Side Note: This is more or less a story, and Role Play, of me and my BF as the Infected from L4D. I was playing the Witch, while he played the Hunter. We had some very interesting thoughts of how the Infected walked or made themselves to be. Soooo, please don't flame or say this is wrong or that. We both played the game, me more then him XD. But please don't read it if you don't like might be some mistakes in here, and I'm too lazy to fix the obvious ones, so please bear through it.

The hooded figure walked through the streets of the city. His feet
crunched along the pavement. He passed by the "normal" infected
easily. They shambled aimlessly. Some bumping into each other.
Unlike them his steps were calculated. He had a purpose. A singular
idea of what to do. He followed that sweet scent as best he could.
he was an infected. A mindless killing machine. Except he'd kept
his mind. His slightly clawed hands were stained in the blood of
those who thought him a simple zombie. During the outbreaks he'd
suffered from a rare blood disease. When he could no longer go
forward he chose to die to save his comrades. After all, with a weak
blood disease he'd just be infecting the human gene pool with
weakness. Something it would need to eliminate if it hoped to
survive. Humanity was like a tropical flower suddenly dropped into a
blizzard. The options were evolve stronger, or perish from the
microbial enemy that had forced an evolution into humanity. His
blood disease had caused clotting in his brain, and when the
infection spread it couldn't get to some areas. It tried to shut
them down, but failed. The virus rebooted his functions, caused his
appearance to change. It had made his instincts heightened and his
body totally inexhaustible. The parts untouched were his logic and
cognitive thinking. He'd been called a hunter. His little Genus of
infected. He was much worse then that though. he was enthralled in
his new life. Given a body no longer weighed down by the weakness
of its disease. He was strong, fast, animalistic. This hunter had
discovered itself in the transformation. A hatred for those who
lived was there still. Why should they survive? I never asked for
this diseased body. His rage wasn't just the insane mindless anger
of the horde. His was a focused HATRED.

Something that burned in the zombie and human parts of his mind. He
tormented the survivors. Tracked them, screamed. Made them on edge.
He led the horde to them, tricked boomers into killing themselves
for him, stole meals form smokers after their tongues were shot
off. He waited in safe houses, hiding in the shadows. He pounced
when the survivors finally took a breath to relax. He was the
single hunter that was to be feared the most. He was The Sadist.
But right now his mind was on one thing. Something from his past
that he couldn't get enough of. Something he searched for in the
broken down convenience stores. The Sadistic Hunter had a soft
spot, an addiction even, to chocolate. The packs on his belt
shifted as he searched the broken down store. Tossing magazines,
looking for even broken crumbs of that sweet nectar that soothed
him. Nothing...until he smelled it. The scent of
chocolate...overpowered by cardboard. He opened the door to a back
room and smirked. An entire box full of chocolate. The day had jsut
gotten perfect

The small sound of crying could be heard, but more of the tears of
whimpering instead. The Witch wipes at her face in a angry motion,
her new glowing red eyes staring down at her knees as she was
sitting down. She was a newly turned Witch, use to be in a group of
other Survivors. But now, now she was one of them. And she hated
it. Already part of her mind was chipping away at her memory and
the way she was. Even worst, right after she turned, she turned
onto one of her group members and killed them. That went over
smoothly, and almost got her killed. Then when two days past, she
started to cry. Something she hated with a passion, and now glared
down at her long like claws that was slightly stained red from the
blood that got on it. Even more, she couldn't wear normal clothes
anymore, for some reason, it felt wrong, itchy almost. So now here
she is. Kneeling on the cold floor of the back room of what could
be a store, which she had no idea what. Only wearing a short top
that barely covered her chest, and a pair of normal panties. Just
what she needed in this new, dead, life of hers.

He was stuffing candy into the pouches on his belt. He stopped when
he heard the crying. He recognized the sound right away as a witch.
Regular Infected didn't pay any attention, some attacked the
witches even. He knew better. one shot to the wrong place and
they'd feel it full force and it'd startle them. And when you startle a witch, you die unless you have alot of guns.

All he had was his pouncing abilities and his semi-claws. He raised his head
back a bit, his dark black eyes locking onto her a bit. The shadows
and color of his eyes usually lead them to believe he had none.
This wasn't true. He looked down again. he knelt a bit, taking out
one of the candy bars and offering it toward her. he was being
quiet as possible.

The Witch stiffen a bit when she saw the candy bar, and moved to
give a small like growl, look up at the Hunter's face, or more his
hooded face when he handed the candy bar. But she soon frowns at
it, as it was very strange, even for him. Tilting her head to the
side, she reaches out slowly to take it. The tears still fell down
her face as she took the candy bar, and said in a low hoarse like
voice. "Thanks...."

"'re welcome." he sat down like a puppy, taking out a candy
bar and tearing it open with his teeth. he took a bite from the
heavenly substance that calmed his nerves

Her eyes widen when she heard the Hunter speak, and was speechless
herself. Soon, she mentally shook herself off and said in a low
voice, "Y-you....can talk?" Yes, it was a stupid question for her
to ask, but then again. Looking at her now, it only made sense if
this one was a new turn. But besides Witches; Hunters, Smokers,
Boomers, and Tanks were all evolved from the Hord instead of right
away from any Survivors. At least, that's what she thought.

"more or less. been many time since I usedhumantalky words..." he
growled at himself, hitting gently on the side of his head to try
and get that human side working a bit more. Like someone trying to
punch a 50 year old truck into working again. it could work, but it
wouldn't most of the time.
She gave a small smile at him, and soon felt the tears fall down
her face more and scowls a bit. She reaches up and wipes at her
face in a angry matter. "Damn...." She always had hated crying to
matter what, and sighed as she grips at the candy bar and stares
down with a glare.

he grabbed her hand as she wiped at her face. he slowly wiped her
eyes for her, he licked up some of the blood she'd drawn from her
cheek with her claws. The wound closed a bit as he licked. Sort of
like a wolf licking a part of the pack's wounds
She gave a slight shiver when he started to lick at her cheek. And
for some strange reason, she liked it. She felt a little flushed
when he kept licking at the small cut on her cheek. Then again, she
never felt it. Being a Witch now, she couldn't feel pain all that
much. But she wasn't stupid to try and see if she was invincible.
Since her skin was now a gray color, she couldn't blush anymore,
but she still had that flushed and warm feeling from his licking.

He pulled back and sat down. He tilted his head. " can you
still talk?"
"I like to ask you that question myself," She mutters softly, but
soon looked at him with a small angry look. But not at him, but at
herself. "I'm a newly turned Witch. I started to change only four
or three days I feel like I'm losing myself." She
sighs sadly, and then grips her hands. Almost in a slightly painful
"......I see...that makes sense." He looked to her. ' for
me...I...had a clot in my brain. The infection didn't spread through
it the whole way..."
She frowns her head, and stared up at him. "Is that even possible
to happen?"

" I'm proof it can." He said, crossing his legs some. "..."
She tilted her head, and looked back down at her hands. "Ah, I
see...." She soon went quiet, and felt the tears come again. She
lets out a sigh, and starts to wipe at her face once more.
"Gods....I hate this.."
"hm..." He moved closer to her to wipe her face a bit. "..." He
smiled softly. "'s been awhile since I had a conversation like
She gave a small smile in return when he wiped at her tears, and
sniffs a bit. "Well, this is the first I'm ever having a
conversation....with a Hunter no less." She gave what sounded like
a soft chuckle.

"and what's wrong with hunter's?" He said in a way to let her know
he wasn't really offended
She shrugs and said with amusement in her voice. "Oh nothing.
Considering that they mostly jump and pounce at you the first time
meeting." She then winces as she was talking to a Hunter right now,
"Your not...going to hurt me. Are you?" Even though she was a Witch
now, she didn't really think that Infected might hurt others of
their kind that much.
"some infected lash out at others cuz that's how they deal with
obstacles like doors." He pushed some of her hair out of her face.
'...i won't hurt you. Unless you want me to." he winked and
She frowns a bit at what he said, and tilted her head to the side.
"I don't....understand." It took a while, until she finally
realized what he meant and her eyes widen a bit. "Oh, is that....a
come on?" She smiled a bit as she realized that this Hunter must be
hitting on her. Then again, they were Infected now, so she never
thought that could happen.

"pooooossssiiibly." He leaned back and chuckled. " if I w-"
There was a sudden stab of pain and burning in her eyes. A loud
shrieking that hurt her ears....that came from her mouth. The light
hurt and it made her feel so angry. So hateful. She needed to claw
away at that wretched light...
but before she got a chance to be fully enraged the hunter she was
talking to used his powerful legs to slam into the man with the
flashlight. He shoved the man back into a car...the alarm wailed
loudly, making her ears hurt more. The Hunter knew this and rushed
back into the closet. he closed the door and locked it, letting the
horde care for the man. he held the witch close in his arms, trying
to drown out the sounds with his hoody as he hugged her head to hsi

As she was smiling one second, and then the next there was a bright
light that was extreamlly painful to her eyes. That's when a
screech came out of her mouth, and it hurt even her ears. Holding
her clawed hands to her eyes, she felt the urge to attack, but the
strongest was to hide since she still had some of her Human self in
her. As the sounds were slowly dulled, she soon felt a warm body
hold her close. She stiffen for a while, but as she relaxed, she
felt that the body also felt familiar in a way. She soon wrapped
her arms around him quickly, holding onto the Hunter as she burried
her face against his chest. The tears now coming down quickly from
the pain she felt.

he petted her hair, softly rocking her. "'s's
alright." As he said this it didn't sound like words. To her ears
it almost sounded like growls but in her mind it felt like a clam,
soothing voice
As she heard the growls, she started to calm down now, taking deep
breaths as the pain slowly started to fade away. And then her form
trembled. She felt cold, and was moving closer against the warm
body she felt. Clinging to him as she buries her face against the
crook of his neck and sighed softly as she shivered once more. Her
eyes closed, she almost wrapped her hold body around him, in a
clinging way.
He blinked at the shivers. "...i should go get you something
warm..." Her grip tightens around him, her claw like nails almost digging
into his back as she clings. "N-no..." She mutters against his
neck, shivering slightly as she spoke in a low voice.
"Please...don't leave me...don't go...."
He blinked at her desperate voice and nodded. "...alright...but
I'll have to take you somewhere warm..." He tilted his head,
listening. "'s quieter...the fight must have moved further form
her." He set her back on her knees and moved onto his hands like he
was going to run. he pulled her onto his back, piggy backing her.

She blinked her eyes a few times, and was opening her mouth to
complain when he made her move away. Until she was pulled onto his
back. Wrapping her arms around his neck, she then holds close.
Pressing close against his back while her face was against his neck
and closed her eyes. Her chest could be felt pressed close against
his back as she held on to him. "hold on tight." His slightly clawed fingers dug into the ground. he opened the door and took off.

He ran past the horde, trying to keep her safe from the noise and lights. The Sadist had developed a
new soft spot. He protect this witch from the
world. He didn't knwo why...but he wanted to. She was his to
protect. He was her guardian angel in a bloodstained hoody.