
Xena gazed at Gabrielle in the firelight. She was slightly embarrassed to admit how often she did this. It had become almost a nightly ritual to sit and watch while Gabrielle slept and dreamed. Suddenly, Xena was overcome with the urge to touch her golden haired companion. She stopped short. Her hand trembling as it hovered over Gabrielle's sleeping form. A stray lock of hair had fallen across Gabrielle's cheek. Before she knew it her hand had smoothed the errant lock back into place. Gabrielle stirred, but did not wake. Xena smiled. She didn't know exactly when she had begun to love this young woman, but love her she did.

It was late and Xena needed rest. Carefully, she slid under the covers and put her arms around Gabrielle. The younger woman did not wake, but melted obligingly into the embrace. Xena relaxed and breathed in Gabrielle's scent. Sleep would come soon. She was home.

Gabrielle pretended to sleep. She knew Xena was watching her, but she didn't mind. The thought of Xena nearby made her feel safe and happy. Unexpectedly, Xena's hand brushed her cheek. She squirmed with delight and almost abandoned her feigned sleep, but held back for fear of ruining the moment.

On the verge of dozing, Gabrielle felt Xena slide under the covers. Strong arms enfolded her, and Gabrielle let herself melt into the warmth of Xena's body. In moments like this she realized how deeply she loved Xena. She was home. With that comforting thought, Gabrielle gave in to sleep.