Hi again! Sorry about the delay on this chapter. I actually gave up for a little while, but now I'm back and ready to make more chapters! Anyway last time, Yuki asked Machi if he could talk to her privately. So, just what will come out from this conversation? It's all in this chapter!

Once they were in his room, Yuki sat down on his bed, not meeting Machi's eyes. There was a long silence before either of them spoke. Yuki was the first to break the silence.

"Machi?" he said. Her eyes hadn't left him once. She nodded, ready for him to continue.

"How do you feel...about it?" he asked, unsure how exactly to put it.

"It doesn't seem so bad, but I can see how it would become hard and difficult." she explained the best that she could.

"Not so bad? Machi, we're...we're monsters. Freaks of nature, demons. We were never meant to exist. How is that 'not so bad'?" He looked her straight in the eye. His eyes were full of confusion, hesitation and worry. But his words stung badly. Monsters? Demons? She didn't think that it was possible to think of Yuki that way.

"You're not." she hesitated, trying to find the best words. "You're not a monster, or a demon. Yuki...you could never be something like that." She walked closer to him, with a tiny smile forming at the edges of her lips. "Yuki...I'm glad you exist." He looked shocked by this, completely taken back. Machi was beginning to understand him more and more. He was always putting others ahead of him, considering them better than himself. He never wanted to be born into this, but it was him who had gotten it anyway.

It must be hard, she thought. Having to go through this, everyday. How could someone do it? A life without happiness or love or his own parents? She didn't know why he didn't live with his parents, but she did know that they must have known about his curse. And if they knew, they were cruel people to abandon him like that. Didn't they realize that he needed them?

They moved in closer, just a few inches apart. She gazed into his deep violet eyes, the most beautiful she had ever seen.

He must have been so lonely. Thoughts swirled around her head. Was there ever anyone to help him? To tell him it was ok? To keeping on going? How could people be so awful to him?

Theirs lips met, sending fireworks of excitement throught Machi's mind. She was actually kissing Yuki! And he was kissing her back! She hoped he was enjoying i as much as she was. They slowly broke apart, marveled at what had just happened. Machi felt like, for the first time ever, the happiest girl in the world. Yuki was smiling too, but she noticed something. Something on the back on his neck. Blood. She was positive that it was blood. But what had caused it? Did she do that too him? If she did, she hadn't even realized it and it looked like Yuki didn't either.

"Yuki...you're bleeding." She told him, her voice surprised, frightened and worried all at the same time, yet she showed no sign of panick the way Tohru would have. She was too unsure of whether it was her fault or not. Yuki followed her gaze to the back of his neck. He reached his hand back to feel it and winced. His hand was now a bright ruby red. He stared at it unbelievingly, but the pain was there to prove it.

It must have been when he fell into the sink, Machi reminded herself. How could I not have noticed it?

She went around him to get a better view of the wound. There was a large and bloody gash right on the back of his neck.

"Hold on. I'll be right back." She told him, heading to the bathroom. There she got some bandages and a wet cloth. Machi returned as quickly as she could. She found Yuki in the same spot, only now with his hand once again on his neck. Yet, he smiled at her all the same. She walked over, but tripped over part of the mirror. It came crashing down. Machi landed on the floor, with her eyes clothes. She was ready for the shards of mirror to come attacking her, but they never came.

"Machi?" Yuki's voice asked, worried. He sounded close. Was she hurt? She didn't feel hurt, just a little surprised. Carefully, she opened her eyes. Right above her, was Yuki. He had jumped over her to protect her from the shattered glass. He had saved her. "Are you alright?" he asked.

"You're fast." she gave him a small smile. He was amazing. He was unbelievable. He was...rolling his eyes and smiling.