'

'- that's what we always hear about Christmas, despite our personal credo'.

'And we're family', Fred concluded.

'Genius, mate', George poked him. 'Are you for real? We're family? She would never have figured that one out by herself!'

'What I mean is', Fred continued solemnly, 'we're going to make this Christmas memorable to you. Even if we can't give you – well… Harry.'

Ginny's eyes were all of a sudden murderous. Fred held her to a close embrace again. 'Christmas, little sister, Christmas! And it will rock!'