"Do you really think I'd shoot you if you threatened me, Lelouch?" Euphie chuckled, holding a lightly clenched fist to her lips. Her brother, Lelouch vi Britannia stood before her in Zero's attire. She'd known who he was and now she wanted to help. Euphie had dropped her write to succeed the throne and also planned to create an Administrative Zone for the Japanese people.

"No, I didn't." Lelouch said, a faint smile on his face. He turned to the side as he spoke again, "If I really want to give an order, no one can disobey me. I could order you to do anything." Euphie watched her brother curiously but with a pure innocence.

"You're such a jokester." Euphie smiled at him, keeping her hands gently clasped in front of her light pink dress.

"I'm serious." Lelouch responded, turning his gaze toward her. "Even if I were to say 'Kill Zero' you would have no choice and would- " Euphie didn't heard the rest of the sentence as her mind blanked. When she regained thought, her will shocked her into a gasp as she widened her eyes.

"N-no, I. . ." Euphie took a few steps back, shaking her head but this will to kill her own brother was strong, something she could not fight. Her mind was weak. "No! I don't want to kill!" She cried, wrapping her arms around herself as tears welled in her eyes. She felt the gun that Lelouch had handed her in her hand press against her arm. "No, no, no!" Euphie's body shook then suddenly stopped as if she'd reached a calm. By this time, Lelouch had realized what he'd done.

"Keh!" He took a step back, glancing around quickly for any sort of weapons to defend himself with.

"I'm sorry, Lelouch, but I have to kill you." She droned in her light tone of voice. Euphie began to remove her hands from herself while her fingers moved so that she gripped the trigger and the rest of the gun properly as she aimed it at her brother.

"Forget that order, Euphie!" Lelouch yelled, hoping his geass would deactivate a previous order but nothing happened. Instead, Euphemia looked up at him, smiling.

"Please die, nii san." Lelouch felt the mouth of the cold, metal weapon against his chest. He had enough time to gasp just as she pulled the trigger. A dulled bang could be heard outside. Suzaku and several other officials rushed in, finding Lelouch lying on the floor and Euphemia staring at his motionless body with horror.

"Euphie!" Suzaku shouted, rushing to her side but he froze when he saw "Zero"'s face. "What is. . . Lelouch . . ." The two stared at his body as others worked to ensure that Euphie was unharmed. At the same time, chaos ensued outside as the Japanese rebelled.