A/N: Hello, this is my first FF...Mostly writing it for myself, but please review if you have comments. I absolutely love the Fever series and although KMM has mentioned she didn't want people to write any FF before she was finished with the series, I went ahead because this is AU/AH. I love the characters so much, I wanted to have some fun with them. I have a semi outline of the story but a clear one in my head. This story is rated M. Please be nice.

Updated A/N: I've gotten a lot of traffic on this first chapter, but not a lot of trickle down to the next chapters. Please be patient! Hard lemon alert for Chapter 9. Please review!!!

BTW, Karen Marie Moning owns the Fever series. I own a New Moon cup.




I was sitting at my desk when I saw his watch come into view before his large, hard body entered the office. Even though I've only been working for Jericho Barrons a short time, I know to correlate his current mood with whichever one of his ridiculously expensive watches he wore. Today, it was the Breitling.

He's all business today and in a bad mood.

I looked up at him and offered, "Good morning, Mr. Barrons," and flashed my best smile.

"Ms. Lane."

Yup, no hello, good morning or any type of cordial response. Barely glimpsing my way, he shut his office door behind him.

At least today he acknowledged me.

Sitting back with my tea, I quickly scanned the schedule to prepare myself tor the day. Crap. A meeting with Mrs. Brodie in an hour and a half!

I buzzed Barrons in his office and a long, breathy, "What?" came back at me.

"Um, sir, sorry to disturb you, but you have a meeting with Mrs. Brodie at eleven."


Okay. His non-responses were a favorite of mine. I never knew what the man was thinking.

His door opened and he looked at me, taking in my dark gray skirt and pink cap-sleeved top, lingering on my breasts. "You'll have to go in my place, Ms. Lane. I trust you have all the information you need in her file."

Blushing, I nodded and quickly grabbed the Brodie file to hide my discomfort. He looked at me with lust on occasion and it always startled me. Barrons is a man after all, but tall, beautiful and fuckable was too much man for me to handle. It was hard to focus when he did.

I heard Barrons retreat back to his office and saw the tiny red dot indicating he was on the phone, light up. Grabbing my purse, I headed out of the office just as he began yelling at whomever he had on the line.

I took the sporty Mercedes Barrons lets me drive to see clients. Sliding into traffic, I decided to take Olympic all the way to Beverly Hills. There is always traffic in LA, and I took advantage of the stop and go by running through the file on Mrs. Brodie.

Barrons owns a jewelry shop in the District in downtown LA, but it's mostly a front for his money making. A collector, he hunts down rare pieces, selling them at a profit. Most of his clients are from old money looking to sell off family heirlooms for quick cash.

I guess I got lucky, getting this job with Barrons. He saw me ogling outside Harry Winston in Beverly Hills one day, shortly after I moved to Los Angeles. I've always liked jewelry. Me and my fondness for all things girly. Pink and things that sparkle are what I live for.

Barrons approached me and asked if I wanted to go in. I looked up at him, taking in his handsome face and large, athletic frame.

"Don't you need an invite?," I asked.

He laughed at me. "Not if I escort you."

I took his arm and walked in, my eyes wide with excitement. I almost fainted!

The salespeople knew Barrons by name. He requested several items and they scrambled to the vault. They brought black velvet boxes and Barrons lifted a diamond choker and fastened it around my neck.

"Lovely. You have a nice neck, Ms...?"

"Lane. MacKayla Lane. Everyone calls me Mac."

"What do you do, Ms. Lane?"

"Nothing right now, Mr...?"


"I just moved here from Georgia and I'm settling in."

He stared at me with his dark eyes, assessing me.

"As it so happens, I have a job opening. Would you be interested?"

I must have blushed. Here was this gorgeous man asking me to work for him. How could I have said no? I accepted without even knowing what I was getting myself into. He gave me his number and an address.

"Be there at nine, Monday morning."

With that, he turned on his heels and left.

I sat there with my mouth hanging in shock for several minutes before a salesperson removed the choker from my neck and boxed it.

When I arrived at Barrons' office, he went through a list of requirements and duties. He explained the private part of his business and told me I would be his personal assistant. One of his requirements was to cut my long, blond hair short and dye it dark. The dress code specified skirts and heels at all times. There were some night time functions and I was to be on call at all hours of the day.

I looked up at Barrons, questioningly.

"Is there a problem, Ms. Lane?"

"Um, no, I..."

"Did you note your salary?"

I scanned down to the bottom and gasped. I could never make that much money waiting tables or bartending like I did in Georgia.

Nope, no questions at all.

"I take your silence and slightly open mouth to mean you'll take the job."

I started work for Jericho Barrons that day.

In the last three months I have learned a great deal about jewelry. Not just the sparkly stuff either. Metals, weight, purity of gems. It all started to become second nature to me, recognizing pieces on the street. Barrons took me to Rodeo Drive to sit and observe people. What they wore out. Where they wore what to. I noticed Barrons always scoping out people's watches. I figured a man who spends a lot of money on his own would size up another. I was busy taking in necklaces, earrings, rings, broaches. So much bling in this town! I loved going to clients' extravagant houses to appraise jewelry and see their collections. I was surprised at how little people held onto. Most of what people wanted to sell were gifts from ex-husbands, ugly pieces from in-laws, jewelry that was fashionable in decades past.

They trusted Barrons and his appraisal skills. He always took their junk. I never know what he does with all of it, but it went somewhere. I never ask.

I pulled into the driveway of the Brodie estate and took a deep breath. I've been here before, but just a bit nervous without Barrons. I adjusted my skirt and rang the bell.

An hour later, I was on my way back to the office. Mrs. Brodie wanted a stunning 18th century gold broach appraised and it was simple enough.

When I got back to the office, Barrons' door was still closed, but the second I sat down behind my desk, he threw his door open and gave me a look.


"Well, Mrs. Brodie was satisfied with my appraisal. She would like for you to find a five carat ruby pendant with diamonds to match her earrings."

"Is that all?"


"Then you can go to lunch now, Ms. Lane."

"Okay. Would you like me to pick something up for you?"


That man never ate.