A/N So this is the last chapter. So much has happened from the time I started the story until I finished it. Thank you to everyone for their reviews. 112 right now, that is amazing. I hope you enjoy the Five-Years-Later piece!

The car stopped and I ran out, tearing through the house until I got to the living room where Bella was waiting up. I picked my wife up and spun her around, holding her so close I could feel herbaby bump.

"Is he gone? Is he arrested? Are we finally free?" Bella whispered in my ear.

I smiled against the side of her neck and answered, "Yes, they have him and we are safe," I pulled back so I could see her face. "We are free of Aro and his 'friends,' love."

Five Years Later


I was sitting in my office, relaxing. It had been five years since I had confronted Aro and won. He and his followers were in jail, and all was well.

Bella had delivered our son, Edward Jr., a healthy 7 lb. 3 oz. baby boy. He was almost five now, and eager to turn six and follow Renesmee to West Allegheny Donaldson Elementary, where Renesmee was in the third grade. Bella worked a few blocks away, at the West Allegheny High School, as the English teacher for 10th grade AP courses as well as CP courses for the 11th grade. She loved her work, and I loved her.

I was working at the NorthFayette Police Department happily. I loved Pennsylvania, and was happy there, with no memories of Aro.

In the first few weeks after Aro's arrest, every time a phone rang, we all spun to look at it. Our heads were constantly turning, trying to be alert to every danger. My parents suggested we move out of Forks for good. They had friends in Pittsburgh, and we easily transitioned to life in the North East. Emmett and Rosalie decided to move to Pittsburgh a few months after we did. The school district was excellent and they wanted the best for their son, Everett.

Everett was a miricle to Rosalie, who had been told she would never have children. She wanted the best for him and to her the best was the West Allegheny School District. Jasper and Alice moved to Pittsburgh as well, Jasper moving up to Major in the Army. He was the youngest Major in twenty years. We lived close together and were happy.

Carisle and Esme still lived in Forks, but were thinking of moving to New Hampshire later, by fall at the latest.

I turned back to my desk and focused on my work. It was almost time for Bella and Renesmee to return home, and Alice was probably picking up Edward Jr. form Cradles and Cribs, the small daycare and early-years school. Edward Jr. was attending Kindergarten there.

I smiled as I heard my wife's melodious voice. "Renesmee, you did wonderfully! Your father is going to be so proud of you! Go show him, then get your leotard on and grab your dance bag. Madame Dumont will want to talk to us about your recital on Saturday, so we need to get there early, okay? Now go show Daddy your report card!"

A report card from Renesmee? I was anxious to see her grades, even more so than usual. The third grade teacher, Mrs. Pollock did not like Renesmee very much. She had called us in for a couple Parent-Teacher Conferences about Renesmee. She was saying Renesmee was lying about visiting Fort McHenry when they had to do a report on the Star Spangled Banner. We had actually visited it in September when I had to go to Maryland for a seminar. Evil word-I-am-not-allowed-to-say-around-my-kids.

Renesmee ran into my office, clutching a piece of paper in her hand.

"Daddy, Daddy, look!" Renesmee shoved a piece of paper under my nose.

I scanned the report card, looking at her grades. Last semester Renesmeewas having a lot of trouble with her math. She was having problems withdivision and multiplication, until we started her with a tutor. Now she was doing much better.

All A's with a B in Citizenship. Very Good's in Penmanship and Art.

"Excellent, Renesmee. You did very well!"

Renesmee grinned, then gave me a hug and ran to her room, shouting behind her, "The only reason I have a B in Citizenship is because Mrs. Pollock is a but-hole!"I chuckled, leaving it to Bella to repremand Renesmee.

Bella walked into my office and leaned against the door. "Wonder where she got that from, right Edward?"

"No clue, love. Those kids at her school have potty-mouths, don't they?" I knew I looked guilty, but I couldn't help it.

Bella came over and kissed me quickly. She moved away and I pouted, adorablely if I do say so myself.

"I have to take Renesmee to her dance classes. I'll be back for dinner. Rose and Emmett are going to bring the salad, and Alice is bringing dessert. You know Jasper is horrible in the kitchen, so whatever you do, do not let him touch anything! Turn off the Crock Pot at seven, will you?" Bella was so cute when she gave orders.

"Yes, love. Everyone is coming over, Jasper is not allowed in the kitchen, and turn off the Crock Pot at seven. Tell Nessie to have fun at dance, and that Grandma and Grandpa are coming for her recital. What time are you going to be back by?"

"Seven thirty. But I have to stop by the school for a staff meeting. Principal Lenas is crazy to start the meetings at six just so she can go see her boyfriend. I can't believe no one has told her husband yet. But..." Bella shrugged, then gave me one more kiss before heading out the door.

Life was good.

Then my cell phone rang.


That is it! For those of you who stuck with this story, thank you! For those who just discovered it, did you like it?

I probably won't do a sequel. There were not enough votes in my poll, so I did not really know what you wanted. The winners where Aro goes to jail, sequel tied with Aro goes to jail, no sequel. So I will just keep the possiblility open.

Thank you for reading and reviewing! And check out my new story, The Forest of Bones and Claws.