Damon's restless, he's been all over this town twice searching for a little excitement. Something to ease the boredom. Something deep inside has been pushing him on, a scent teasing his senses, enticing him on.

He's been to see Caroline, but her bouncy cheer set his teeth on edge. He went back home, a round of bantering with Stefan is always amusing, but the banter fell flat. He went to the grill, fresh young bodies ripe for the taking, but that annoying sheriff kept talking his ear off. So here he is at Elena's, another attempt at wooing her away from Stefan, but her disdain is getting old.

Damon sighs, heading for the door, when that scent hits him again stronger than ever. He breathes it in, takes it deep, arousal pooling low in his stomach. Damon closes his eyes,

feet moving without thought, up the stairs and down the hall. He stops when he reaches the door, hand slowly reaching out to turn the knob, pushing the door open and stepping through.

There he is, Elena's kid brother laying on the bed with his headphones on. He rolls onto his back when Damon walks in, hand slipping his headphones down around his neck, eyes giving away his confusion. "Who are you?" He asks raising up on an elbow.

Damon smiles, lips slowly curving, darkening eyes pinning him in place."I'm the man you are going to do everything in your power to please."

Jeremy blinks slowly. Watching. Waiting.

Damon licks his lips, cock twitching as Jeremy's eyes follow the move, teeth gently tugging his bottom lip. "Do you want me?"

"Yes" Jeremy whispers, headphones falling to the floor as he leaves the bed.

Damon smiles, door closing quietly behind him, lock turning with a finality that Jeremy would never understand.