Okay, I'm at my grandma's house on her computer. There might be some mistakes because she has WordPerfect and not Microsoft Word. I don't know how much it does by way of punctuation and spell checking. Also, I would say that I don't own the Sisters Grimm, but... I do! Mwa haha! I own it all!

Sabrina: Eunis...

Me: oh, fine, ruin all my fun. I don't actually own them, but someday I might!

Sabrina: *cough*yeahright*cough*

Me: play nice, or I'll make the jabberwocky eat you.

Sabrina: so, I'll kill it. We still have the Vorpal Blade around here somewhere...ah!

Me: hey, what's with the sword? And why are you looking at me like that? SABRINA! STOP! I GIVE! I GIVE! I WON'T KILL YOU OFF!

Math was Sabrina's fourth period class, right after art. But, she couldn't remember ever having someone sit next to her. She thought hard.

Nope, still coming up blank.

She slid into her seat right before the bell rang. Using her hair to block her vision, she opened her binder. Before she had gotten far, a folded piece flopped onto her desk. Not looking up, she unfolded it.

Hey! I'm Jenny. You're Ananta's new girl, right? He told me to show you the ropes. Meet me by the fountain in the park after school.

"Ms. Thompson, how nice of you to come to school today. Let me guess, you had the Spanish influenza?

Mr. O'Donnell really liked placing emphasis on random words.

"No, sir. My grandfather died," said a voice to Sabrina's left.

The look on their teacher's face was priceless. "Oh, I am so sorry! How did he... I mean... how do you," he spluttered trying to make amends. "Have Sabrina share her books with you."

Sabrina heard the metallic clang as the desk next to her slid into her's.

"Hey, there, partner!" She looked up.

The girl sitting next to her had brown chin-length choppy hair in the front, hair past her shoulder blades in the back, and side bangs. Her eyes were blue-gray with hazel in the middle. She had on a purple short-sleeve over a long-sleeved black one. Under that was a pair of black skinny jeans tucked into a pair of chic black boots. She pulled of an edge look Sabrina hadn't seen since leaving New York. The girl- Jenny- smiled, her eyeliner giving her a Cleopatra-like style. Sabrina spun around in her seat and glued her eyes to the board.

Before Sabrina could think of a plausible excuse to go home early, the final bell rang. She packed her homework into her backpack and all but dragged herself to the park. When she got there, Jenny was sitting on the edge of the fountain, shoes off, jeans rolled, feet in the water. She looked up and saw Sabrina standing near the sidewalk, she grinned and motioned her forwards. Like they were normal. Like they were friends.

Like they weren't about to go kill somebody.

Later, Sabrina would look back on this moment as dramatic. At the moment, she didn't particularly care.

The brunette pulled her shoes back on as her reluctant partner inched forwards. Sabrina had only progressed a few yards. Jenny met her halfway, grabbed her arm, and started pulling.

"C'mon. It took ya long enough to get here." With that, she dragged Sabrina to a shiny black car.

"Why is it always 'sleek and dark'?" Sabrina wondered out loud.

"Hmm?" Jenny raised her eyebrows. "What does that have to do with anything?"

"Well, I got a black box, with a sleek, black phone and I'm about to get into a black car. Am I the only one who sees the pattern here?"

"You may have a point there," Jenny mused. "It isn't protocol, exactly. It's just us saying we like La Femme Nikita and Bourne Identity as much as the next sucker."

"So, while everyone's saying you're acting like a cliché, you're doing it so you look cliché?"

"Think of it as homage to the media greats." Sabrina raised both eyebrows.


"Yup." Jenny nodded. "I dressed up as Lara Croft for three years in a row for Halloween." She looked over at the girl sliding into the passenger's seat. "What, no snappy comment on how I have no life?"

"Five years ago, I might have," Sabrina sighed, adjusting her seatbelt. "But now, I see weirder thing than that on my way to school. You know how the saying goes: 'Reality is stranger than fiction.'" She looked over to see the driver smiling at her. "What!"

"Not a thing," said Jenny, smiling. "You're gonna fit in just fine."

"Gee, thanks," Sabrina said sarcastically. "Not only does every Everafter in this place want to kill me, but apparently I'm the next Agent 99. How did I ever get so lucky?"

"I would be mad at you for that, but since you used a Get Smart reference, I'll forgive you. And before you start back with the sarcasm- which, don't lose it, you're gonna need it for this job- what I meant was, you have your head screwed on tight. You see things for what they are, and you don't rush on judgement. The ability to take a step back and assess the situation is important for this job. And it's about time we got another girl around here! Those boys act like they own the place. They're anarchists! Sorry," she said after taking a breath. "I like using big words. So you've seen things weirder than my Halloween costumes, eh?" she asked, starting the car.

"Yeah. Sorry for ruining it."

"Not at all. Then again," Jenny grinned, "I still haven't told you about the time I dressed up as a sushi." (A/N: True story.)

This time, Sabrina's eyebrows nearly disappeared beneath her hairline. "No."

"Oh, yeah. I got two hula hoops, wrapped them up in green fabric, and used crumpled white tissue paper as rice. Then, I put light and dark pink stripes on a shirt to look like a shrimp and stood in the middle of it, using a couple pieces of string as suspenders." (A/N: Ditto.) Sabrina couldn't help but laugh on that one. Then realization struck, and she laughed so hard she couldn't breathe.

"Are you laughing or dying of asphyxiation over there?" Sabrina shook her head and wiped her eyes.

"It's just that, I've been here nearly five years. The first friend I made tried to eat me. After that, I sorta stopped trying. Now, I'm bonding with an assassin whose boss more or less owns my soul over a car ride towards the person we're killing! Do I have horrible taste or what?"

"I would be mad at you, but you're right. It is funny." A laugh escaped from the brunette's fuchsia- glossed lips. "And you aren't killing anyone. First time is strictly observatory. Letting you get down and dirty with no experience could jeopardize the mission. No offense."

"None taken." Sabrina pulled her long hair into a ponytail. "By the way, what's up with the car?"

"I was wondering if you were gonna ask that." Jenny fished around in her purse, pulled out a piece of gum, popped it in her mouth, chewed, and blew a huge citrus-scented bubble before continuing. "Every recruit gets one. Not this model, specifically, but the ride of their choice. As long as it's fast and good for high-speed chases, it's in the budget." Patting the dashboard, she said, "I got a X5 Security Plus BMW AG. It's fast and bulletproof, so it's perfect for on the job. Off the job," she shrugged, "I just have a thing for fast cars. You ready?

Sabrina swallowed hard before saying, "Let's just get this over with." Jenny's smile doubled in size as she turned the keys in the ignition and floored the gas pedal.

Well, there ya have it. Not my best ending, I know, but it's late and my brain is fuzzy. Also, I have come to the conclusion that nothing is more satisfying than a positive review. I am now addicted to music from RENT (La Vie Boheme!) and The Cell Block Tango. I hope to be able to write from Sabrina's POV soon. I warn you: her character will probably (definitely) get a little (a lot) OOC, but I can't figure out how to make her into a lean mean killin' machine without a few changes to her personality. So, be forewarned. That's pretty much it, so… bye!