I won't bore you with excuses and just head straight to the story.

Disclaimer: I don't own anything.

(Esme's POV)

We were working on plans when Jasper suddenly stopped. A curious expression crossed his face.

"Happiness? Where's that extreme happiness coming from?" He asked with disbelief in his voice. We were shocked by what we heard. We were too busy with our planning that we our emotions could only be those of worry and determination.

Then we heard laughter.

They were like bells ringing in rhythm. We were surprised to hear them in a situation like this.

"It can't be," Emmet said in incredulity. His statement reflected what we all were thinking. Could it be?

But there was no mistaking it. The laughter was coming from only one room in the house and there were only two persons who could have laughed at this situation.

Rosalie and Isabella.

Curiosity filled us as we waited for what will happen next but as quickly as it came; it was also how rapidly it disappeared. The laughter was soon gone and replaced by somber silence as it had before.

Carlisle stood up to check on Isabella but I could see that she didn't need it. She sounded fine. The laughter is the first sound that we heard from her that wasn't a cry or a scream. I wonder what Rosalie did that made her happy.

I looked around and saw that they were slowly going back to work. I followed their suit. It wasn't until Rosalie came down to help that I saw a great change in her.

There wasn't sneer or a frown that was usually across her face. In its place was a hint of a smile. Her steps weren't as heavy as they used to be. In fact, there was a slight step in it. I looked at Jasper and saw his confused expression.

"Rose," Emmet said as he watched Rosalie approach the cluttered table. The same confused expression Jasper had was on his face. We couldn't understand what was happening. What is causing the sudden shifts in moods?

"Hey Rose, anything interesting happened?" Alice asked her when Rose finally stopped.

Alice was frustrated about what was happening. She usually sees events before happening but now that Isabella is here, it seems that there is something blocking her visions.

Rosalie smiled before simply answering. "He remembers me."

"Who?" I asked interested to know what had changed her behavior.

"Edward," She said in a cheerful tone and continued no more.

Her answer left us even more puzzled. How could she be so happy because Edward remembers her? This mission is getting weirder and weirder as each day passes.

The next morning, I went to Isabella's room with her breakfast. It was the first time that she was awake in daytime. Since her rescue, she had only been awake in nighttime because her body clock had been disrupted during her stay in the Lab. As I entered the room, I saw her staring at the bright sun outside through her bedroom window.

"Isabella?" I called out when I was standing beside her bed. "Here's your breakfast."

She just nodded and still stared outside. I set down the tray in front of her and followed her gaze.

She was simply watching the sun outside. I looked at her and saw the longing in them. It was the same longing I had when I was released from the Lab. It was a longing to feel the sun on your skin and see its bright light after being trapped underground for too long. It was a longing to feel the wind on your skin and touch the grass and other plants. Simply put, it was longing to be out.

"You want to go out into the sun, don't you?" I asked as she continued her stare.

"Yes," She answered excitedly with a smile on her face. She turned to look at me. "You will let me, won't you?

I can see how much she wanted to be out but i also heard doubt in her voice. It was like it had been promised to her in the past but it didn't happen. Knowing the scientists in the Lab, that might have happened.

"I will," I promised. I will stick to my word. I had known what she had felt and I will not deprive it from her. "But I have to ask Carlisle first and after you finished breakfast," I added.

She nodded her head again and ate her breakfast. In the few days that she had stayed here, she was starting to look better. I could that she was already gaining weight and had started getting some color on her pale skin but there was still that sad look in her eyes. It was a look that can only disappear if we rescue Edward.

I left her eating to find Carlisle. He was standing outside by the door with his medical kit and had overheard our conversation.

"Of course, she can go out," He answered as soon as I came up to him. However, a look of worry was on his face. I could tell that there is a catch.

"But not totally outside. She is still too weak to that. Her heart might give up on the simple task of walking," He continued sadly. "On the other hand, she might be able to if you can make a balcony in her room which I know you'll do."

So that is the catch. Isabella can only experience sunshine from the safety of her own room. I knew what I had to do.

I walked back to the room and found Isabella eagerly waiting for me.

"So can I go?" She instantly asked the moment I entered.

"Yes but under one condition," I answered and saw how her face fell upon hearing my answer. "You must stay in your room."

"How?" She asked with curiosity in her voice.

"Stay there," I ordered then went to her window. It was large glass window that was as big as a wall. There was a ledge on the other side on which I can work on.

I opened the window and rested my hands on the ledge then I closed my eyes and concentrated on what I was going to do.

I was going to transform the ledge in to a balcony.

It was easy since I already had an idea of what I was going to do. I concentrated on expanding the ledge, making it thicker and stretching the length. I concentrated on adding a railing to protect her from falling and plants so that she can touch the leaves and flowers. I could feel the material transforming from underneath my fingertips. I could feel my gift at work. When I was done, I stepped back on observed what I had done.

It was everything I envisioned it to be.

I turned to look at Isabella who had a look of awe on her face.

"Ho-How di-" She stammered before I answered her unfinished question.

"It's my gift," I simply answered as I went to her to pick her up. She was a bit heavier than when she first came in. I lifted her and carried her to the balcony then put her down to where the sun brightly shined on.

"Wow," She breathed while she felt the warm sun on her skin. She closed her eyes, tilted her head up and just let the sun shine on her skin. "It was even better than I thought it would be."

I stayed in her room while she was reintroducing herself again to nature. I heard her breath deeply as she inhaled the cool fresh air and sighed in wonder as she touched the flowers and leaves.

When I came to take her back inside before she got sunburned, there was a look of sadness on her face which made me worry.

"What's wrong, Isabella?" I asked with worry. Maybe what we did was wrong and it had the opposite effect on her.

"It's just that while it feels great to go out again, I feel bad for Edward," She said sorrowfully.

"Why?" I inquired, wondering what Edward had to do with this.

"He has never felt sunlight before or anything like this. He's been in the Lab all of his life and have yet to feel what I felt," She answered in the same sad tone.

"You must be mistaken," I said, doubting that anyone hadn't experienced being outside all of their lives.

"No, it's true," She persisted. "He doesn't remember anything about his life outside the Lab. He's been in there since he could remember."

The way she persisted told me that what she just told is true and my conversation with Carlisle that night told me what Isabella had told me.

"I'm not surprised. From what I have read from the database, he's been in the Lab since he was two," he answered sadly.

I was in shock of what I have heard. How could the Lab be so heartless? The thought of what they had deprived Edward sickened me. How could they do such a thing?

(Edward's POV)

I lie curled up on the cold floor of my cell. I feel so hungry and weak. Less than a week has passed since Bella's escape and Victoria has already caused me to go to this weakened state. I know where Bella is and Victoria won't stop until she discovers where that place is.

Bella is in a safe place with people who are also gifted. They care for her, showing kindness that I can only dream of. I cannot connect anymore with her. The last time I did, she had already gone out into the sun. Something that I have yet to experience.

The lack of food and the injuries they have inflicted on me have caused my gift to deteriorate. I cannot even read the minds of the persons near me. I can only hope that I will die soon and save Bella from returning to this place.

(Bella's POV)

I woke up from my sleep, drenched in sweat. I didn't dream of Edward anymore which meant that I cannot connect with him. The dreams that used to be our connection when we are separated has now vanished. It means that Edward is now so weak that he cannot communicate anymore with me.

"Isabella, what's wrong?" Someone asked from beside me. I looked up and saw Esme. She sat down next to me.

"Edward," I said.

"Don't worry. We're already planning his escape."

"It's not fast enough," I screamed in frustration. I am angry at myself. Here, I am safe and sound while he is still at the Lab, slowly weakening.

"What do you mean?" She asked in surprise at my sudden outburst. I felt ashamed at what I have done. I shouldn't have done it. They had done everything to save me and were doing everything they can to save him.

"Edward's too weak," I answered then bursting into tears. I just realized the severity of the situation. "He might die soon."

Was it all right? I'm having a bit of difficulty describing each character's gift. I think I am going to need help in that department.

Anyway, please, please review. I desperately need it.