"The first problem for all of us, men and women, is not to learn, but to unlearn" Gloria Steinem (1935- present)

24/07/2010 23:15, Ministry of Magic, Level 2, 117 Euston Road, London

Padma couldn't believe it was eleven fifteen, practically the middle of the night, and she was standing here in the Auror's Holding Centre at the Ministry waiting to pick up her- only Merlin knew what Blaise was to her now- so she could apparate him to wherever he'd been staying.

The Auror behind the small window partition didn't seem to care that it was late on a Sunday night and she had a son to get home to. He didn't care to listen and answer her questions on why it was taking so long to have Blaise released, merely telling her in an annoyingly monotonic voice that she should calm herself and drink some tea.

Padma didn't want to drink tea. She didn't want to drink water. She didn't want to drink anything. Merlin, she didn't want to be here period.

Her anger hadn't calmed in the last forty-five minutes and she didn't see it calming anytime in the future. Utterly frustrated and with the wave of adrenaline leaving her, tiredness overcame her and she settled into one of the plastic seats in the waiting room. Running her fingers through her hair, she soothed the ache building at the back of her skull and fervently hoped that this would all be over soon.


Padma lifted her head so quickly that black spots danced in front of her eyes. When they cleared, she stood from her seat. "Anthony." She said blankly, her eyes taking in his bloodied nose and the black eye already beginning to form.

"Are you here to see me?" he asked, looking around.

Padma snapped. "Of course I'm not here to see you. What happened between you and Blaise? No-one's telling me anything!" she said, gesturing wildly at the Auror safely ensconced behind his window partition.

At her harsh words, Anthony's otherwise handsome and open face turned to stone. "I'll tell you what happened." He snarled. "Your boyfriend came over to my house and threatened me. When I threatened him back, he assaulted me."

Padma breathed in loudly. "What did you say to him?" she demanded.

"Did you not just hear what I said? Zabini was the one who turned up on my doorstep."

"And I'm supposed to believe that Blaise attacked you without any provocation from you? Now tell me what you said- it's late and I want to get back home to Benji."

Anthony blinked, as if just realising the fact that she hadn't brought her son along with her. "Where is he?"

"At home of course."

"Who do you have looking after him?" he demanded to know.

Padma scoffed. "You have to be joking? You should have been wondering who's been looking after him for the last five years. You have no right to know who's looking after him right now."

"I'm his father!"

"No, you aren't. Blaise is! Now tell me what you said to him!"

Anthony's lips turned into a cruel smirk. "Did you get the letter from my solicitor?"

"Yes I did. And for an ex-Ravenclaw, you have to be remarkably stupid to think a judge is going to give you shared custody of Benji."

Anthony pointed to his face. "You're sure about that are you?"

Padma cursed Blaise mentally. What in Merlin's name had he been thinking?! "Yes, I am. Because one night doesn't make up for five years of providing for a child who isn't biologically yours. Now are you going to tell me what happened or not?"

Anthony's face twisted in anger. "Ask your boyfriend." He spat out before he turned away from her and walked away.

Padma gritted her teeth together and watched his back until he'd disappeared. And then she fell back down onto her chair, her fingers once more digging into her hair.

It was going to be a long night.


25/07/2010 00:08, Ministry of Magic, Level 2, 117 Euston Road, London

When Blaise stepped through the bars and into the waiting room, his eyes immediately landed on Padma. She was curled up on one of the ugly plastic chairs, her legs resting on the seat, her arms hugging her knees tightly to her chest whilst her head rested on top of them. Her eyes were closed and by the steady rise and fall of her chest, Blaise deduced she was sleeping. He wasn't surprised since it was past midnight.

He walked over to her slowly, making sure to make no obvious noise that might startle her awake. Hunching down, he brushed his fingers lightly through the length of her hair and rearranged it so he could see her face more clearly.

Angry blue and purple marks were evident under her eyes, made even more evident in the harsh lighting of the room and Blaise cursed at himself.

Stroking her crossed arms gently, he made to wake her up. "Padma," he murmured.

Her eyes flickered open, her head lifting slightly and her puckered brow showing momentary confusion at where she was. When she caught sight of him, her face softened and she graced him with a sweet smile he hadn't seen in days. And then her mind caught up with her, any traces of sleep were eradicated, and she stiffened under his touch.

Her head jerked back in surprise and she quickly stood from her seat as she looked up at him. He stood silently as her eyes scanned the injuries on his face before they slipped downwards to take in his bruised knuckles. Her eyes flicked back up to his and he saw the simmering anger hidden behind them.

"Blaise." She said stonily, her jaw jutting out at a dangerous angle.

"I'm sorry." He found himself saying.

Padma's response was to narrow her eyes until they were small black slits. "Sorry?! Do you know what you've done? What in Merlin's balls were you even thinking?!"

Before he could respond or she could continue, an Auror cleared his throat pointedly. Padma sent a glare his way before she twirled around, picked up her handbag and stalked towards the exit.

Blaise followed her, making sure to keep a careful distance between them. When they'd walked over to the Ministry's apparation points in the empty Atrium, she turned to face him.

"Where have you been staying?" she asked him in a horribly blank, neutral tone. "Or do you still not want me to know?" she added bitterly.

Blaise frowned. "It wasn't a secret. If you had asked me I would have told you."

Padma scoffed but she didn't comment on the matter further. "You didn't answer my question. It's late; I just want to drop you off and go back home so Hermione can get home herself."

"I've been staying at the House Hotel." He answered.

At the information, Padma merely turned around and entered an apparation point. Blaise followed her and held out his hand for her to take, feeling thankful for the first time since he had been told that he was no longer allowed to apparate until it was determined if Goldstein was going to press charges or not. He had missed Padma's touch.

His heart dropped slightly when instead of taking his offered hand, she grabbed onto his clothed arm and they were whisked away.


25/07/2010, 00:14, The House Hotel, London

Padma let go of Blaise's wrist as soon as her feet touched the floor. Nausea overtook her and she swallowed tightly to push back the bile rising in her throat. Merlin- she needed to get home.

She could feel Blaise's eyes on her but she had no idea what to say. She wanted to yell at him but the reception of a hotel was hardly the best place for their conversation to take place and she wanted to be fully alert when she spoke to him.

Not knowing what to say, she merely sighed tiredly. "I suppose I'll see you around then." She said as she shook her head.

She began to walk away when Blaise caught her arm. It was the first time she'd been touched by him in so long that her eyes closed at the familiar sensation of his warm hands on her cool skin.

"Padma wait-"

"No, Blaise. I told you it's late. I have to get up early for work tomorrow."

"How's Benji?" he asked.

Padma turned to face him angrily. "Maybe if you hadn't left me alone for the last five days you would know how Benji was doing!" she spat out as she pulled her arm out of his hold.

Blaise's face showed his regret. "Cara please-"

Padma cried out at his endearment and her tenuous hold snapped. "Don't you carame! Don't you dare! I received a letter from Anthony's lawyers yesterday. The bastard was asking for shared custody of Benji which he would have never gotten from any member of the Wizengamot. But then you had to go and beat him up. What were you thinking?! I've barely heard from or seen you in days, when I needed you the most you weren't there and I didn't have a clue where you were and now you go ahead and you do this!"

"Excuse me. I'm afraid I'm going to have to ask you to calm down or leave." The night receptionist called out from behind the desk.

Chagrined and embarrassed at losing her temper in public, Padma nodded. "I was just leaving." She informed him.

"Padma, please wait."

"No!" she told Blaise firmly. "If you want to talk we can do so after I come home from work tomorrow. I'm not doing this right now. Not here."


Padma ignored him and apparated away before he said anymore.


25/07/2010, 09:12, The House Hotel, London

Draco looked up to see his mother walking towards him. He stood from the table he had procured for the two of them and waited for her to reach him. His own lips mimicked the wide smile he saw on her face.

It may have only been a few days since he'd last seen her but ever since the end of the War, he had got used to their frequent daily talks and he'd missed talking with her and sorting through the happenings in his life and his plans for the business.

"Oh Draco." She cried as she neared him. She moved to hug him and Draco kissed her on the cheek swiftly.

"Mother." He said as he smiled down on her.

Pulling out her chair, he waited until she'd been seated before resuming his own seat. "How have you been?" he asked as the brunch he had already ordered before his mother's arrival was placed onto the table by two waiters who quickly vanished.

"I've been worried about you. How have you been? Are you having trouble finding a home?"

Draco shook his head at her mistaken impression. "I've been perfectly fine mother. I am still looking for a home but I don't want to rush into a decision purely because I have need of one. The Hotel isn't too bad."

His words didn't eradicate the worry from Narcissa's face. There was silence for a while as Draco poured them both some tea and Narcissa buttered a scone.

"How is Lucius? I trust he hasn't bothered you since my departure."

"Your father…has been as well as can be expected. He's still angry that you chose to exclude him from your business plans."

"I don't want him involved in my business."

"Draco…your father has extensive business knowledge."

"No- Lucius has extensive knowledge on how to bribe and blackmail people in order to build up his businesses. I do not want him involved…at all."

"Draco…I know what you think of your father but keeping him in the dark so much…and allowing him to find out about your business in the paper. Allowing the both of us to find out about the opening in the paper…"

Draco let go of his mug and moved his hand to touch his mother's. "I'm sorry mother. But I knew that if I told you then you would feel guilty about keeping it a secret from him."

Narcissa studied him silently for a moment before she nodded. They both went back to their brunch.

"What have you been doing in the last few days?" he asked.

"I received another letter from Andromeda." She told him.

He stiffened at the news and Narcissa hurriedly continued. "Don't worry, I sent her an Owl informing her to send her future Owls when I know Lucius is in his study after dinner. She wants to meet up again."

"Do you have a plan as to how to keep this from Lucius?"

His mother hesitated. "The situation at the Manor is still…tense. I think it would be best if I decline Andromeda's invitation until things settle down."

Draco bristled but was stopped in what he was planning to say when his mother lifted a hand. "I know what you're going to say Draco but I still love your father. And he wouldn't understand or accept the fact that Andy and I are back in touch. I won't hurt him further."

Draco scoffed in disgust at the idea of his mother hurting Lucius compared to all the hurt he'd done to the two of them in his lifetime.

"I don't want to talk about this right now. I don't want to ruin our time together. Tell me how things are going with you."

Draco briefly told her how well the business was doing and brought her up to date on all the things he had kept hidden from her. He basked in the proud look that came across her face even though he was careful not to show it.

"I'm so pleased for you. But I've been worried about you- about how isolated you are now."

Draco knew what his mother meant. She'd stated how worried she was about him being alone and lonely before he'd left the Manor. But then he thought of his dinner with Blaise and Hermione.

And suddenly he wanted to share the fact that he did have some friends.

"Actually, I had dinner with Blaise Zabini a few days ago. He's staying here as well."

Narcissa looked pleased at the information. "And I had a date with Hermione Granger yesterday."

The smile on his mother's face froze. "Oh."

Draco placed his cutlery back onto the table and studied his mother. "Oh?"

Narcissa shook her head but the frozen look remained on her face. "I hadn't realised you were still planning on pursuing Miss Granger. You have all the investors you need and the sales have exceeded your expectations. There's no reason for you to date Miss Granger to get into your customer's good books."

Draco hesitated and Narcissa pounced at the miniscule action.

"Draco, that is why you are pursuing Miss Granger, isn't it?"

"Of course it is." He brushed off, hoping that his dismissing action would put his mother's mind at ease. He was now wishing he hadn't brought up the topic of conversation and kept his mouth shut instead.

"Draco, my son, listen to me. I understand how much you are going through right now. And I understand that… company may help you in going through this difficult time. But Miss Granger is not an appropriate witch to spend time with."

Draco swallowed upon hearing his mother's words. "Appropriate," he said woodenly, feeling the word out in his mouth and not liking it, "Why not mother? Because she's a Mudblood?"

Narcissa reeled back at the anger in his voice. "Draco." She admonished as she nervously looked around to make sure no-one had heard him.

"I thought you were over Lucius's prejudices." He continued.

Narcissa looked worried. "Draco, you know I no longer think of Mud…Muggle-born's in that way. I wouldn't be in contact with my sister if I still thought that way. But darling, think of the family you come from. A Muggle-born witch would never understand the values and traditions of the Malfoy family."

Draco clenched his jaw, wanting to refute what his mother way saying but deep down in the pit of his stomach, the same feelings still churned away.

"Oh Merlin, Draco." She breathed out before lowering her voice to a whisper. "You aren't…in love with her are you?" she asked as if the world was ending.

Draco part scoffed and part laughed. "Mother, enough. We've been on one date."

"That isn't answering my question, Draco." She pushed.

Draco gave her a warning look at her prodding. "No, I am not in love with her."

"…But you do like her. Draco…."

Draco had had enough of the conversation. "Enough, Mother. I do not wish to talk about this any longer. Let's not ruin our brunch." He said, mimicking her earlier words.

His mother knew when not to push him. She had heard the steel tone in his voice many times from his father but rarely from him and she knew to heed his warnings and back off.

For a few minutes the tension continued to hover over their table. Neither of them spoke and the scrape of their cutlery was beginning to grate on his nerves. Finally Draco sighed.

"Maybe Andromeda could come to the Manor when you know Lucius is going to be busy. That new house elf could keep a watch and inform you if Lucius suspects anything and she could apparate out." He said, bringing the conversation back to common ground.

Narcissa nodded her head. "I suppose we could try, although I'm not sure how receptive Andy will be about coming to the Manor."

Draco nodded his head. And once more, silence descended on around their table.


25/07/2010, 09:33, Ministry of Magic, Level 2, 117 Euston Road, London

Pansy breathed in a sigh of relief as she caught sight of the back of Harry's head on the other side of the department.

When she had lain in bed last night, she had felt empowered after her conversation with Blaise. She was a Slytherin. Harry was hers. She would find out about what he and Ginny had discussed. And everything would be fine. She and Harry would move forward in their relationship, stronger now that they knew they could deal with the hurricane that was Ginny Weasley and survive.

But then little by little, those empowering thoughts had slipped away, leaving her with the doubts and worries that had plagued her.

She then felt a sense of thankful relief that Harry hadn't been home and she would have a few extra hours to gather herself before she talked to him.

Then this morning she had woken up to an Owl from Hermione Granger. It appeared the Weasley's were planning a party for Harry's birthday and Hermione had been tasked with inviting her. Pansy hadn't wondered too hard on whether the Weasley's were the ones offering the invitation or if Hermione knew her invitation would somehow get lost in the mail.

But one thing was clear. The Weasley's were here to stay. Ginny Weasley was here to stay. And if Pansy wanted to have a real relationship with Harry then she would need to gather every ounce of courage and confront both him…and the Weasley's.

She hoped to tackle the latter after talking to Harry but she knew she now had a deadline. The 31st of July. She didn't want to attend Harry's party at the Burrow and for there to be a tension between her and his family.

And so putting down the folders in her arms, she walked over to Harry. She waited a few feet away as he finished his conversation with Kingsley who she was sure shortened his chat with Harry when he saw her hovering behind him.

She sent Kingsley a warm smile as he walked away; hopefully managing to portray that everything had worked out fine in France.

"Pansy? Merlin- where have you been? When you weren't in on Friday I asked Kingsley where you were but he said he couldn't tell me."

Pansy smiled weakly. "We need to talk." She told him.

She watched the smile on his face slip at her ominous sounding words and she quickly rushed to correct his assumption.

"No- not like that. But we do need to talk. About Ginny…and other things."

Harry didn't look convinced but he knew what she was talking about. And so he sighed.

Pansy hesitated. "So are you free sometime today? Maybe after work?"

Harry sighed again and a lead balloon dropped in Pansy's stomach. She watched him run a hand through his messy hair in frustration. "I can't tonight. Kingsley's sending us on another mission and tonight we have a meeting which will probably go on until late."

Pansy bit her lip. "Tomorrow?"

Harry nodded his head in agreement but his features said the opposite. Something must have shown in Pansy's face as he continued. "I'm sorry. It's likely there will be another meeting but I'll find a way to see if I can get away for a while."

Pansy's bite on her lip tightened. But instead of saying anything, she merely nodded her head.

Both their heads turned to the side as another Auror called out Harry's name and jerked his head. Pansy looked back to Harry.

"I have to go." he told her.

Pansy nodded again and she made to turn away and get back to work. Harry grabbed her wrist before she could do so. When she turned back to him in question, he quickly dipped his head and kissed her lips softly.

"We'll talk." He whispered against her lips.

Pansy had to stop herself from letting the sudden cry in her throat out. "Okay." She managed to choke out in a whisper against his lips before he straightened and walked away.

Pansy watched him go as she gathered herself. A voice in her head piped up. Her talk with Harry might have been delayed but that didn't mean she could keep pushing back her talk with the Weasley's.

Tonight, she decided firmly.

As she walked back over to her discarded folders, she wondered if she should Owl the Weasley's and let them know she was going to be coming over.

In the next second she had decided against it. After all, once that Owl flew away, there was no way she could change her mind.


25/07/2010, 12:04, Ministry of Magic Level 4, 117 Euston Road, London

"Want to grab some lunch together?" Hermione asked Padma from across their desks.

She watched Padma stop writing and lift her head before she nodded.

Hermione breathed out a sigh of relief. Today had been crazy from the get go and she hadn't managed to catch up with Padma over what had happened with Blaise last night. Padma hadn't been in a mood to talk when she'd returned home last night and Hermione hadn't been in a mood to push.

Although disappointingly, she got the feeling from the anger that had been crackling in the air around Padma upon her return, that she and Blaise hadn't managed to get anything sorted out between them.

The two apparated to a café in Diagon Alley in silence and that silence stretched as they were seated and handed their menus. Hermione knew how to break it and she reached into her bag for the invitation to Harry's birthday party.

She slid it along the table and Padma looked up in question.

"It's an invitation to Harry's birthday party." She explained as she watched the other witch open it up and read over the details.

Hermione hesitated. "So, should I tell Molly that you'll be attending…as will Blaise?" she added on.

She smiled at the look Padma sent her. Her eyes were narrowed but somehow her brows were raised in question. The resulting look was quite amusing.

"Is that your not so subtle way of inquiring about last night?" Padma asked.

Hermione smiled. "You didn't look too impressed when you returned. Did you manage to see Blaise? Or did you leave him with the Auror's?"

Padma snorted. "If I had thought of that I would have…but no, I bailed him out. The idiot."

Hermione smiled sympathetically.

Padma let out a huge sigh before she spoke. "I told him that we would talk after work tonight. I was…am... still so angry. And worried. And scared. I saw Anthony before Blaise was released and I'm sure he was straight off to his solicitor's office this morning to press charges. I'm surprised I haven't received any new paperwork from him yet. But the day isn't over yet."

Hermione reached out and patted her hand- not knowing what to say.

Padma visibly shook off her thoughts. "Forget that. Tell me about your date with Malfoy."

Hermione felt an involuntary smile spread across her face. "It was nice. Really nice. We've kind of become…friends with the time we've spent together when I'm looking after Teddy but last night was different."

Padma laughed. "Look at you! I take it a second date is on the cards then?"

Hermione shrugged modestly. "He did mention something about Owling me." She said in a casual tone.

Padma smiled. "I can't believe this. I'm happy for you but who knew after all this time- the wizard you were looking for was Draco Malfoy!"

Hermione shushed her. "Let's not get ahead of ourselves. It was our first date."

"Did you get that feeling?" Padma asked as she wiggled her eyebrows.

Hermione smiled. "…Sometimes."

Padma's jaw dropped comically and Hermione burst out laughing.

"You should invite him to Harry's birthday party." Padma said.

Hermione snorted. "And have him turning up at the Burrow? I can just imagine how well that would go down. I would like to go out with him again…maybe…and there will be no chane of that if Ron loses his head and hexes him."

Padma giggled. "Okay- maybe that wasn't the best idea I've ever had. But if you do continue to see each other, then Draco and the Weasley's are going to have to deal with each other eventually."

Hermione sighed, her good mood suddenly evaporating. "I know…Merlin Padma you should have seen how awful Thursday night dinner was with the Weasley's and Pansy."

Padma winced. "That bad?"

Hermione shook her head. "Worse. You know how Molly can get…"

"Actually…thankfully…I don't."

"Well you can imagine how Ginny got. It was just snide comments."

Padma frowned. "Why? What were they saying?"

Hermione shook her head. "Just silly things. Ginny implied that something had happened between her and Harry on the night she returned. Not that anything would have. Harry wouldn't do that. But it didn't help that Harry apparently hadn't told Pansy of Ginny's little visit. She wants him back- I know it."

"How are Pansy and Harry as a couple? I haven't really seen or talked to Pansy since she apologised at the dinner party." Padma said in a guilty tone.

"They're quite sweet together. I don't know if it'll work out in the long run but I know Harry likes her…so I'm keeping my fingers crossed."

Padma hummed. "Well then- hopefully they'll sort things out."

Hermione smiled. "Hopefully they're not the only ones."

Padma's smiled slipped slightly and it turned sad for a moment. "Hopefully."


25/07/2010, 15:33, Ministry of Magic Level 4, 117 Euston Road, London

Hermione watched a letter float onto the table in front of her. She picked it up, noting first the fact that it wasn't the usual inter-departmental memo and second, that the thick envelope was sealed with green wax bearing the Malfoy family crest.

She ripped the envelope open and smiled as she read the short note.

"And what's put that smile on your face?"

Hermione quickly folded the note back up again. "Nothing. Draco wants to meet up again tomorrow night."

Padma laughed. "Someone's keen." She said as she got back to work.

Hermione simply smiled.


25/07/2010, 17:49, The Burrow, Devon

Molly Weasley was busy preparing dinner when she heard a knock on the front door. She wiped her hands on the napkin, ready to go and open the door when she heard Ginny fly down the stairs.

"I've got it." She heard her daughter say.

Regardless, Molly walked out of the kitchen. They weren't expecting any guests and anyone in the family would have apparated directly into the Burrow.

"What are you doing here?"

Molly frowned at Ginny's voice and walked over to the door with a more hurried pace. She was shocked as she looked past her daughter's head to see who their guest was.

Her eyes narrowed. "Miss Parkinson." She greeted in a frosty voice. Looking around, she frowned to realise the witch was alone. "Harry isn't with you?" she asked.

Miss Parkinson shook her head and visibly swallowed. "Harry doesn't know I'm here. I've come to talk to you." She said before flicking her gaze back to Ginny's. "To both of you."

Molly's frown deepened as she studied the witch standing in front of her with mistrust.

"Well, I suppose you had better come in then."


Pansy swallowed the knot of nerves in her throat as she followed the Weasley matriarch into the family living room, horribly aware of the witch walking behind her.

She wasn't invited to sit down and so she got straight to the point before she lost all her gathered courage.

Lifting her head, she studied the two women standing in front of her before she spoke, "I wanted to talk about the dinner we had last week."

There was no response to her words and Pansy resolutely continued. "I realise the two of you don't…like me very much. But you're important to Harry, which is why I agreed to coming around to dinner. I don't want Harry to have to feel as if he has to choose between you and me, especially on his birthday…so I thought it best if I came over and we tried to clear the air."

Pansy congratulated herself for managing to say her part without stumbling and she tried to wet her dry mouth with her equally dry tongue. She kept her eyes mainly on Molly and was surprised to see the older witch studying her and seemingly acknowledging her words.

Pansy allowed herself a little victory as Molly indicated she should take a seat. "I know what you think of me…and I know you have good reason to think poorly of me. But I'm not the same girl I was in Hogwarts."

"And I'm sorry Miss Parkinson but I've long learnt that leopards don't change their spots."

Pansy sighed. "When I said what I said about Harry- I was a scared, young girl. I didn't know what I was saying. I just wanted to stay safe."

"And I kept my family safe and my family kept me safe by fighting for the good side. We would have never offered up anyone, even a supposed enemy, for our own safety."

"I never pretended to have the Gryffindor courage. There was a reason I was placed in Slytherin. But that doesn't mean I'm evil. There are many traits the hat sees in a person that means they're placed in Slytherin house. Ruthlessness. Possessiveness. Ambitiousness. And in my case, a highly developed sense of self-preservation. But those things in an individual don't make them evil. If push came to shove, I could have never hurt someone from the "light" side. All I wanted was to get out of the War alive."

"And you don't think that's selfish?"

Pansy frowned. They still didn't understand! "You fought because you had something worth fighting for. You had a family to protect. And they fought for you. I've never had someone fight for me. In my house, you learnt to protect yourself because no-one else was going to do it for you."

Finally, Pansy saw a small crack in Molly's armor. She heard a scoff and steeled herself before turning to face Ginny.

The witch was looking directly at her, her pretty features twisted in anger. "You want us to feel what…sorry for you?"

"No." Pansy began saying.

"What makes you think Harry would choose you over us?"

Pansy frowned. "Excuse me?"

Ginny repeated her question. "You said you didn't want him to choose. What makes you think he would pick you over us, his family?"

Pansy's frown deepened. "It isn't who he would choose. It's the fact that he would have to choose in the first place. I don't want to put him in that position."

"Because you would lose." Ginny stated.

"Ginny-" Molly began saying.

"No Mum. We all know that if push came to shove, Harry would choose his family over any witch he was dating. So no- I don't want to have to clear the air because you're scared Harry will eventually see you for what you really are."

"Ginny-enough." Molly said quietly.

Pansy stood. "Maybe I shouldn't have come."

"You're right- you shouldn't have. Especially since Harry will probably be breaking up with you soon anyway."

Pansy froze and she turned back to face Ginny. "Excuse me?" she said in a frosty tone- her armor once again coming back up.

She watched a satisfied smirk spill over Ginny's lips. "I take it he hasn't mentioned our kisses then?"

Author's Note: Merry Christmas! I hoped you liked your present! I know it's been a long time coming (hides head in shame). I do have a new Veela story out called Mine and I have been concentrating on that recently but please don't worry, I will never abandon this story! As always, thank you for reading and until next time, Curiositykils.