Well, here we are! The last chapter! Thanks to everyone for being so supportive and leaving me such wonderful reviews! Y'all are the best! I'm glad y'all enjoyed this story, and Merry Christmas Lea! I'm glad you liked your present! Thanks to: SPORTSBABE, YUKINAKID, ODAKOTA ROSE, FALLEN ANGELS OF LOVE, MWALTER, AMBER, TROMANA, JACKSAM, FAMOUS4IT, PRINCESS POPSICLE, SHOPPING-LUVA, MTM, RAQUELVALENE, and CHIISANA MINAKO. I really appreciate those of ya'll who have taken the time to review every chapter! Your comments were wonderful! Okay, I'll shut up now! Enjoy!

Chapter Five

Lisbon glared at the analog clocked that seemed to echo throughout her room as it ticked through the passing time. She had been in the hospital for exactly twenty two hours and forty six minutes, and she was getting restless. The atmosphere was entirely too cheerful, and she could feel another headache forming at her temple. The hospital television was only playing family Christmas movies- not exactly her cup of tea during this season, and a nurse popped by every few hours to check on her condition which rendered napping useless. She had sent Jane home a few hours ago, stating that she was grateful for his help, but that he should head home and get cleaned up. He had been sitting with her since she was admitted, and although she was thankful for his presence, surely he had better things to do than to baby-sit her.

They had kept her overnight since she had a concussion, and although it wasn't the first holiday she had spent in the hospital, it sure wasn't what she had planned. Her right leg was elevated on a small stack of pillows with an adhesive bandage wrapped around her foot. She wiggled her bare toes and silently decided to treat herself to a pedicure when her foot was healed. She had stitches in her left hand and along her hairline. Considering the damage to her car, she was honestly amazed her injuries hadn't been more severe. One of their biggest concerns was hypothermia considering the amount of time she had been trapped outside. She figured a nice hot cup of cocoa would do her wonders, but of course that hadn't been viewed a good idea by the nursing staff. Spoilsports… all of them.

Sighing restlessly, she shifted her bruised body. No internal injuries, but the doctor warned her she would be sore for the rest of the week and to take it easy. Bed rest was recommended which she agreed to for the sake of the doctor. In reality, she knew she would be up as soon as possible. There was no way she was going to lie around for a week. She had already leafed through the magazines the staff had provided for her and she wondered when they'd let her out. Her temperature was back to normal, and they had already stated there wasn't anything else they could do for her. Closing her eyes, she decided she'd try and fall asleep. The painkiller cocktail she was on did make her feel quite drowsy. Snuggling into the pillow as best as she could, she started to drift off when she suddenly felt another presence in the room.

Cracking an eye open, she noticed Jane trying to be inconspicuous as he slipped into her room. She was tempted to just close her eyes again when he noticed she was awake. A grin lit up his face and he waved a handful of papers at her. Her stomach leaped for joy when she realized he had her discharge papers. A small frown marred her pretty features and she wondered just how he had been able to sign her out. Noticing her contemplative expression, he started to open his mouth to explain when the doctor entered behind him.

"I've already explained your prescriptions to Mr. Lisbon. You'll need to make a follow-up appointment with a physical therapist in the next week to make sure you have full mobility of your foot and that bruised shoulder. Do you have any questions?" He mistook her blank look for acceptance, wished them both a Merry Christmas and quickly glided out of the room. When he was gone, she turned to Jane with a small smile.

"Mr. Lisbon?" she asked with an arch of her eyebrow. He had the decency to look sheepish as he grinned back at her.

"It got you out of here faster," he offered with a shrug, and she was pleasantly surprised by the lack of a snide comment she expected to follow that statement. Sliding out of bed, she was instantly bombarded by a panicked Jane. "Whoa, whoa, whoa!" he exclaimed as he rushed towards her with his hands out.

"I'm not going to fall over," she announced with a glare. "I'm sore, not near death." Holding his hands up in defeat, he passed her a change of clothing which she took in relief. She really didn't want to walk out in the drafty hospital gown. Eyeing his choice with interest, she turned to him with a smile.

"I guessed at your size," he said with a surprisingly shy smile as she removed the tags. She waved him out of the room, so she could change in privacy. Heaven forbid she need help with that. She just grinned as she eyed the grumpy children's character on the front of the tee shirt. He had chosen clothing a size bigger than what she normally wore, and she discovered it wasn't as hard as she thought it would be to change.

She yelled for him to reenter, and she quickly grabbed the crutches that were propped against the wall. She was ready to go home. Struggling with the crutches that were too tall, Jane held back his laughter and silently readjusted them for her. She huffed out a sigh before following him out of the room. Jane made her wait in the lobby while he pulled the car around, which she decided to do without a fight. He was being quite the gentleman tonight, but she expected nothing less of him. The lack of their playful banter was a bit odd, but she figured he was still just worked up after the accident.

"Your carriage awaits, milady," he announced with a lazy bow before hurrying to help her into the car. She eyed his Citroen with a smirk and he glared playfully at her. "It's a classic work of art!" he stated as she just rolled her eyes. They drove mostly in silence, but she swore she saw him glance at her several times as if to reassure himself that she was still there. Her heart warmed at the thought.

She shuddered when they passed the scene of the accident, and jumped slightly when he grabbed her hand with a soft squeeze. They pulled into her apartment complex with no delays, and he handed her the crutches with a wink before walking quickly to her front door. She eyed him warily- she knew him well enough to know when he had an ulterior motive. Pawing through her belongings, she pulled out a fistful of keys and dropped them in his waiting hand. Unlocking the door, he ushered her in first and she stopped with a gaping expression.

A small tree stood in the corner of her living room, twinkling brightly with strands of multi-colored lights. Several glass ornaments covered the tree and reflected light throughout the room. A stocking hung on a small nail hear her fireplace, filled to the brim with unidentified items. Her kitchen table had been set for two, and a small plate of steaming spaghetti sat in the middle of the table. Speechless, she turned to him with questions burning in her eyes as she tried to comprehend the scene in front of her.

"Merry Christmas, Lisbon."

"Wha…. How? Why?' she asked, stumbling over the words. He just shrugged and pulled out her chair, carefully removing the crutches before she could drop them. Turning towards the DVD player, he pushed play and her eyes shown at the sight of Maria and the Captain dancing across the screen.

"I was planning to watch that last night," she said softly.

"I know," he replied. "You were humming it while trying to stay awake," he added when he noticed her questioning glance. She smiled softly as the lyrics floated throughout the room.

"For here you are, standing there, loving me Whether or not you should So somewhere in my youth or childhood I must have done something good "

"Thank you," she said after a few minutes of silence. His eyes locked with hers and she saw a faint flicker of emotion pass through his normally veiled gaze.

"You know, it's funny but it's true," he started. She watched him with interest waiting to see what he'd come up with next, and was surprised when he reached across the table and interlocked their fingers. "I must have done something good."