Well, I guess it's more of a long drabble than a oneshot, but hey. Sort of an angsty romance, sorta sad sorta sweet. One-way Gloq and Bessa. Enjoy! Let me know whatcha think!

He looked out of his window and his heart skipped a beat, then proceeded to pound faster. There she was, the beautiful fairytale princess. Galinda. Boq had wanted to be her knight in shining armor from the first moment he had laid eyes on her. He would ride up on his steed and carry her away - the start to a perfect fairytale romance. They would be married in a castle and live in perfect happiness for the rest of their days.

Boq's lovesick expression sobered when he saw Galinda's boyfriend strut into view. Fiyero, Prince of the Vinkus. The Munchkin could feel his heart begin to slow again. The prince had already stolen the fairytale princess' heart. Who would even think to look upon a mere knight when their already perfect romance involved a prince? Boq tore his eyes away from the window, but was caught by the image in the mirror. A scrawny, short boy who's build wouldn't even be able to fill a suit of armor looked back at him. He could never be a knight in shining armor.


She thinks back to when he first asked her to dance, how he'd spun her round and round. How he'd made her picnic lunches and would pick her wild flowers. How he would take her outside at night and free her from the cursed chair to lay on the grass and gaze at the stars. How he told her she was beautiful, before anyone else had ever noticed her.

Nessarose sighed and squeezed her eyes shut to force out some of the gathering tears. He was there with her now, holding her hand and rubbing her back as she tried to fall asleep. They had returned to Colwen Grounds only two days ago at the news of her father's sudden and completely unexpected death, which left Nessa orphaned and so alone. But she had Boq, he was her only comfort as she mourned. She opened her eyes and saw his silhouette in the dark. Would he ever know how much of a saving grace he had been for her? She loved him so much. Her knight in shining armor.