Cross My Heart and Hope to Die

(Author Note: I own neither Grey's anatomy or Supernatural. This is set Season 1 of Supernatural, Season 2 of Grey's Anatomy. Very AU. Some of it will be directly pulled from the show. With notes on the side)

Chapter 1: Begin the Begin

I hate goblins. This was the thought John Winchester had as he was rolled into Seattle Grace. He'd been helping a friend get rid of an infestation and the goblins had no intent to leave. They'd also organized with pixies neither John nor his friend had known about. As a result the pixies attacked the wiring while the goblins opened the pipes. One electrocution later John was in an ambulance with his fake insurance information as Denny Duquette. The only reason he was here was because his family doctor, one of the only men he'd told the truth, had sent him there. He had some sort of medical issue and there was a specialist there who could help him. The doctor had said it was important. From across the country.
"From sea to shining sea." And then there was the why Dean and Sam had to do this on their own. Because he needed medical attention. Happy New Year.

Izzie was in the bathroom sipping her coffee. Meredith's damn dog hated her and George. She could hear his yells as he ran by.
"Izzie! IZZIE!" His yell was evident and she stopped sipping her coffee to open the door for him, hiding behind it. When he came in she gave him the mug.
"I'm thinking of coloring my hair. I'm thinking red." She commented.
"Red's good. I'm thinking of cutting mine." Uh oh. George was having doubts. Probably involving Meredith.
"Yeah, it would look good shorter."
"You think?" And outside Meredith was giving her dog affection. The only one the dog liked. Izzie and George crept out carefully.
"We need to talk about the dog." George began.
"That's not a dog," Izzie emphasized, "It's a Hyena that skipped the zoo and dressed in dog's clothing."
"I don't chew his clothes, urinate on his bed or try to mount him from behind." George stated.
Meredith's defense. The second she left the dog whined. Then he resumed growling at them.
"He tries to mount you from behind?" Izzie asked.
"Tries to. He tries to." Yep. It was an average morning for the new year.

The routine was get lectured. Izzie worked not to laugh when they said no more then 80 hours a week. Cristina would go insane. She scolded Karev, but she'd forgive him and let it go for now. Asked how his tests went.

Oh! Heart patient. Bailey was asking John if they had a heart. Dear god, he was in bad shape.
"No offense Dr Bailey but I'm not a big fan of hospitals. It takes something special to get me in here." He said. Anything he couldn't find some way to handle on is own. As Greg knew that was a lot.
"What do we know about Mr Duquette?
It took a lot to get John's heart moving anymore. At least, in the none adreniline pumped sense of the word. The blonde intern he was looking at was just the thing to do it and he began babbling.
"Capricorn, single, loves to travel and cook..."
"Denny, be quiet. Let her show off." Bailey scolded him. The woman amused him. Missouri had mentioned her sister's husband was the chief, hadn't she? A recommendation for the establishment. The blonde woman spoke now.
"Denny Duquette, 36, admitted today for a Heart Transplant." Ha. 36. How long ago had that been? "Necessitated by viral cardiomyopathy." That didn't sound like electrocution. What had Greg put on his papers? Bailey was next.
"And what does that mean?"
"That his heart can't fill and pump blood normally."
"Good," praise from Bailey, John got the feeling it was special, "Denny, this is Dr. Stevens. She'll be tending to you prior to surgery." John felt a smile playing for some inexplicable reason. How much older then Dean was this girl?
"So I guess I'll be seeing you around Dr. Stevens." He said as he beamed at her. She giggled and walked out. The man next to her glared before following.

Izzie was giddy. So he was a heart patient. Mr Duquette had flirted with her. And now Karev was jealous.
"Gotta hand it to the guy, trying to get some action when he's practically a corpse."
"Alex, He was just trying to be nice." She rolled her eyes, even if she knew he was mostly right. So they spotted George and Bailey traveling. She was commenting about the 80 hour rule. George said something about the baby and rest. Izzie wished she could have stopped him.
"You saying I look tired?" He was toast. Bailey was going to eat him alive.
"No, not tired," he was trying to save himself. "You look fresh, spry. You glow. What, You..." He whispered stop now. He got sent out.
"You do glow." Izzie offered.
"Like the moon." Karev added. He was banished to the pit. Izzie wanted to squeal in delight. She'd be tending to Mr. Duquette while Karev got stuck in the pit.

"Hey." John saw Dr. Stevens prep and she jumped.
"Hey, I thought you were asleep." But she smiled none the less. He liked her smile.
"Nah, I don't sleep in hospitals, I'm scared I'll never wake up." So John's reason was because he had too many enemies. She didn't need to know that. Dr. Stevens smiled as she put her stethoscope to his chest. Damn it, she was young enough to be he daughter. He knew that. But when she listened to his heart and her brows burrowed, he felt his spirits lift none the less.
"Can I ask you something personal?" He tilted his head on the pillow to glanced at her. She continued checking.
"If I say no?" It was an amused tone.
"I'll hold my breath," he began and glanced up recalling the lines Greg had fed him, "Which will stop my heart, killing me. You're right here, you'll be charged with murder. Lifetime in prison being loved by a big old girl named Hilde." Her ammused tone didn't leave as Stevens answered.
"So my choices are homicide charges or inappropriate personal questions from a patient?"
"I know. Kinda sucks." Had he been this ammused recently? Maybe it was his pending death.
"You know what, hold your breath. I'll take my chances with Hilde. I can do girl-on-girl."
"Oh! So you're bringing up girl on girl. How can I blackmail you if you bring up girl on girl?"
"What do you want to know?" Did she cave, or had she intended to answer all along?
"That guy, with him?"
"No." Her tone indicated there was a reason. Disdain dripped from it. "Not anymore, and never ever again."
"Good." John stated.
"Good?" She asked.
"Yeah, good." He grinned. "It means I won't have to fight him for you." Not that, despite heart problems, John couldn't win.
"What makes you think I want you to fight him for me?" Her voice was getting more amused and her smile growing.
"Hello, you are in love with me." He wasn't sure if he was joking. Part of him hoped he wasn't.
"Am I?" She was laughing. That was a good sign. He grinned again.
"Yeah, it's not your fault. I mean, I'm well off," A small lie, "but I'm not into money. I'm smart, but I'm not a know it all. I'm funny. I'm...I'm really nice, I love animals," except for Hell hounds and black dogs. And familiars, "And I'm hot. I'm a catch." Despite his age John Winchester knew he was fit. The hunting did that. Izzie made a fake swoon. She had a sense of humor.
"You know if you can wrap your head around the enlarged failing heart and the dependency to IV meds." And that he hunted demons his entire life. That was the catch.
"You're right. I am so in love with you," Izzie picked up her charts. "It's a shame really, since I'm with Hilde and all." And John laughed harder then he had in a long time as Izzie did before walking out.

Izzie beamed as she walked into the room and John looked up from tapping his finger.
"Hey, Dr. Stevens."
"Hey Denny. You okay?"
"I've been waiting for this a long time you know? You're going to open up my chest, take out my heart and replace it with another one." John was sure he'd trust no one else with the handling of his heart. How had he fallen so hard and fast?
"Well not me and not another heart. A better heart." Izzie replied with a small laugh.
"What if something goes wrong?" So it wouldn't be her after all. Izzie walked over and held his hand softly.
"Don't be nervous. Dr. Burke is an incredible surgeon and you're getting a new heart today. Just keep thinking about that."
"Yeah ok." Could it really be Goblins and Pixies that did him in? Another man walked in. He'd met him earlier, right?
"Preston Burke. My favorite cardio-thoracic surgeon." John made a mental note to put better names on his fake insurance cards.
"Oh, your only cardio-thoracic surgeon, but thanks. I will be on the phone with Dr. Bailey as the organ recovery progresses. We wanna make sure that the heart stays viable, isn't damaged while the other organs are perfused. We'll have you in the O.R and if it is a go, we'll start the procedure before she even gets back." Burked handed Izzie a chart. John looked up at her.
"Hey Izzie. She turned to him.
"I'm getting a new heart." She beamed again. That smile could light up the whole room.
"You're getting a new heart." He smiled back. "I'll see ya." Izzie added. He managed to wave.

Izzie was glowing when she sat down and looked over the tests. George had his head on the desk.
"I have a girl whose parents want to keep a girl even though if she wanted to she could be a boy..."
"Rough." She blinked for a minute. There was something fishy about the tests...
"Hey, where do we keep the Ultrasound?"
"I think it's in the maternity ward right now. Why?"
"I need to get it..."

Izzie reached Denny with the portable ultrasound and smiled as he did.
"Hey Dr. Stevens. Whats up?"
"Just some last minute pre-op tests." Caused because she suspected him of telling a lie. Well, no. He'd had way to many injuries since his wife 'died' a few years earlier, according to the records.
"Fair enough."
"So I'll be doing an ultrasound first..." After making the procedure she faced Denny. "You don't have viral cardiomyopathy. You were electrocuted."
"Why would you say that?"
"I would say it because of how your heart is beating. Yes, it's bad. Yes, you need a transplant. But why would you lie about why you needed it?"
"Because then you'll ask how I got electrocuted. And I don't have a good story."
"Try me. I need a really good reason not to tell Bailey to come back without a spare heart."
"...I'm a demon hunter. I fight the things that go bang in the night."

John hadn't wanted to tell her. Burke walked in with his neutral look.
"Are we good to go Doc?" John asked. With luck Izzie wouldn't have time to report it.
"Still no final word. I want you to have the healthiest heart I can find." Burke replied. John dared to look at Izzie. She looked oddly calm.
"Dr Stevens, you'll be in there with us right?" He asked. Izzie glanced at Burke and opened her mouth. Then she shut it and turned back to John.
"Yeah, I'll be in there with you." John managed a smile but he knew he'd probably have to explain later.

John didn't know when he fell asleep but when he came to Izzie was standing there. That alone would have been comforting her. Her expression, however, wasn't.
"You're stalking me. You're a talker."
"Well, can you blame me?" She retorted. Her voice was trembling.
"So it's bad." John laid back. Izzie tried to put on a brave face. He'd seen to many to believe it.
"You have time."
"Liar." John stated. Izzie's face turned angry. Now she would be honest.
"Fine! There's no time." God, he didn't want her angry. He needed her smile back. At least for now.
"Well that's just spiteful...I didn't get the heart." She hadn't reported him. That's part of why she looked the way she did. The heart hadn't gotten to him. It had failed. Izzie shook her head.
"You didn't get the heart..."

Izzie was confused as she stood at the hospital. A demon hunter. It was completely unrealistic, but Denny, or whatever his name was, hadn't been lying. She had a good feeling that he was telling the truth. She'd grown up around liars. She'd met liars in medicine. But he wasn't lying about this. Was he insane? No, it didn't seem like that. A nurse was pushing Denny in a wheelchair. Izzie glanced at him. She also couldn't deny there was something about him, adding onto the fact that he might just really be a demon hunter...
"Denny, I'll see ya." Izzie managed one last smile to him. Denny glanced back up at her and smiled back.
"Goodbye, Dr. Stevens." Then the nurse pulled him the rest of the way. Karev walked over to Izzie.
"Hey." He followed her eyes. "He's leaving."
"Didn't get the heart." Izzie felt a pang as she said it. If he was a demon hunter it was a blow against the greater good.
"Sorry." He didn't mean it. He was jealous.
"He's a good guy."
"...Yeah he is." Izzie whispered. You have no idea. I'm not sure even I do. She glanced over to where Denny had stood up. He glanced back at her, nodded, and walked away.

Izzie ended the day where she started it. Hiding in the bathroom from Meredith's dog. George was across the way. They were sharing a pizza. She was reading a magazine on the occult she'd gotten from the library. Meredith was yelling at her dog. It had finally gotten under her skin. She ran in with a handful of clothing. George opened the pizza box for her. Izzie rose an eyebrow as she reached an article in the back. It was about an incident locally. She rose an eyebrow. Supposedly the Good Shepard Center, a girl's reform school had been closed in the fifties, but an eerie presence was reported...