Epilogue- Sango's Problem

Sometimes things worked out just the way you wanted them to. That's how life is, but if Sango had learned anything in her lifetime, she had learned that you didn't get what you wanted as often as you'd like to. Sitting down on the couch in her slightly empty dorm, she thought about all of the good things that had happened to her. She was going to Lansford University, one of the top universities in Japan, she had Miroku as a roommate, she had Kirara, and she had a ton of friends that lived on campus.

The only thing that was bothering her at the moment was Miroku. She rolled her eyes as she thought of the man he had become. Of all things, he had trained to become a monk, and if anybody asked her, (or any of his close friends for that matter) she would have said that he should have become anything but a monk. At least now he was studying to become a professor of some sort. (She hadn't really listened in to what he had been yammering on about in the past few weeks. She had too much homework to do to worry about Miroku's studies as well) But that wasn't what was bothering her.

It was something much more important than that. Something that was waaaay more important, she just couldn't think of a way to bring the topic up without putting the poor guy into shock.

It had been almost two full semesters since the students had gotten a letter in the mail that told them about the "project" the school was taking on for the school year. The project's goal was simple, find each student their perfect match and hope that they mate. (Or force them to, Sango still wasn't too sure what would happen if the students refused to follow their instructions)

Miroku started acting like the world was going to end after he had received that letter in the mail. Sango knew why he was acting that way. It was kind of obvious to her; he had a bit of a wondering eye, and even though he wasn't really a 'man-whore' (as many of the guys would jokingly call him), it didn't mean he wasn't worried about settling down. The commitment behind it was almost too much, and even though he was perfectly capable of giving up his habit, Sango knew he wouldn't.

Kirara jumped up into Sango's lap and started to purr softly. Sango scratched behind her ears. "What should I do?" She murmured. "I can't just stand up and go 'Miroku we need to talk about mating'. That would definitely not go well…" She sighed. "What am I going to do?"

AN: The Epilogue is just a warm up to the spinoff of this story I'm going to do. Don't worry, Sesshomaru, Kagome, Samantha, Inuyasha, Kikyo, and Robert will all be in it, but I think I might have it focus more on Miroku and Sango… Miroku is going to have a bit of an issue with the whole mating deal and that's going to be the basis for the spinoff… whenever I get the first chapter written. Speaking of which, I'm sorry that this one is extremely late. I've really been trying to keep up with posting and everything, but I haven't had the time until recently to write. Please review and tell me what you think of the idea of the spin off and if you think this book should actually have more to it and if so, please tell me what. As always I look forward to reading what you guys say. Talicka