Chapter Twelve

When Mirta came to, she found her head cradled in Flora's lap, and Lucy looking down at her, smiling. Flora was stroking her hair.

"You okay?" Lucy asked.

"Yeah... just weak..." answered Mirta, "How are YOU?"

"I'm great! Never felt better in my life!" answered Lucy, "You saved me by giving me everything you had. I can't believe you would do that."

Mirta sat up, Flora's hand on her back to steady her balance. "Hey, we've got a prediction of a lifelong friendship to fulfill. That means both of us have to be here." She grinned at the Witch.

Lucy's answer was interrupted by the arrival of the ship's captain. He saluted and said, "Flora, their ship's computer has all the answers and all the evidence to put them away."

"Good news, then," said Flora.

"My people are re-planting the bushes now." He looked toward the Witch's ship. "That was the only kind of plant they had aboard, fortunately."

Mirta stood up, helped by Flora on one side and Lucy on the other. Her magic had been depleted, but her physical strength was returning quickly.

The captain looked at them. "We're taking you two to the hospital to get checked out, just to be on the safe side."

"Go on, then," said Flora, "I'll handle things here."

Neither Lucy nor Mirta objected.


"The three Witches are being held for the investigation," said Mari. She was reporting to Flora, with Mirta, Lucy,
and the pixies in Flora's office four days later.

"What's going to happen to them?" asked Mirta.

"After the local trial, however that comes out, they'll be sent to Roccoluce," said Mari.

Lucy tried to repress a shudder, but didn't quite manage it. The others in the room, Even Chatta, were polite enough to pretend not to notice.

"What have they found so far?" asked Flora.

Mari glanced at her notes. "The greenhouse and headquarters for The Linphea Connection has been located and raided."
She tapped a button on Flora's desk, and the holographic projector lit up with pictures.

The greenhouse was the most important thing to Flora, and she paid special attention to it, noting the various plants found there and their conditions.

"I don't see anything really rare or fragile," she said, "And they appear healthy, if not happy. No reason why the plants can be transferred back home when convenient."

"I'll let them know," said Mari, and took her leave.

"How is your magic?" asked Flora, looking at Mirta.

"Getting there," the redhead answered, "And my dark magic reserves as well."

"Really? I'm surprised. I thought when you gave it all to Lucy that would be the end of it," Flora replied.

Lucy shook her head. "After Mirta transferred, I asked Ms. Griffin about having both kinds of magic. She told me that many people have both kinds, just the proportions are different. And it depends on what kind you use. She'll always have some dark magic; it's part of her nature."

"I'd been wondering about that," said Mirta.

Lucy stood up. "Well, it's been fun, but I'm gonna slide on. I'd say the job I contracted for is over."

Flora nodded. "I agree. You fulfilled your side of the bargain, and more." She tapped the intercom button. "Mari, I wanted to let you know that Lucy's contract is officially terminated. Add the highest rating to the notice, and put her resume in with the file, in case we're asked about her by potential employers."

"I'll take care of it," was the reply.

"But we were hoping you'd stay with us longer," said Flora, looking at the tall Witch. "I'm pretty sure Rose isn't finished with her questions." She grinned.

"I don't want to wear out my welcome," was the reply. "I'm really glad now that I accepted the job. Things aren't as bad for Witches as the rumors said."

"Where are you going to go?" asked Chatta.

Lucy shrugged. "Back to Magix, I guess."

"Have you gotten another offer?" asked Mirta, standing up.

Lucy shook her head. "I'm going to go pay off some debts, first. After what you've paid me, I won't have to work for some time."

"I've just gotten used to having a Witch around that I'm not afraid of," put in Zing.

"Do you have to leave now?" asked Chatta.

"That sounds like a good reason to go," said Lucy, but she smiled when she said it. "But no, I don't have to leave today."

"Good," said Flora, "Because Mom is fixing that kesah soup you like so much for dinner."

"And THAT sounds like an even better reason to stay!" said Lucy, patting her stomach.


The next day, Lucy stood outside Flora's home with her parents and little sister. Flora and Mirta had already said goodbye and left for work.

Rowan shook the Witch's hand. "You're welcome back any time!" he said, "And for as long as you like!"

"Thanks, but even a Witch knows when to quit," was the reply.

"You've been a wonderful guest, and helpful around the house," said Ivy, "So add my wishes for your next visit to be soon."

"Do you really have to go?" asked Rose. "I'll miss you."

"Miss you too, squirt," said Lucy.

She turned to the path, and with a final wave set off for the transfer station. The three Linpheans watched her until she disappeared through the trees.

"You really liked Lucy, didn't you, Rose?" asked Ivy.

"Yes, Momma," the future Fairy replied, "She's not like those other Witches who hurt the Willow, or the one who tried to hurt me."

"No, she isn't," said her father, "And you should keep in mind that everybody's different. You should be cautious meeting new Witches, but don't be afraid."

"When I'm a Fairy, I won't be," Rose assured them, and headed back to the house.

"She's growing up so fast," said Rowan.

"A few more turns of the seasons, and she'll be off to Alfea," answered Ivy.

The proud parents followed their daughter into the house.


Lucy walked along the path toward town. She was going to miss Flora's parents. And Rose. And Flora. And of course Mirta.
The Pixies? Well...

Just then a green vine wrapped around her ankle. Looking up, she saw she had come to the glade with the carnivorous plant. This was like the third time it had tried to grab her, and she was tired of it. Another vine was approaching,
so she send a blast of magic at it, knocking it back.

The one around her ankle pulled, and almost took her feet from under her. A second blast of magic severed the vine, and it pulled back. Maybe NOW it had learned better. She waited a moment, but no further attacks happened, so she went on her way.

Arriving in town, she was about to enter the transfer station when her cell rang. It was Mirta.

"Hi, Lucy, have you left yet?" her best friend asked.

"Not yet. I'm just at the station," Lucy answered.

"Well, if you don't mind a detour, come by the office first. There's a proposition here for you," Mirta said.

"A job? Be there in a few minutes," said Lucy. She closed the phone and turned toward the Guardian Fairy Building. She wondered who would be offering her a job now.

In the building she was met by Mari. "They're in Flora's office." She walked with the Witch and climbed the spiral stairs just behind her.

In Flora's office they were met by a smiling Flora, Mirta, Chatta, and Zing.

"So, what's this job?" asked Lucy, putting down her bag, "Here or off-planet?"

"Here," said Flora. "You did such a great job working with us on that fire and the other Witches, that I've put in for,
and had it confirmed, to offer you a permanent position on my staff."

"What?" asked a stunned Lucy.

"Linphea is a constant target of Witches and Warlocks, looking to take plants and chemicals for their own use," she replied, "Kaye, the last Guardian Fairy, had a lot of problems that way. So my solution is to have a Witch-In-Residence to help deal with it."

She offered Lucy a piece of paper. "This is your annual salary."

Lucy's eyes bugged when she saw the figure. She was stunned into silence.

"Please say yes, Lucy," pleaded Mirta, "I really want you to be with us."

"I-- I-- are you serious?" she finally said.

"Yes. We need you," answered Flora.

She looked at the figure again. "Well... I can't turn down this much money..."

"So that's a yes?" asked Mirta, hopefully.

Lucy hesitated a second, then nodded.

There were cheers from everyone in the room. Lucy was embarrassed, but happy. Her own 'Linphea Connection', Mirta, had changed her life, and the future was secure.

The End