Okay, this is my first attempt at an AH story! I am the BIGGEST fan of Greys anatomy, it is the best show (apart from TB) and well I started to wonder what it would be like to get our favorite characters from Bon Temps and put them into scrubs and scrub hats! I mean, could you just imagine Eric Northman in a hospital gown (drools!) So...I decided why the heck not have a go? So, here we have it, all our favorite characters from Louisiana have decided to gather forces and work at the NYU medical center.

This might just end up being a two shot, just wanted to have some fun!

It's not beta'd so please excuse all the faults you are going to find (and there will be HEAPS! lol)

Oh, and the next chapter for Final Chance is nearly done, it shouldn't take me much longer, I'm just having a few issues with it, and decided to re write the whole chapter, it needs to be perfect :)

characters belong to Charlaine Harris :)

I was seated in the small office, anxiously waiting for my interview to begin. I couldn't help but bite my nails, and move awkwardly in the plastic chair. My heart was beating faster than I ever thought possible, and I could feel sweat beading along my hairline. I was more than anxious...I was freaking out

It was only a moment later when the door came open, and in walked a familiar face. I jumped up out of my seat and turned to face the very famous surgeon. I held my hand out to him and gave him a rather big, nervous smile.

"Dr. de Castro. Thank you so much for meeting with me." He took hold of my hand and returned my smile. "It is a pleasure to meet you," I added.

"Dr. Stackhouse," he greeted with a low nod of his head. "Please be seated." I instantly sat back down in my seat, while he walked around to the other side of the desk in front of me. He began to search through some folders on his desk.

"So, you are interested in a internship here at the hospital?" He made it out to be a question.

"Yes, that is correct," I replied.

"Where did you go to medical school?"

"The school of medicine, New Orleans."

"You spent your first year of your internship at Fairway medical center, is that correct?" He was looking down at what I expected to be my medical files.

"Yes, that is correct."

"Dr. Davis gave you a rather outstanding recommendation. I am surprised to hear how fond he is of you." Dr. Davis was the chief of surgery at Fairway. He was my course mentor, my teacher, and an outstanding surgeon. I dreamed to become even half the surgeon he was. "He is a hard man to impress," Dr. de Castro added.

"It was an honor to work for him," I replied.

"Tell me, why did you surrender your position there? From what I have heard their intern program is rather efficient."

"I wanted a change in life. I had some family issues back in New Orleans and I wanted to get away from it all, so I moved here in hopes of being accepted into your program." I smiled at him. "Your internship program is beyond outstanding. It would be amazing to work with your world class surgical team."

The surgeon nodded his head a fraction. "Well, I must say your surgical history is very impressive." I began to grow excited at his words. "Your schooling is of high standards, and it says here that you have a strong passion for Neurological surgery."

"Yes, that is correct."

"Dr. Compton is our Nero surgeon, I am sure you have heard of him?"

"Oh, yes." I smiled broadly. "That was one of the reasons I decided to move to New York. It would be such a privilege to work under such a highly skilled Nero surgeon such as himself."

"Yes, he is one of the best in the world." De Castro sounded proud of that fact. "If you are accepted into our program, you must be prepared for long shifts and hard work."

"Yes, I am well aware of that. At Fairway hospital we sometimes worked one hundred hour weeks."

"We cannot guarantee how many hours you would work here. Some weeks it might be eighty hours, other weeks it might be more than one hundred." I nodded at him.

"That will be fine."

"Well, Ms. Stackhouse, I must admit I am satisfied by your history and your recommendations. So, I would like to welcome you to our team here at NYU medical center." He held his hand out for me. I couldn't hold back the huge grin that spread across my face, before taking his hand in mine and thanking him for his acceptance.

"When can I start?" I asked, enthusiastically.

"I will find someone to give you a tour of the hospital today and you can start tomorrow."

"Thank you so much, Chief." I got up out of my seat and followed him out of his office.

It wasn't long later when he guided me into a large locker room. It had a long bench seat in the middle of the room, with lockers around the outside. There were other interns dressed in typical medical scrubs, talking to each other and looking through their lockers. The chief of surgery stopped in the doorway and cleared his throat, making the room fall into silence.

"Good morning, everyone." He nodded in greeting. "This is our newest intern, Dr. Stackhouse. She has just completed the first year of her surgical internship at fairway medical center. Stackhouse will be starting here tomorrow. Would someone please show her around and make sure she knows what to expect for her first day?"

"I can help her." It was a dark haired woman who spoke up. She had olive colored skin, a slim figure and warm features. She hung her stethoscope around her neck, and smiled at me kindly. "I'm Tara Thornton," she walked over to me and held her hand out. "It's nice to meet you."

"Thanks, same to you." We both shook hands and exchanged a smile, before the chief spoke up.

"Very well, thank you Dr. Thornton. Dr. Stackhouse, if there is anything you need to know, please come and speak with me." I thanked him, before he turned around and left the room.

"So, Fairway...that's in New Orleans, right?" Tara asked, while heading back over to her locker.

"Yeah, that's right." I followed her over to the other side of the room.

"Cool." She pulled out a pair of shoes from her locker, sat down on the bench in the middle of the room and began to put them on. "Well, we are all doing our second year as well. What surgical area do you want to specialize in?" I instantly found myself liking Tara. She was nice, friendly and easy to talk to. She made me feel welcomed.

"Neurology." I smiled at her.

"Impressive," she stated, while looking up at me.

"What about you?" I asked.

"Pediatrics." She smiled and pulled her hair up into a tight bun. "Come on, let's go start this tour," she said, while getting to her feet.

Tara spent most of the morning showing me around the hospital. She took me to the emergency room and then up to the Operating rooms. Tara showed me where all the storage places were, all the treatment rooms, and even the cafeteria.

"Here is the on call room. You will need to grow familiar with this room because it will become your home away from home." She chuckled. "Here you will be able to sleep when you're working forty hour shifts and night duty." I looked around at the small room. There were two bunk beds and a television mounted on the wall. It was much bigger than the on call room at Fairway, but then again this hospital was almost double the size.

"Come on, lets go get some lunch." Tara turned off the light, closed the door, and started toward the elevators. As we walked she continued to talk me through all the hospital ins and outs. "The nurses station is on the third floor, the surgical lounge is on the forth; but we can't go there...that's for the Attendings and resident surgeons only." I nodded to show I understood. "Radiology and pathology are both on the second floor, along with dermatology..." Tara carried on her talk, while we made our way into the now filled cafeteria.

The cafeteria had a large indoor sitting area, it was three times the size of the restaurant back home, and the outdoor area was almost as big. Tara lead me over to the front counter, we both ordered a sandwich and a coffee, before making our way outside. We went over to a table that was filled with other interns. They all smiled at Tara, greeted me politely and moved over to allow room for us both to sit down. After we sat down at the now cramped table, Tara proceeded to introduce me to the other interns.

"Everyone, this is Sookie Stackhouse. She's new, so you have to be nice. Sookie, this is; Holly, Amelia, Hoyt, JB and Tray," she stated, while pointing around the table. Holly looked to be about my age, she had black short hair, kind eyes and a small figure. Amelia had a sweet smile, chestnut colored hair and was slightly taller than the other girls. Hoyt was a sweet looking man. He had thick dark hair, and kind brown eyes. He smiled at me in greeting. JB was seated next to Tara, He kissed her and smiled at her lovingly. It was obvious they were an item. Seated between him and Amelia was Tray. He was rather handsome and tall. He was holding Amelia's hand and reached out with his free hand to shake mine.

They all made me feel comfortable and welcome.

"So, Sookie...I heard you started your internship at Fairway?" Hoyt asked, while giving me a sweet smile. "that's a good hospital."

"Yeah...it was great." I nodded at him.

"Why did you move here?" Amelia questioned.

"My Gran died a few months ago, and I wanted a change, so I moved to New York." I shrugged, before taking a sip from my coffee.

"I'm sorry to hear about your Gran, you were close to her?"

"Yeah, she raised me and my brother." I didn't feel like talking about all that, so I changed the subject. "Have you guys decided on a specialty yet?" I looked around the table at all the friendly faces.

"I haven't decided yet," Amelia replied.

"I think I want to do plastics." This time it was JB who finally spoke up. "The plastic surgeon here is the best in America, and after seeing him work I was hooked." I was surprised to hear about his specialty choice.

"And not to mention he's quite the eye full," Tara added, with a laugh.

"You could say that again!" Amelia agreed, right before the girls all began to giggle.

"What are you talking about?" I asked, confused.

"They are talking about Dr. Northman. He's the plastic surgeon...and quite the ladies man." JB looked at Tara and scolded playfully.

"Dr. Northman works here?" I questioned, surprised. I had heard about Dr. Northman many times. He was rather famous in the medical world, one of the worlds best plastic surgeons. "I thought he was based in Seattle?"

"Nope, he moved here late last year," Holly replied. "The chief wanted him here, so he made him an offer he couldn't refuse."

"He's very popular...and not just with the chief," Amelia stated, suggestively.

"Yeah, I think he's been with just about every nurse in the hospital, and that's just in the last month alone!" Holly sighed.

I wasn't sure how to respond to that, but thankfully Amelia changed the subject.

"So, what was Fairway like? Did you actually get to work with the famous Dr. Davis?" and then we spent the next half an hour talking about medical stuff. The other interns were all so easy to talk to and I found myself laughing at their jokes and telling them all about my time at Fairway.

"We should probably get going...I'm working with Dr. Quinn today...we're doing a heart transplant." Amelia pushed her chair out from under the table, and grabbed her tray. "Sookie, do you want to come and watch? You can sit in the gallery if you like?" She grinned at me.

"Okay, sure!" I wanted to see what the theater was like before I had to go in there. This was the perfect opportunity. I got up from my chair and grabbed my tray. "It was nice to meet you all." I looked at the other interns and smiled. "Thanks Tara for helping me out this morning." They all waved me off, before I followed Amelia back into the cafeteria and down the hall toward the elevator.

We made small talk while we we made our way to the third floor. "So, why Neurology?" she asked.

"Well, mostly because I think it's the brain is the most fascinating part of the human anatomy."

"True enough! I wish I knew what I wanted to do. Tara wants to get into pediatrics, I don't blame her...she is great with kids!"

We didn't say much more before heading down the hall that lead toward the operating rooms. "If you go up those steps, and through the the door...that will take you to the gallery." I nodded at her, while we walked over to the surgical board. I was surprised to see how many surgeries were scheduled to be done over the next twenty four hours. There were a lot more theaters here then back at Fairway. The whole board was full of scheduled surgeries for the day. "I'm in room one," Amelia said, while pulling on her surgical cap.

She said a quick goodbye, before heading off into the direction of the theaters. I continued to study the board for a while, looking at all the different surgeries that were going to take place today. I couldn't help but wish I could scrub in too. It had been a few weeks since I had last been in theater. I really missed being in the OR.

After pulling my eyes away from the board, I stepped back and went to turn around. That was when I rammed right into a large, muscular wall of man. I let out a yelp, before quickly jumping back and straighting myself out. I went to apologize for not looking where I was going, but the second my eyes met his it was like no words would come out. I was looking at the single most beautiful man I had ever seen. He was so tall, at least 6'4, with dark blue eyes, a straight jaw and broad shoulders. I recognized him instantly. This was Dr. Northman. World famous plastic surgeon.

"Are you okay?" He asked, amused. That was when I realized how badly I was ogling him. I quickly shook myself out of my staring and smiled nervously at the godlike man.

"Fine, thanks." I wasn't sure what I was supposed to say to him, after all he was an attending and I was nothing but an intern, and a new one at that. I knew from experience that the attending surgeons didn't socialize with the interns, no one socialized with us, we were the bottom of the food chain. I went to step past him, but to my surprise he reached out and grabbed my arm. I was shocked when I felt what seemed like a jolt of electricity pass through him and into me. I quickly pulled my arm away from his grasp and looked up at him in wonder.

"You are an intern here?" He questioned.

"Yes," I replied. "I'm Sookie Stackhouse, I'll be starting here tomorrow."

"It is a pleasure to meet you Dr. Stackhouse. I am Eric Northman, Plastic surgeon," he said, proudly

I remembered what the other interns had told me about him and replied,"Yeah...I've heard about you." Dr. Northman raised his brow at me and a small smile played on his lips.

"All good I hope?" his voice was suggestive. If he thought he was going to get into my pants, he was very much mistaken.

Before I could say anything in response to that, I was completely side tracked by yet another familiar person walking toward us. My insides did a little happy dance as I watched Dr. Compton make his way over to the surgical board. I wanted to talk to him and introduce myself to the famous Nero surgeon, but had no idea what to say.

"Dr. Northman," he greeted Eric with a respectful nod, and then looked at me with a raised brow. "Is this your new..." I quickly cut in, not liking the direction that line was taking.

"Hi, I'm Sookie Stackhouse. I'm the new intern here." I held my hand out for him to shake. "I would just like to say what a huge fan I am of your work." My smile grew bigger when he reached out and shook my hand with his own.

"Nice to meet you, Dr. Stackhouse." He nodded at me. "The chief told me all about you, said you were interested in a Nero career." Oh my god, he was actually making conversation with me! I grinned at him and nodded.

"That is correct, and please, call me Sookie!"

"Well, maybe we could get together some time, I'm sure there are plenty of questions you would have to ask?" He made it out to be a question.

"Oh, that would be just great." I couldn't tell you how excited I felt at his words. It was like a dream come true to meet this man, let alone get together with him and question him about his work!

"Okay, well I will speak to you soon...I must get into theater." He smiled at me, before turning to look at Dr. Northman, who I had completely forgotten about (which is hard thing to do since he is so big!) He nodded at Northman, before making his way down the corridor. When he was gone I quickly turned my attention back to the godlike man standing beside me.

"Do I get to call you Sookie too?" He said. "And please tell me you were only kidding."

"What?" I looked at him in confusion.

"You don't really want a career in brain surgery, do you?" He basically turned his nose up at me, which pissed me off. Who the hell did he think he was? "Seriously, that would have to be the single most boring medical career you could ever want to choose!" He chuckled at the idea.

"Who are you to tell me that?" I asked.

"I am your attending, I believe it is my duty to pass on advice." He smiled. "...and I would hate to see you end up as boring as Dr. Compton." He grinned.

"Dr. Compton is not boring!" I looked at him in outrage.

"You just wait until you have that get together with him, then you will see how boring that man is. He is a brain surgeon, they are all as lifeless as each other." Dr. Northman winked at me, before turning away and heading back toward the elevator. As he walked I couldn't help but ogle his perfect, firm ass. I found myself wanting to grab a hold of it and give it a good squeeze. I quickly snapped out of those thoughts, scolded myself for being such a pervert, and quickly made my way up to the gallery. Hopefully I hadn't missed too much of the surgery.

I smiled like a fool as I made my way up the set of stairs. I couldn't believe I had met the brain surgeon. From the first day I had ever heard about William Compton I had always dreamed of meeting him. And then, something in the back of my mind told me that wasn't the real reason I was grinning like a fool, no...the reason I was smiling had nothing to do with Bill Compton. I quickly pushed the images of Dr. Northman out of my mind, before letting myself into the gallery.

As I took my seat in one of the chairs facing the theater, I couldn't help but feel excited at the idea of coming back here tomorrow. I was really looking forward to working at the hospital. Tomorrow would be the first day of the rest of my life, and it was going to be a great one!

so, should I do another chapter? please review...let me know what you think, good AND bad :)