
Disclaimer: Yadda, yadda, yadda…

:: I miss Flashpoint :(



"Shut up,"



Focus was the key, but it was hard to do when doing just that didn't seem to work. Sam looked at the target through the barrel. It was practically begging to be shot. But he kept his cool. Patience was vital now and while he had never relied on luck, it seemed like even more lots of luck were needed. Or perhaps he should just close his eyes altogether and hoping The Force was with him, as the Master Jedi often said.

He didn't have the chance to make an error. Well, not that he had to worry. While he wouldn't even dream of saying it out loud, his aims –were- the best out there. Yet the feeling of the M-16 in his grip felt unusually unsettling. Squirming slightly, he moved the barrel slightly up, then down, a second later.

In spite of the fairly cold weather, he could feel beads of sweats trickling down the side of his face. Somewhere he could hear the clock chime. Come on, Sam…come o-


He squeezed the trigger. He couldn't help it; it was an automatic response. His trained body and mind instinctively reacted even before he could say the word 'stupid'.

"Seriously, Jules!" He straightened his back and turned around only to see the petite brunette who he had been secretly dating for two and a half week laughing like nobody's business with her arms wrapped around her stomach. The evening wind had tousled her hair and she looked so carefree, unguarded and happy. It was a side of Jules that he rarely saw. Still, as much as he'd love to stare… "Look what you've done!"

Jules stepped forward, her hands making hasty gesture to wipe the tears off her eyes. "I'm sorry, I just, I can't believe you fell for that!"

Sam tried to ignore the carnie who was now laughing himself silly. Jules' laugh was contagious. Sam wanted to believe that's why he laughed. Yeah, that's definitely why. As if. "That wasn't funny,"

Her laughter had started to die down to mild chuckles. She looked far more amused seeing him making a fool of himself than if he'd succeeded winning her the huge stuffed animal. Sam didn't know whether he had to be pleased or upset more.

"You gotta to admit that was pretty funny,"

"No, it wasn't,"

"It was," She persisted. "Good thing that there's no way I could tell the team without raising any suspicions. They're going to get a kick out of this one,"

"I was this close to get it, Jules. This close!" Sam inched his forefinger and thumb closer to clinch his point.

"You know that it's almost impossible to win these games,"

"Well, yeah, you never know," Sam stubbornly replied. "For all I know you could have been holding your teddy now if only you didn't interfere,"

"I didn't want another failed 'mission' to wound your macho sniper ego," Her eyes were shining with glee and mirth and he knew she was struggling not to burst out laughing once more. "I never really liked stuffed animals anyway. They're collecting dust,"

"Sue me for wanting to have a normal evening, doing normal thing, trying to spice up our not so normal relationship," Sam muttered.

"Priming my drywalls wasn't normal enough for you?" She teased while Sam gave her a look. "Relax. Losing four rounds of Shoot Out the Star doesn't change the fact that you're a competent, cute and highly qualified sniper,"


"I was just saying it,"

"Cute, Jules, real cute,"

"I'd prefer sexy," She grabbed his arm and pulled him along before he decided to waste another $3. "Come on, Soldier, let's get some cheeseburgers and milkshakes, your girlfriend is famished,"


:: Thanks for reading! Reviews are loved :)