Last Night

Disclaimer: I own nothing, just the plot.

Author's Note: Sorry the first chapter is so short.

The early morning sunlight streamed into the window, shining brightly onto the occupants of the bed. McGee groaned and slung his arm over his eyes. Five minutes later the alarm clock switched on, buzzing loudly. He reached up and fumbled with the button. His head was pounding. He couldn't remember all of what happened last night but he knew it started with agreeing to go to the bar to celebrate the closing of a particularly tough case with Tony,Ziva,Abby,and Jimmy. He rubbed his eyes trying to clear them. He tried to sit up, only to be stopped by the weight of an arm slung across his abdomen. His eyes opened wide, he turned his head quickly to the right, a move he instantly regretting when a wave of nausea hit him and his head pulsed again. The blankets where slung over the head of who ever was in his bed. He racked his fuzzy mind for any clue of who it might be. After a few seconds he came up a blank. He slowly pulled the blanket off of him, revealing a pale arm. Nervousness wrapped around him. He felt it in the pit of his stomach. Slowly, he pulled the blanket back until it pooled at his waist, revealing the naked back of the woman in his bed. His eyes roamed the smooth skin, marked only by a black stick figure tattoo on each shoulder blade and an intricate black cross stretching from the middle of her back to the base of her spine. He sat in bed shocked, Abby. He looked down to the hand resting at his waist, a smiley face tattoo mocking him from her middle finger. He glanced around his bedroom, clothes where thrown everywhere. In the corner Jethro slept peacefully on his bed. He glanced back down to Abby, who was still asleep despite the alarm.