Summary: Shane Grey's first love ripped out his heart now so he doesn't get hurt again he treats girls like they're objects. However Shane doesn't realise some girls, like Mitchie Torres, don't find that behaviour attractive. Now he's met Mitchie, Shane can't take no for an answer but is it because of his ego or is there more to it?

Chapter one

Mitchie's Prov

We arrived at the Walt Disney Concert Hall, with half an hour to spare yet the concert hall was nearly full. I was never one to feel an unconditional devotion to a band but it was clear with the many hand made posters, t-shirts with Connect 3's pictures on them and the excitement in the air that these fans were unconditionally devoted to this band.

I followed Ella and Caitlyn to our seats in the front row - Caitlyn's step dad had camped out and paid a ridiculous sum of money to get the best seats in the house - and settled in for a long night.

I wasn't going to make the night horrible for my friends, I would grin and bear it, but I really didn't want to be here. I liked Connect 3's sound it was poppy and rocky all at once, music you could dance to and have a good time with your friends so obviously that wasn't the problem the problem was 5"10 with brown hair and eyes and was known as Shane Grey. I wasn't blind or deaf the boy was cute and very talented but he was just so obnoxious and arrogant with a new woman on his arm every week like they were some sort of trophy.

"I can't believe you's brought me here." I frowned as two girls walked past me wearing t-shirts with Shane's face on them.

"We know you don't like the guy, Mitchie but come on tonight is supposed to be fun." Caitlyn smiled nudging me playfully.

"Yeah Mitchie, let's have fun tonight and celebrate the end of high school." Ella beamed.

I looked between my friends pleading faces, "Fine." I sighed in defeat.

The half an hour past in a blur and before I knew it the warm up band was playing, I perked up a bit and appreciated the seats more when they came on stage they were all pretty cute especially the bass player.

But all too soon they were wrapping up their act and Connect 3 were coming onto the stage through trap doors on the floor in a blaze of fireworks.

My irritation with Shane Grey increased as girls around me began screaming his name, did they not see the gossip sections in all the magazines or the features on Hot Tunes about him. Did they not respect themselves?

Looking at his smug face it was clear he was enjoying the female attention.

Shane's Prov

I walked about the stage smiling with pleasure as thousands of girls were still screaming out my name six songs into our set. Who wouldn't love this attention?

I made my way to the centre of the stage for the end of the song, it was a slow one and I always sang the last chorus to one lucky girl. I searched the front row, for one of the girls that caught my eye only to find the only girl who wasn't swaying her hands back and forth instead she was looking at her watch as if she couldn't wait for this night to end.

I felt myself frown and had to remind myself to keep singing, what was her problem? Did she not know where she was? I had to keep myself from tutting at her so I turned to one of the other more enthusiastic girls beside her and got down on my hunches and began singing the last verse to her nearly making her hyperventilate, but I couldn't enjoy the effect I had on her because from the corner of my eye I seen the boring girl roll her eyes.

Mitchie's Prov

I had to stop myself from gagging when he began singing to the girl next to me so I was thankful when the song ended.

"O.k. guys."

To my relief it wasn't Shane talking it was the shorter curly haired one, Nate was it?

"We're gonna take a fifteen minute break, but first we have a surprise because it's the last concert of the tour under five seats there are a couple of backstage passes so you's can come hang out with us and our friends after the show."

There was a chorus of screams before I was surrounded by girls with their head between there knees looking for the backstage passes. I couldn't help but roll my eyes until I noticed Caitlyn and Ella's head between their knees too.

"What are you's doing? The chances of those tickets being under our seats are…"

"Brilliant." Caitlyn exclaimed brightly, before I heard Velcro separating then she was waving three cardboard passes in my face.

"No way." I said shaking my head in disbelief

"We're going backstage!" Caitlyn squealed excitedly bouncing up and down on her seat.

"Yay!" Ella smiled clapping her hands excitedly.

"Great." I said trying to sound enthusiastic.

Shane's Prov

I scanned the crowds to see if I could spot anyone that got one of the backstage passes, fingers crossed for a couple of hot girls. But I felt my nose wrinkle in distaste when I spotted the boring girl with one.

Well, this will be interesting.

Mitchie's Prov

I didn't want the concert to end after Caitlyn found those passes, I really wasn't the partying type and Shane would be there. But I couldn't back out Caitlyn and Ella were really excited and it shone through clearly as they both nearly pulled my arms off as we pushed past the crowds to go backstage.

The backstage area was plainer than the main concert hall with light blue walls covered in posters of other famous acts that have played at the concert hall and cream coloured tiles.

"I promise we don't have to stay long, just let me get a couple of autographs." Caitlyn smiled before disappearing into the crowd.

"And I just want a couple of photos for my MySpace." Ella smiled lopsidedly following her leaving me by myself.

It was more crowded than I thought it was going to be –unfortunately- and all the seats around the glass topped tables were taken and the two large sofas were full as well. So I had to wander over to one of the corners to wait, the minute Caitlyn and Ella were done we were outta here I thought to myself as I started to scan the room for them.


I jumped at the voice behind me; I'd been so involved with looking for my friends and some sort of sign that I could finally leave, the voice caught me off guard.

"Hi." I answered involuntarily turning around. When I found who was speaking to me though I ended up repeating myself because standing in front of me was the sandy blond haired dark blue eyed bass player from the warm up band. "Hi." I smiled goofily pushing a strand of hair behind my ear.

His lips pulled up at the corners slightly at my reaction, "You looked lonely so I thought I'd come over and keep you company."

Shane's Prov

"Shane you're my favourite!"

Some girl was gushing as I signed her t-shirt with my face on it, naturally.

"I can't choose favourites when it comes to my fans but if I could it would be you." I winked at her when I was finished sending her into near hysterics.

I gave her my signature smile over my shoulder before making my way towards the refreshment stand.

"Can you sign this for me please?" A very pretty red head asked as I got near the refreshment stand.

"Sure." I smiled taken the programme for tonight's concert and marker out of her hand. "What's your name?" I asked looking down at her.


But her words faded out because standing just behind her was the boring girl…and she was actually smiling and giggling…she was quite pretty when she was smiling. Who was making her smile though? I thought to myself before trying to see over the red head's head to see who the boring girl was talking to.

"Excuse me." The red head trilled getting my attention again.

I rolled my eyes slightly at the interruption, "Sorry." I apologised and quickly scribbled my name on the programme beside my picture.

Well I suppose I'll give the boring girl a little of my time I thought making my way towards her. She'll not be able to roll her eyes whenever I lay on the charm.

Getting closer to her, I seen who was making her smile, Brad the backstreet boy wanna be, please she couldn't like him better than me.

Mitchie's Prov

He's so cute! He's so cute! HE'S SO CUTE!

"So I was thinking…"

"Yeah?" I smiled eagerly.

"Maybe sometime…" But he couldn't finish because he was rudely interrupted.

"Hey Brad!" Shane grinned patting him on the shoulder before placing himself between Brad and I, making me take a step back so I wasn't so close to him.

"Shane." Brad said curtly before throwing an apologetic glance my way. "Mitchie, this is…" But before Brad could introduce us Shane interrupted again.

"Shane Grey." Shane smiled cockily reaching for my hand and shaking it. "But I'm sure you know that."

I bit my tongue so I didn't say anything I may regret, "Michelle Torres." I smiled as politely as I could while I brought my hand out of his.

"Michelle that's such a pretty name." Shane smiled.

I wanted very badly to roll my eyes, but it would've been rude with him standing right there so I just smiled.

"Actually Shane, Mitchie and I were talking so…" Brad started.

"Mitchie, I thought your name was Michelle." Shane smiled questioningly at me, he could be quite handsome when he wasn't showing off I thought looking into his large chocolate brown eyes.

"It's a nickname." I explained.

"I thought a better nickname for you would be beautiful." Shane smiled the famous Shane Grey smile, I didn't like it, it was so fake.

I was about to burst out laughing at his lame line but Brad beat me to it.

"You're not honestly coming onto a girl I spent the last half hour talking too." Brad chuckled.

"Oh sorry Brad." Shane said apologetically yet he never took his eyes off me. "Why don't you go get a drink for yourself while I finish talking to Mitchie?"

"Actually…" I started but was interrupted by Brad.

"How about you go get a drink while I finish talking to Mitchie?" Brad countered making Shane face him.

"I'm pretty sure she'd rather talk to me." Shane argued.

"I'm pretty sure she was about to say 'yes' to coming on a date with me."

I frowned at both of them as they bickered how dare they think they know what I would like? Although Brad was right I refused to boost any male egos, so I simply walked away leaving them unaware because they were still fighting.

I walked with my head down in case they came up for air during their bickering and realised I left, so naturally I ended up walking into someone.

"Sorry." I apologised quickly given whomever it was a quick apologetic smile then continuing on to find Ella or Caitlyn.

I found Ella amongst a group of girls surrounding the tallest member of Connect 3.

"Hey Ells." I shouted to get her attention.

She spun around immediately bumping into a couple of girls making them frown and tut but she ignored them, "What's up Mitch?"

"I'm gonna go wait out in the main hall, or something."

"Why what's wrong?" Ella asked concerned.

"My claustrophobia is acting up because of all the male egos." I laughed.

"Ok." Ella smiled though giggles. "I'll not be much longer I just have to get a picture with Jason then I'm finished."

"Take your time." I smiled before wandering through the crowds and going out the way we came in.

I walked through the narrow little hallway towards the concert hall, and perched myself on the edge of the stage, from here this place looked even bigger than when I was sitting in the audience


The voice caught me off guard but didn't make me jump whoever it was they were speaking quietly probably in case they scared me.

"Hey." I smiled turning around to come face to face with the shorter curly haired member of Connect 3.

"Is this seat taken?" He smiled gesturing to the space beside me.

"Nope." I answered hoping the confusion I felt wasn't showing in my expression.

"Thanks." He smiled sitting down so his legs were dangling off the edge of the stage like mine. "Nate." He smiled politely and held out his hand.

"Mitchie." I smiled back shaking his hand.

We sat in silence for a while until my curiosity got the better of me.

"Shouldn't you be backstage with all your fans?" I asked hoping I didn't sound rude.

"Maybe." He shrugged. "I thought it would be better though to come out and make sure Shane and Brad's behaviour didn't make you leave. They can behave well, believe it or not."

I rolled my eyes slightly; I doubted Shane's behaviour could ever improve but I didn't say anything, this was Shane's band mate and friend after all.

"They can get a little competitive when it comes to pretty girls." He continued.

I felt myself blush at the use of the word 'pretty'.

"There wouldn't be any point of me trying to persuade you to come back to the party?" He smiled crookedly.

"I don't think so." I said shaking my head. "I'm not really in the partying mood."

"That's o.k." He smiled. "I'll stay here with you then."

Shane's Prov

"I can't believe she just took off, I mean who does she think she is Cinderella." I ranted as I paced in front of the marble fire place in the living area of our pent house apartment.

"Did you try and find her?" Jason asked walking out of the kitchen to sit on the seat opposite me to listen to my ranting.

"Shane Grey does not go looking for some girl." I scoffed.

"Why not? You like her enough to spend two and a half hours complaining about her disappearing on you." Jason said matter of factly.

I began shaking my head in disagreement but before I could voice my disagreement the large oak door was pushed opened with more force than necessary making it bang off the wall.

"Sorry." Nate apologised quickly closing the door behind him.

"Where were you?" Jason asked, like a mother hen.

"Waiting for the car to come back to the concert hall to pick me up." Nate answered plopping himself down on the marble steps to take off his shoes.

"But the other car was waiting when Shane and I decided to come home."

"Yeah, I know but I got it to leave a friend home."

"Friend?" Jason asked raising an eyebrow.

"Yeah." Nate laughed. "Is it hard to believe I've other friends besides you two?"

Jason and I raised our eyebrows simultaneously.

"Who is she?" I asked immediately.

"Not everyone's obsessed with girls, Shane." Nate answered in a mocking tone making me pull a face at him.

"So it wasn't a girl?" Jason asked.

"No it was a girl." Nate answered making Jason and myself laugh. "But she's just a friend."

"So, who is she?" I pressed.

"Mitchie Torres." Nate answered.

"The girl I was talking to." I asked a slight bitter taste in my mouth.

"Yeah." He answered getting up from the marble steps and making his way over to the more comfortable 'L' shaped cream sofa.

"So, do you like…fancy her?" Saying the 'F' word sent a strange uncomfortable fiery feeling swirling around my stomach.

"No, I mean she's pretty and everything but I think she would be more friend material than girlfriend." Nate smiled silencing the fiery feeling in my stomach.

"That's good." Jason smiled from the Barker Lounger. "Cause Shane really likes her."

"Really?" Nate smiled teasingly.

"No." I objected quickly.

"Liar." Jason laughed.

"Now, now Jase you know Shane Grey doesn't tie himself down." Nate said.

"True." I said as I nodded in agreement at Nate's statement.

"Sort of lucky you don't anyway." Nate continued making me stop nodding.


"Because she's immune to your charms." Nate laughed tauntingly.

His taunting ignited the competitive streak in me, "Well I haven't got a long enough chance to unleash the full potential of my charms so we don't know if she's immune just yet." I answered confidently.

But Nate just laughed as he pushed himself off the sofa, "Try all you want, but I'm telling you she'll not be interested."

"We'll see." I said arrogantly.

"Feel free to try." Nate laughed walking towards the hallway that led to his bedroom. "I'm sure Jason and I will have a good laugh at her blowing you off." He laughed once more before disappearing down the hallway.

I frowned after him, he was wrong no girl didn't want to be with Shane Grey, well besides from…but I wouldn't think about that I'd concentrate on proving Nate wrong Mitchie won't be able to resist when I lay on the charm with no interruptions.