Altair sat perched at the highest point of the city of Acre, he closed his eyes and let the strong gusts of wind blow his hood in a gentle manner. Whenever he was in Acre he always made sure he watched the sunset, it was simply breathtaking.

He sat on that roof till the sun was all but visible, he stood up, and looked down at the street below, he located a conveniently placed hay stack just next to the building he was resting upon.

He dived, he watched as the world grew closer, his eyes never leaving the hay stack, all was going to plan.


"Hey Isaac, bring that hay to the horses!" a skinny man ran out and grabbed hold of the cart, and tugged it away into the stables.

"shit" was all Altair could say, before he met his fate to the hard concrete below.


c'mon, Altair had it coming! We all knew that one day he'd miss that haystack, or run into one of those tents on the rooftop and find there were two people inside making out. No? just me :/