EDIT 1/2/10: OH WOW, sorry I forgot to mention that a year has passed between this chapter and the previous one. My bad. Hope this clears up any confusion.

See? I told ya it wouldn't be a long wait. Enjoy =)

And ignore any OOCness. I can't really help it. =P

Disclaimer: I don't own FMA. Wish I did, but I don't.

Edward was running as fast as he could. His right leg was beginning to go numb, but he knew he couldn't stop running, even if he wanted to.

"Ten!" the crowd around him chorused.

Crap! Ed pushed himself to go faster. He turned and sprinted down the hall, blonde hair flying out behind him, and then proceeded to make his way into yet another living room. Seriously, how many rooms did Mustang need in his house?! His golden eyes darted around the room, frantically searching.

"Seven!" the people cried. I'm running out of time! he thought. Just at that moment, his brother decided to show up.

"Hey, Ed!" his smile faded when his brother failed to even look at him. In fact, he looked as if he was searching for someone. "Whatcha looking for? You seem like you're-"

"Where's Winry?!" he nearly yelled. Al pointed to a figure standing out on the balcony, and before he knew it, his brother was weaving his way through the large crowd.


Just as the warning sounded, the alchemist was blocked off by two snobby, rich, and rather tall people. "Excuse me!" he yelled, shoving the two aside and running past them. Hey, he was Ed; that was as civilized as it would get.


He stepped one foot onto the large balcony.


In one swift motion, he grabbed her shoulder, dipped her back a bit, and pressed his lips to hers.

"HAPPY NEW YEAR!" nearly the entire house echoed. Edward hesitantly pulled back, in need of air (considering he didn't have much to begin with, due to all the running) and looked into Winry's cerulean eyes. She had a soft pink blush on her cheeks, and somehow, her arms had snaked around his neck without him knowing.

"I was beginning to think you wouldn't make it." she confessed.

Edward grinned before kissing her quickly again. "You should know by now that I never go back on a promise."

He set her upright and she tossed him a dazzling smile. "I love you, Ed."

When did it get so hot out here? "I love you too, Winry." Oh shit...

"Um, Edward-"

"Yeah, I know," Ed said, burying his face in his hands, "I'm blushing."

He mumbled 'Damn' under his breath and Winry giggled. They both turned to watch the fireworks, but Ed, who finally managed to calm his blush down, turned around for a moment.

"Alphonse! Get over here!" he called, motioning him over. Al walked up on the balcony and stood next to Edward.

"Ya know," Al said, looking at the two and capturing their attention as well. "You two act like such... newlyweds." he feigned disgust.

"There's a reason for that, you know!" Ed smirked, smacking his brother's shoulder lightly while his wife laughed beside him. Then they all turned their attention back to the colorful display in the sky.

Al stole another glance at his brother and his childhood friend- or sister-in-law, now, and let a small smile form on his face. He had never seen either of them so happy. Of course, now his brother's earlier actions had made sense; he probably would've died had he not made it on time. Or, at least, he would've been nearly murdered due to skull fractures and numerous concussions from a furious mechanic.

But he still made it. Barely.

So I tried my best with the time thing (in the story), but it really isn't an easy feat to accomplish. And sorry that it's so short, I just didn't know how I could really make it longer.

Be happy that I posted this so early(ish). I just woke up like a half hour ago, now it's 1:00 and I haven't even eaten anything yet. Mainly because I'm obsessing over an anime called Soul Eater -it is just plain awesome (and I'm only on episode 18 of 51)! Freakin hilarious show!

Hokay, please R&R!
